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Everything posted by fringe

  1. The "prospect" I'd like from the Cubs is Samargen (SP)
  2. Ramses Barden number not retired?
  3. Who should be nervous? Anyone who was on the field 9/2213 or 9/29/13.
  4. I would preferTalented and Tall. Like, I don;t know, Brandon Marshall,,,, *rubs chin*
  5. I was with him up until he said "disgusting" Shows him for a homophobe. Turn off the TV and stay off the Twitter. I don't blame anyone for having a diverse opinion, but you should be smart enough to know, in this day and age, it will be scrutinized.
  6. you may be right. i just don't like the RB screen because if it is sniffed out, there's no where to go with the play.
  7. yea it seems to be one of those plays that the defense sniffs out 95% of the time. It has to go dormant for a few years and then arise with surprise.
  8. if they're not SEC, they don't have the snarl.
  9. the 49ers really coveted this guy.
  10. Bad example. They finished 1st for the next 4 years.
  11. Not saying we should take him, but I'm a Manziel believer. Improvisation is a big factor for QB's. Something Eli is missing, except in Super Bowls.
  12. he's reaching matt dodge like fame.
  13. Didn't I read Nassib went to the raiders?
  14. its how they play for the giants that I care about. I depend on you for all my draft coverage, 25.
  15. And a collective ho hum is heard from the crowd.
  16. I am not that interested in April/May superstars. I grade the draft on the field in December.
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