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Everything posted by fringe

  1. not only that, but it allows the defense to fire off on the ball. a couple of quick counts keep them off balance.
  2. Zack Wheeler is not close, huh?
  3. Morons, they can't react to the play in real time but they establish patterns for the rest of the game. Of course it's an advantage.
  4. They beat us 45-7 in '03. The Joe Horn cellphone game. He must've been hooked up too.
  5. cabrera is in center. I think you mean brandon crawford.
  6. Feisty team- Giants made too many mistakes today. And you can say that Bochy got out-maneuvered by pulling back his last guy who could play 2nd base. Well it should've been over in the 9th on the routine popup 2 run double.
  7. You can say that about every team, except the 9ers. They get to see Rams, Seahawks and Cards more than 1/3 the season.
  8. I like the late bye. And there are some teams in decline so the schedule looks tougher last year than this.
  9. it ends the day the first successful lawsuit against the NFL is rendered.
  10. he took you to the altar twice and got you married. you got rings to prove it.
  11. Either you leave a team "in the lurch" or you get replaced because the team is "moving in a new direction. I'd rather be Lurch.
  12. Don't mind T- Parcells took his parking spot at the Astoria Diner once.
  13. You can be correct, and still be wrong.
  14. If I were his agent, he would've.
  15. "We won the Super Bowl last year. I was a part of that. Stats are for losers. I want to be a part of winning it again this year." Any questions?
  16. Never his fault. He also said he was a 49er fan growing up.
  17. In new England, he asked for the same kind of position that Bellicheck has, that Holmgren had in Seattle. Kraft said no and they parted ways. It happens. He stood up Tampa bay, that's true. But shit it's Tampa Bay! The Jets. he retired and didnt work for 3 years. And the Cowboys, jeezus, he kept the job as long as anyone could. He had success with each team and got the best out of his players, always.
  18. i hope none of us have to go through this kind of "bullshit" Heart Procedure for Parcells Published: April 17, 1992 Bill Parcells, the coach of the Giants until he resigned last May, will undergo a heart procedure today for the third time in four months. Dr. Patrick Whitlow, a cardiologist, is scheduled to perform an atherectomy on the 50-year-old Parcells at the Cleveland Clinic. Parcells is expected to remain in the hospital overnight and be discharged tomorrow. Four months ago today, at the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J., Parcells underwent an angioplasty procedure to clear his left anterior descending artery, which had a blockage of 95 percent to 99 percent. In that procedure, an inflated balloon compresses the plaque that blocks the artery. In February, the angioplasty was repeated. Parcells was still not feeling well, and an examination at the Cleveland Clinic led to the decision to perform an atherectomy. In this procedure, the plaque is scraped from the artery walls or destroyed by laser. Dan Reeves, the head coach of the Denver Broncos, underwent an atherectomy in August 1990.
  19. he sat out a year and did ESPN, listened to his doctor and got well again. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. the immediate result was handley but the whole team was in decay anyway.
  20. me neither. What Seph didn't tell you is he had genuine health concerns in 1990 and that was the main reason for quitting. The front office had their heart set on Handley and Bellicheck would not have been the HC.
  21. ^ Thought he was a punter I think you could write that same article (minus the bigness) for most good running backs. a) they need a good offensive line b) they wear down
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