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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Quick, Tim Lewis!!! Get away from it!!! Get away from pressure on Homo! Notice: no blitzes since the first quarter. Our DC is a fucking moron.
  2. LOL... when the Cowboys got the ball at the end of the half, and I saw Lewis was calling for the Prevent defense, I turned to my girlfriend and said, "this drive is worth Dallas a field goal at least." The Prevent sucks. Man, it hurts being right all the time.
  3. OMG!!! How awesome is Jacobs! HE DESTROYED that guy!
  4. Game just came on here in NE. Who won the toss? I saw Gramatica miss the FG.
  5. You know his threats are sincere... his words from the heart... ...when he keeps looking down to read his next line. (Not too bright down in Texas).
  6. The Giants/Saints game is scheduled for 1PM, on Christmas Eve. If it gets bumped into prime time, when will the NFL notify the fans by?
  7. Well, outside of Tim Lewis and Mo Carthon... are there any black DCs or OCs out there? No offense to my brothas, but it's true... it IS the rules.
  8. Tim Lewis is black. They HAVE to look at him as a head coach: it's the rules. (all the other good black coordinators are already HCs).
  9. I don't think he needs to yell and scream. I do think he needs to be a fucking leader. Because when you're the QB, whether you like it or not, you're the FUCKING LEADER OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM. That's why you get paid more than the Defensive Tackles. Leaders stand up and say something in team meetings. And sorry, Phil, but I don't agree with you. I love Phil Simms, but he also said that there was no reason to pull Bledsoe and put Romo in. How'd that one work out for the Cowboys? When you're the team leader, you say SOMETHING. <-----off the Eli bandwagon. Wait till that asshole gets booed when he throws his first wobbler to Plax in triple coverage.
  10. You forgot, "Manning heaves one up into triple coverage..."
  11. Relaxico is gonna get outplayed by BOTH Owens and Glenn. He's a top 5 reciever when he decides to show up, but he hasn't shown up for five weeks.
  12. Yeah, what the fuck? We can't see those games unless we pay fucking $200 bucks a month for shitty satellite TV? Fucking assholes.
  13. LOL slow day at work. In the Saints write up, they talked about five starters getting injured in the first quarter of a game.
  14. I only have one jersey... a white Umenyiora one. I wore it for the Colts... we lost. I took it off halfway through the Eagles game to go hiking... we won. I wore it for the Seahawks game... as soon as I took it off, we started to come back. There was no denying the curse of the white Umenyiora. But I put it back on for the Falcons game, which we won... and I had to go to the bar to see that one. I continued to wear it for the next three games, cuz the curse was broken. Then I still wore it at the Bears game, and we lost. I've worn it the last two weeks, and we lost both games. The bottom line: The jersey was cursed, was uncursed by wearing it in the bar, but wearing it to the stadium cursed it again. There can be no denying this. And sorry I lost all those games for everyone. I'm not gonna wear it this weekend, I promise.
  15. The Bio: Jerry Palmieri, strength and conditioning; born October 30, 1958, Englewood, N.J. Attended Montclair State. No college or pro playing experience. College coach: North Carolina 1982-83, Oklahoma State 1984-86, Kansas State 1987-1992, Boston College 1993-94. Pro coach: Jacksonville Jaguars 1995-2002, New Orleans Saints 2003, joined Giants in 2004. What's the common thread? For Coughlin's last three years in Jacksonville, the team was plagued with injuries. .. with Palmieri as strength and conditioning coach. When Palmieri went to New Orleans, the Saints were mauled by injuries--at one point having seven injured starters miss a game in week five, and six on defense the following week. In three years with the Giants and Palmieri... you guys can connect the dots. Think there IS a connection? You can't out-condition a concussion or a broken leg, but there seem to be an awful lot of hamstrings, quads, and pectoral muscles going around since he got here. Or is it just bad luck (a lot of that going around in Giants stadium, too)? EDIT: another thing that jumps out at me: NO college or pro playing experience.
  16. I can also remember Phil Simms telling Parcells to "shut up" on the sidelines. I can remember Phil Simms grabbing Ronnie Lott's facemask, and flipping people the bird and telling them to go fuck themselves. I remember Phil Simms showing a lot of emotion, and playing the game with more heart than any other QB I've ever seen... and acting with class when he was unjustly benched twice in his career (though I was a little too young to remember the Scott Brunner incident). Manning is no Phil Simms.
  17. ...Eli didn't stand up and say a word. For real. I forget who co-hosts the show with Jerry, but they've talked to some of the Giants players, and rumor has it Manning didn't say anything. I'm sorry, but when you're the QB of a football team... I don't care who's been there before you... you have to be a fucking leader, and FUCKING SAY SOMETHING to the team. Something to show them "I'm the man." Do you think Roethlisberger had nothing to say when Bettis and Hines Ward were playing with a rookie QB? How about Phillip Rivers, playing ball with Tomlinson and Gates... think that might be a little intimidating? I don't want to hear that he's afraid of Shockey, Tiki, and Strahan. As a QB, you are the fucking leader of this team, whether you like it or not. I've had just about enough of the "Aww, shucks, I suck," and "woe is me" pussy-face from Eli. I can see if you don't get in someone's face. I can see if you don't yell and scream like Shockey. But for Christ's sakes, ACT LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT THE GAME IN A PLAYERS ONLY FUCKING MEETING. STOP BEING SUCH A GODDAMNED PUSSY AND TAKE FUCKING CONTROL, TAKE OFF THE SKIRT, OR RETIRE. <---------- off the Eli bandwagon. (and sorry about the caps, I just couldn't fucking believe it when I heard this).
  18. Wow, I totally forgot that he coache Leaf. Man... how'd this guy get the job with a resume like that?
  19. Ahh, guys... I love your optimism. But I'm sticking by my new catch phrase: Off the Eli bandwagon.
  20. Want to hear the weird thing? I was just looking for this article and couldn't find it, and was gonna post seeing if someone found it. I heard Plax's comments back to Strahan... basically saying he didn't agree, didn't know why he'd say that, and that you shouldn't air your dirty laundry to the media. Gee... why would Strahan say that? I agree with Strahan 100%
  21. Had some interesting things to say about Eli. He said, first of all, that Eli has no confidence in his recievers, because he has no idea where they're supposed to be, and they give up on routes. He used two Plax examples to back up his point. But more interestingly, he pointed out the deficiencies in Kevin Gilbride's offense as reasons why the Giants are sputtering. He said Eli, AND the recievers are thinking too much, and not just going out and playing... and that's another reason why the recievers and players are frustrated. He also noted in Gilbride's offense: everywhere he's been, the QB has slumped in the second half of the season. Brunell did it when Gilbride was in Jacksonville. Bledsoe did it when Gilbride was in Buffalo. Now we see the same thing with Eli. It's too much head work, too complicated, too many checkdowns... it doesn't let either the recievers or the QB just go out and play. Where there's smoke, there's fire... and if you start to see the same trends with the same coach... maybe there's something to it (so he says). Take it for what it's worth. But I hope he's right... cuz right now, Eli sucks.
  22. Sounds like a great idea. After all, we don't have enough egotistical, loudmouthed morons on the team yet.
  23. Gives me pretty much the same effect as watching the Giants. "Holy shit! That one fucking hurt! Ahh, well... whew... maybe next week it'll feel different."
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