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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Don't know what this means, however, I'm 100% positive that it's not good.
  2. On paper, Gettleman and Judge had the right idea. QB getting old? Defenses getting smaller and quicker? Beef up the o-line and go to a power running game. Offenses becoming high-flyers? Strengthen your d-line and corners. The problem is that these players fucking suck, and that's on Gettleman. The playcalling is atrocious, and adjustments aren't being made... and that's on Judge. We're stuck with the players till 2023 at the earliest. We're gonna suck for a while.
  3. The thing is, if you're the "CEO Coach" then you have to actually manage your team... that means pulling the playcalling duties from Garrett when you're 30th in scoring after 3 weeks and not fucking up your timeouts every game. He did that last year with Columbo, I have no idea why he's so slow to pull the trigger this year.
  4. That's fair, and arguably the most frustrating thing about him. By all accounts, he studies the playbook, stays after practice, is a good teammate... he just comes up short every week.
  5. I was pretty stoked with three sacks out of him to be honest. Young pass rushers just don't tend to set the world on fire right away. I wanna say the last one that did was Julius Peppers, and he's been retired for what... three years? Even Chase Young only had seven last year.
  6. Honestly you can pretty much close your eyes and point and take that position. We have a good to decent LT, DT, and WR, and that's it.
  7. I think he can stay until he's truly lost the team but yeah... then he should go. I don't think that's too far away to be honest.
  8. I'd leave that up to Abrams, but I'm fine if he goes too.
  9. Trade deadline is 3 weeks from today. After we lose this weekend, the front office should immediately fire Gettleman. Promote Abrams to interim GM and have him get rid of as many of these underperforming contracts as he can before November 3rd, and acquire as many draft picks as possible. Might as well make this place palatable for whoever the next guy is.
  10. I'm like 85% positive the team has given up on Judge.
  11. Honestly, Kyle Rudolph has the look of a guy who just flat-out doesn't wanna be here. Have a look not only at that play but at the one where Toney throws the punch; he does a half-hearted "get the tacklers off Toney" thing, then starts to walk away... sees there's a scrum... and just keeps walking. Didn't even try to block his man after Toney catches the ball.
  12. Yep. Also, when you have a line like that, vision is a lot more important than measurables. Remember Andre Williams? Big, strong, fast... had "everything you'd want" in a power back. First thing I said about that guy coming out was "his vision sucks, he'll never be anything in the league." He was pretty good his first year when he had holes you could drive a truck through, but even then I saw him missing the holes quite a bit and knew he wasn't going to get a second contract.
  13. I liked him coming out of college, but injuries completely derailed him. I had wanted him over Evan Engram. While it might seem like that would have been a bad choice, I'd like to point out that while Lamp never really helped out his original team... at least he never actively helped them lose like Engram has.
  14. I was Nelson/Chubb first, but admittedly Barkley/Hernandez second. We had needed interior line help and a RB to take the pressure off Eli for 2-3 years before the draft, but Reese thought we were a one-dimensional TE away from a Super Bowl. I definitely wasn't thrilled, but figured it was better than what we had gotten over the past 5 seasons.
  15. What he'll probably do is look at the tape. After that, he'll trust the process.
  16. I was trying to find the article a few weeks ago too... there was some veteran who left the Giants... I wanna say Antrel Rolle but I don't remember... and he basically said, "the conditioning focuses on big heavy lifts and not enough compound movements that incorporate lots of muscle groups." Basically said it was a 1985 lifting program. Aaron Wellman may not have had been here for a lot of successful Giants teams but the guy was literally all about weighted ropes and tire pulls... and look at that... injuries were immediately down those two years. Also look how once Coughlin was out of a job, so was Palmieri. Nobody wanted him.
  17. Most of us (the fanbase) thought we'd finish above .500. We've spent more in free agency than any other team. We've had six first round picks these past four years. We had a bright young coach with a "tough but fair" message that seemed to resonate with the players. After playing 3 of the worst teams in the league in the past 5 weeks, there's no reason we SHOULDN'T be .500.
  18. Oh yeah and Adoree Jackson. Dude fucking sucks.
  19. Yeah Rudolph needs to go too. To be fair to him, he was signed as a red zone threat that has run two routes in the red zone all season but he also hasn't done enough.
  20. I actually did see that goal line series and the play calling was McAdoo level bad. They ran off right guard to start, but Dallas called a timeout. Back from the timeout they run... the exact same play. Way to keep the defense guessing. Then, for variety, they run the exact same play again. This is shit that Pop Warner teams know not to do. This entire front office needs to fucking go.
  21. I didn't read this but seriously how fucking stupid is the media? This is year 3 and Jones has had TWO comeback victories where he put the team on his shoulders and won it. He's playing a lot better but Jesus Fucking Christ... come the fuck on...
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