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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Really? Cuz I googled it too, and nothing came up. Guess there's lots of us non-fans.
  2. Hmm... nope, don't remember that one. And I've been a fan since 1982. And Phil never sucked this bad.
  3. No. The guy has a billion things he can do... talk shows, sports shows, politics (as a black Republican, the GOP is licking thier chops over the guy). Plus, rumor has it that when he did all those local, NYC based commercials with Curtis Martin this summer... and saw what kind of shape Curtis was in... it made a big, BIG impact on him. He's good looking, brilliant, and sought after... why should he cripple himself? I'd do the same thing in his position.
  4. I've loved and supported Eli till this past week. I've defended him a hundred times to my Eagles and Cowboys pals. I've just gotten off the bandwagon. And he's gotten great press when he's played great, but this is New York... if you're a bum of a first-round pick, expect to get run out on a rail (ask Cedric Jones, Ron Dayne, et. al. about that). If you're a first rounder, you had better produce in this town. If you're a first-round QB, who refused to play in another city, who New York had to give up three picks to acquire... man... you had better be better than average. And Eli doesn't even look to be average right now.
  5. I hear ya, Nas! However, I'm still sticking with my "off the Eli bandwagon" tirade. If he wins a playoff game for us this year, I'll see if I can book another ticket to get back on the wagon. Till then... HE STINKS!
  6. Who would you rather have playing QB for us now? Near as I can tell, they're pretty much the same QB. Immobile, bad decisions, but I think when he was here, Collins had slightly better mechanics, a tighter spiral, slightly quicker release, and a stronger arm. They both have the trademark bewildered dumb look. We gave up the bank to get a guy who's actually WORSE than the guy he replaced. (And for some reason, I can't stop bitching about Eli's play like I'm a fucking girl. I'm embarrassed for myself. :blah: <---- Sephiroth )
  7. I'm not sure if he's great. He's off to a great start, and he's played better than Eli since he's been in there. He'll come down to earth at some point, but if these last four weeks are any indication, he's gonna be a good one. Also, they've been rolling him out of the pocket pretty regularly, so it's easier for him to avoid the rush (good luck trying that with Eli). My big problem is this: Eli has never, NEVER had a four game stretch like this. And seeing what we gave up to get this guy, and what the Cowboys gave up to get Romo, that pisses me off.
  8. I was noting how he played compared to Eli. Romo seems to have more mobility, a quicker release, and the ability to throw on the run. He also seems to be making pretty good decisions with the ball. He seems to have average mechanics, but a quick release. I'd say they both have average arm strength. I can't really find an area where Eli outshines him, at this respective points in their careers. Eli seems to have a slow release, average arm strength, makes dumb decisions (over and over again) and bad mechanics (the latter two areas is where he was really supposed to have a leg up on Rivers and Roethlisberger).
  9. We NEED a veteran backup... I've said it since two years ago... Hasselbeck sucks and Lorenzen isn't (and may never be) ready. I said we'd need one in case Eli got hurt... way it's turning out, looks like we might need one even if he's healthy. Like I said: I'm off the Eli bandwagon.
  10. Eli was traded for two first rounders, a third and a fifth. I'd take either of the two guys San Diego picked over Eli right about now. I'm tired of excuses. He needs to perform or we need a new QB.
  11. Man, I HATE to say it... hate it, hate it, HATE IT... but Romo is for real. And Eli sucks. We're in some trouble... we're gonna have to play this guy for at least the next four years.
  12. The way we are playing now, we won't beat the Titans. We need everyone we can get.
  13. I'd sooner eat a drunk's puke out off a pub barstool than listen to those two retards.
  14. LOL... it's like I said in another thread. "With the Giants holding on to a 14 point lead in the fourth quarter, Huffnagle decides it's a good time to throw. Eli throws a pick which is returned for a TD. But then, with a seven point lead and four minutes remaining, Huff figures it out: good time to throw. Eli gets sacked, fumbles, and suddenly it's a tie game." Tell me you couldn't see that happening.
  15. Or how about the swing pass to Barber that fell at his feet? Or how about the throw behind Shockey on third down? Those aren't the reciever's faults; it' Eli not getting the ball to an area where a practice-squad player can. Bottom line: Eli has sucked for these past three weeks, he sucked the second half of the season last year, and we need to bring in a reliable backup next year in case he continues to suck the rest of the way into next season.
  16. Uh... I never said anywhere that Eli should be benched. I said they should bring in a veteran for some competition... NEXT YEAR.
  17. Jeez, you forget to take your Midol this morning? You DID see the last four games, right?
  18. <---------- off the Eli bandwagon. We had better sign a decent veteran this offseason.
  19. Bought a Sirius radio two and a half years ago. Haven't listened to those two assholes since. They suck.
  20. Tony Homo bags Jessica Simpson. Meanwhile, Eli gets the clap from spoiled-brat slut Paris Hilton.
  21. "Relaxico Burress." Way to tackle on that INT, Plax.
  22. In another thread, I've got us finishing at 9-7. No playoffs this year... and we had better pick up a veteran QB in the offseason.
  23. Here, here! Any good FAs available after the season?
  24. I've got them finishing 11-5, with a loss to New Orleans and that's it. I've got us finishing as the following: Titans: Win Cowboys: Lose Panthers: Lose Eagles: Win Saints: Lose Skins: Win 9-7 ain't good enough for the playoffs this year. And the worst part is that the Cowboy fans appear to be right... Tony Homo may be a better QB than Eli... at least he doesn't throw into double coverage eight times a game and has a little mobility (and can throw a tight spiral).
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