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Everything posted by fringe

  1. who cares what they pay him, he's important to us. but there may not be any free agency this year. that's the gamble.
  2. to me it's all a big yawn. i don't know why mike and mike spend every waking moment talking about it. maybe because big mike only knows football. owners want more money and they would still get revenue because the tv contracts pay even if there's a strike.
  3. Bored housewives don't watch TV anymore. They play farmville and diner dash on facebook. That's why there are now only 4 soap operas remaining. i think it's the retired folk that watch regis, making stra still not a good match.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6-ks_UP988
  5. i was going to try to compare him to ron dayne- but dayne was 5'10, 260!!! what were we thinkin? anyway, our history of drafting RB's in the first round is a legacy of failure.
  6. i don't see how you can be much, much better than 16-0
  7. went to 7-9, +5- not stupendous, but no doubt he seems to be building something good. tough schedule next season though, if there is one.
  8. i don't know about all this elite stuff. On the radio this week, Dan Patrick was asking Charles Barkley who he'd want to take the last shot when you needed a 3. He said without hesitation, Reggie Miller. (I agree, btw- even though I despised him). If you ask me who I'd want to run the last drive, eli would be in the top 5. Let's see 1.Elway 2. Montana 3. Favre 4. Eli Manning 5. Marino
  9. matt dodge was a 7th round pick- does helmet face go that deep on any other team?
  10. New York Giants Summary: Jason Pierre-Paul was the first-round pick, a raw pass-rusher with immense physical skills. I predicted then that he'd need a lot of work to refine his technique and to work against pro lineman in practice but could help the Giants late. He did manage to get some sacks (4.5), but he never cracked the starting lineup. That's not a failure, though, considering the competition. I think they like his future. Elsewhere, there really wasn't much. Chad Jones was injured off the field in a car accident, and Matt Dodge was the much-talked-about punter -- but not always in a good way.Draft grade: B | Current Grade: C-plus what the hell is c- plus? c minus plus? oh c hyphen minus. never mind.... what does he mean by current grade?
  11. Seph- go break another computer, will ya? I'm not saying you should feel good about last season- the giants did let it get away at the end- even if getting there was a surprise (to me) in the first place. But a lot of guys played well and a lot of things were fixed. Even the guys that didn't have a great year, doesn't mean they suck.
  12. One of the reasons I don't go on the SF Giants board is because most of the regulars there are extremely negative. Even after they won the World Series, the comments were mostly of a negative nature. Criticizing your team is one thing. Finding fault with everything they do and not conceding that there are 31 other teams trying to win as well is just ridiculous to me. Are you really even a Giants fan or are you more like Italian Hotdog, a poster just here to dwell on the negatives of the team? DFNG, whom I respect as an Eagles Fan found fault with his team for their perceived sellout on the Michael Vick issue. So he didn't outwardly root for them- I respect that more than the second guessing about every facet. My expectations for the 2010 season were fairly low. I didn't think the Giants could repair a defense that seemed lost in '09. And I thought the offense would need to take a lot of chances to keep them in the game. They exceeded my expectations. But that's not the point of this. The point is, stop being so damn negative. I think that was the point. I sipped more wine since the beginning of this post. Also, stop picking on Jack so much. He's a Giants fan.
  13. BEST QB PERFORMANCES IN A SUPER BOWL Eli Manning (XLII) | 19-34, 255 yds, 7.5 YPA, 2 TD, 1 INT, 87.3 passer rating NEXT BEST QB PERFORMANCES IN A SUPER BOWL Eli Manning (XLII) | 19-34, 255 yds, 7.5 YPA, 2 TD, 1 INT, 87.3 passer rating defense and clutch plays in big moments or against uncertain circumstances.<>Eli stands alone in football lore: he's the only QB in NFL history who's led a championship-winning TD drive in the final two minutes when anything less than a TD would have meant defeat. This singular accomplishment -- highlighted by a Houdini-like escape from the clutches of the Patriots pass rush -- earns him a spot. That he also reduced to rubble a seemingly indestructible 18-0 gridiron empire in the process of the 17-14 victory adds another layer of extraordinary to what was otherwise a very ordinary game. NEXT
  14. very true, jack. people tend to forget those errant passes that a receiver made a play on- or those prayers that are caught.
  15. Yeah they drew you in with the open fire and the smell. Then you'd chew and chew.
  16. i won't waste my time. you don't get it, you'll never get it.
  17. yes it was the last time you got laid. you remember, you took her to tad's steak house but it was a tad expensive. s/he was both ugly and beautiful at the same time. you were masterful and s/he was drunk. just like rodgers and the pittsburgh D.
  18. yes, he's a tad better. anyone remember Tad's Steak House? I bet T does. For $1.99 you could get the grisliest, toughest piece of grade D beef and a baked potato.
  19. if you watched the game, you'd realize it was 2 evenly matched teams- separated by turnovers. btw, no one has used the word "tad" since 1983.
  20. Pittsburgh was moving the ball well too. All their drives were sustained. Lookie here: http://www.steelers.com/schedule-and-events/game/2010/postseason22/ To me, it came down to turnovers. Like Jack says, guys drop balls, it happens. If Mendenhall doesn't fumble, we'd probably be singing the virtues of Big Ben and saying Rodgers never won the big one.
  21. did i think you were attacking me? no.... i just think you're generally arrogant and relatively simple so i was dumbing it down plus i dislike you so i dig when the feeling hits. . storm was adamant about the D being at fault, then he was adamant about Rodgers being a genius. You are bringing it to a milquetoast whiny middle. "gee rodgers was really good but the steelers could've been better...." thanks, lonely guy for your input.
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