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Everything posted by fringe

  1. what does it matter, though? fans are not going to change. especially when you play like crap at home. play a great game at home, like a New England type game. Then if the fans don't respond- you have a beef. Otherwise, shut the hell up.
  2. this team may be the biggest whiners in the league.
  3. is the grocery out of hungry man turkey dinners?
  4. nah, too philly. we have to decompress him.
  5. Or did you mean chinese music?
  6. Kind messy in the car. I could use a Veal Parm. Haven't had one in ages.
  7. Everyone could see VY was a deer in the headlights when he started the game. We gave him time to get composed, have success, start feeling it. That's a coaching decision. Not x's and o's- strategy all the same. Parcells would've ended this in Q1.
  8. You're in charge of music and food.
  9. i agree it was a pitiful performance. but you have to give credit to the eagles D of course. Eli was positively stymied when he had time and running for his life when he didn't I think Andy Reid and his guys out-coached Coughlin and his guys. You can disagree, doesn't make you a bad person.
  10. I can say the same thing about you guys and the Eagle D / and Giants O.
  11. the Eagles Defense is equal or better than the Giants. The Eagles offense is no way near as good. Especially in their sorry state yesterday. Giants D should've rum ram shod over VY. Then they wouldn't have been so (waa) tired at the end.
  12. i don't know who "you guys" are. I guess it's your way of feeling superior. What I am referring to is the entire D, coaching included. You cannot allow this inferior unit (Eagles) to gain confidence. They should've been more agressive to begin with. It's a team- you cannot separate coaching from play.
  13. I don't know. Allowing Osi to get stuffed all day by Peters is not great play calling. I didn't see many stunts from that side. Seemed all the blitzes came from Tuck's side. I thought the Defensive play calling was uninspired.
  14. Boss had a big day yesterday. He was pretty obscure with the Giants too. Barden sucks. I would go to the airport with Golfy to pick up Desean.
  15. Nice- create and answer your own question. That's the sign of a sane individual. To me, it came down to this. Andy Reid saw our weaknesses. No running game and terrible, terrible LB play (with the exception of Kiwanuka) and attacked them. Fewell saw their weakness- Rusty QB and receiver depth- and he sat back and waited for mistakes to happen! What happened was Vince Young eventually woke up and said " oh yeah, i'm good" and by then it was too late. Very disappointing.
  16. I thought it meant "Slide Down My Face"
  17. fringe


    This is their Super Bowl.
  18. Well I heard it on his radio show (Harbaugh's) but this article shows it's been called a penalty twice before: http://www.csnbayarea.com/blog/niners-talk/post/Shift-or-snap-simulation-Harbaugh-wants-?blockID=589226
  19. Again, If it was so common place, elementary. Why did they send film to the league? *eye roll*
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