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Everything posted by fringe

  1. Pryor was fairly predictable, wouldn't you say?
  2. Not to be a downer, but the last 3 QB's we faced weren't exactly Elway, Unitas and Marino.
  3. Yes, iike one Giant Applebee's. I will say the ladies are fine. Got in trouble for straining my neck last we went to visit my sister in law (to be)
  4. Borrrrrring..... I find it too planned and contrived. For example, they have a "Little Italy" section. No Italians living there, just a couple of restaurants and some flags on the street.
  5. The NFL is like salami. You enjoy it, but you really don't want to know what's inside it.
  6. If the kid doesn't stand up for himself, we'd never hear it.
  7. fringe

    Good read

    A conservative offensive game plan by Gilbride and executed by Eli would probably have made us 4-4 right now. Too much gambling without regard for talent at hand.
  8. Fewell seems to be doing well with what he has. I give him credit.
  9. But you said he's a great coach. getting there would be the sign of a Great GM and losing would be more on the coach
  10. 4 consecutive NFC championship games. 5 total Most GM's would hang their hat on that.
  11. That would explain the delay of game penalties.
  12. LOL, without the bang bang just Chitty... real Chitty
  13. It would be really fun to see some meaningful games in December. As for the draft, there's enough talent out there if you know what you're doing. Our track record with high draft picks is not the best.
  14. He runs kind of straight up , doesn't he? The TD run didn't exactly showcase his power.
  15. "His' n can beat your'n" RIP
  16. We have to ask ourselves, what would we be without Cox?
  17. they just floated his name as one to watch before the trade deadline. Green Bay, and another team suffered big WR injuries today.
  18. And put in who, exactly? Eli gives us the best chance to................lose by a little. The guys on the bench are not the future starting QB's of this team. Next season, if he doesn't curtail the turnovers, I bring in some competiton and don't declare him starter.
  19. Marshall is unstoppable with a good QB.
  20. fringe


    Eventually, we'll get healthier, finish the season with 5 wins and f up the draft position. I've been through this in the 70's
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