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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I see your point, and yes, I'd like to see what Eli can do in a no-huddle, fast tempo offense. But still... the great ones do well with what they have... and Eli hasn't done well with a great RB and above average O-line. He wasn't worth what we paid for him. Hate to say it... but the writing on the wall says "bust" right now. When you're the #1 overall pick, and you've given up two first rounders to be aquired (who are almost certainly both Pro Bowlers), you had better not be just average.
  2. Yep. I'm officially off the Eli bandwagon. He's an average to (maybe) good QB; not elite, not gonna be in the Pro Bowl, and definitely not better than Rivers and Merriman (and whoever else the Chargers got). Weak arm, bad mechanics, immobile, bad decision making (how many more times are we gonna see throws into double coverage this year)... he's awful. Not taking the next step. Too bad we didn't go out and sign an NFL-calubur backup again; then maybe we could sit Eli and try to salvage the season.
  3. Hey Pierce? How about cleaning that QB's clock when he's on the run? We've thrown in the towel already. Fuck this. I'm going to bed.
  4. Great pass by Eli... behind Shockey. If he doesn't turn it on this game, I'm officially off the Eli bandwagon.
  5. Yep. Looks like I'll be in bed by halftime. We ain't winning this one, folks.
  6. This is taking an awfully long time... "no sufficient visual evidence."
  7. Watch the refs fuck up this one. It's obviously a catch, with no fumble.
  8. Boy, three-and-out. Looks like we'll have to rely on Jacksonville to implode if we want this one.
  9. That didn't look like a dirty hit by Shiancoe to me.
  10. I hate this most... the kickoff from commercial break... into another commercial break.
  11. We passed on third and one last week. Me and everyone else in the stadium was like, "what the fuck?" We were happy with the first, but shit... why the hell did we draft Jacobs if we're gonna pass on third and one?
  12. Now... in this situation, a smart person would say, "Let's run the ball. We've got the best back in the league, and our QB looks like liquid shit out there. Let's get the ground game going to loosen the pressure on Eli." Watch... guaranteed we throw on 1st.
  13. LOL... notice how the Andre Waters thing is a total afterthought? "And in other news, a world-class asshole blew his fucking brains out, making the world a better place and doing the one good deed in his entire life." I tried to feel sad for that jerk, but just couldn't. Fuck him.
  14. Any predictions? I'll start us off... We go up, 23-10 in the third... then with the lead, Huffnagle decides it's obviously a great time to air out the ball. Eli throws a pick, and Jacksonville goes in to make it 23-17. The crowd is back in it. Huffnagle figures it out: with a 7 point lead in the 4th, it's a good time to air out the ball. A nameless DE blows by Whitfield, Eli gets sacked, fumbles, and Jacksonville recovers again. They go in to make it 23-24. I stay up four quarters again to see my team lose in the 4th in prime time. Final score: Jacksonville 24, Giants 23.
  15. I've gotta give Montana his due... he was really, really good. But Simms was a LOT tougher and feistier. He was one tough SOB, and a workout warrior to boot. I remember one game (MNF I think) where the Jets with Gastineau and Co. knocked Simms on his ass after every throw. Simms kept getting up... and threw two TDs (think it was two, at least... I had to go to bed cuz I was still in grade school lol). He just WOULD NOT back down from the pass rush.
  16. I actually got it to work after about 50 tries (literally). But then it actually worked pretty well.
  17. Yep. Give him Rice, Taylor, Craig, and Rathman to throw to his entire career and he's a HOF shoo-in.
  18. And, just for variety, I'm also getting the "cannot retrieve data" error.
  19. I'm trying to watch the Eagles game on Sopcast, and I keep getting the "no peers to connect" message.
  20. Wow, wish I knew about this during the Falcons game... when I turned on my TV five minutes before the game, I found out my shitty cable provider had an error message on all day.
  21. Tony Romo sucks. He's had, what... two good games? He's just all laughs and smiles, and has an "aw shucks" attitude, and the media loves it.
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