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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I'd love to see Moss on punt or kickoff returns. Morton looks slow.
  2. Because Eli doesn't have great arm strength. He's no Roethlisberger, no Vick when it comes to arm strength. Add bad mechanics to the mix and you've got some ducks floating. On the other hand, I'm happy with the win.
  3. I give props to the coaching staff for giving it to Jacobs on third and one a few times today. I take props from Jacobs for running like Ron Dayne the last three weeks.
  4. These people are fucking shitheads. First of all, who thinks there are ANY Seattle or Arizona fans here. Number two, who the fuck watches Farscape? I love sci-fi and I don't even watch that shit.
  5. It looked like we were going to get the Arizona at Seatlle game, becuase SO many people in New England are Arizona and Seattle fans... ...but now they've decided that episodes of "Farscape" will garner more ratings for them. Fucking brilliant.
  6. I'm stoked for Tiki... but I thought he was gonna hit that mark last week or the week before. And BTW, Tool is the greastest band in the universe. Love the avatar, Nem.
  7. On the scale of 1st round QB's drafted in the last five years, he's not as bad as the Grossmans and Carrs, but he's not as good as the Roethlisbergers and Rivers' of the league. Although they're much different players, he's probably along the lines of a Michael Vick-- they both show flashes of greatness, but also show flashes of incredibly bad decision-making. I remember reading a handful of articles like this one before the draft... people saying Manning would be a third-rounder if his last name was different. After the last two seasons, I've gotta say I'd agree... average arm strength, average accuracy, but smart. Sounds like a third rounder.
  8. I'm either going to get the Giants game, or... Seattle at Arizona? Who in thier right mind actually fucking believes that the people in Southern VT would rather see Seattle at Arizona?
  9. Aww, c'mon! Jarrod wasn't THAT bad. He had a pretty good rookie season teaming with Rodney Hampton, then got an injury and sucked. It's not like he was Thomas Lewis or something.
  10. Yep. As stated above, backup QBs always have career days against the Giants. Remember when the undrafted rookie torched the Giants for two TDs a few years back when Mike Vick was hurt? Or when we knocked out Gus Frerotte and basically launched Trent Green's career? And hey... how about giving Tim Hasselbeck his ONLY career win a few years back. Here's to a speedy recovery by Delhomme.
  11. I saw this play again three times this weekend. It got eight total yards. I don't get it.
  12. As with ALl the games in the NFC this year, it's not who is the better team (they're all evenly matched), it's who fucks up less. "Who will fuck up less?"
  13. I'm not sure I'd go with those two guys, but Plax played a big role two of the last three weeks in our losses. Yeah, I know, he won one for us at the Eagles, and he caught the game tyer that would have brought us in to overtime this week (if we had any other coaching staff in the world). But I'm tired of guys who play when they feel like it. IMHO, he's gotta go... draft a guy and sign a veteran (not sure who'd I'd get, but as long as his name isn't 'Plaxico' I'm happy). Even if he's not as talented, get someone with fire who likes to play, not someone who rounds off his routes or stops altogether.
  14. It comes down to this: If we win, we probably make the playoffs. If we lose, we almost certainly don't.
  15. Let's pretend the Giants make the playoffs, either at 10-6, 9-7, or 8-8 (an actual possiblity this year in a shitty NFC). What do you do in the offseason after a first round playoff loss? What I'd do: 1. Extend Coughlin's contract for two years. That way, if he continues to suck next year, you can get rid of him in the offseason. Make a stipulation: we're only hiring you if you fire both your coordinators (or whoever does the offensive and defensive playcalling). 2. Trade Plax for whatever you can get for him. He's a talented, yet troubled WR; a Randy Moss or Terrell Owens light. His contract is favorable for a trade, even if you only get a fifth or sixth for him, it's better than nothing. 3. Build an offense to punish defenses. Jacobs is the future; get rid of finesse fullback Jim Finn and sign a crushing blocker; a Sam Gash/Charles Way type. Keep Derrick Ward, but sign another power runner to spell Jacobs... perhaps a Duce Staley or Jerome Bettis type. Get a bigger Center and/or Guard (David Diehl wasn't worth the contract). Throw to Shockey; he's big and doesn't go down easily, and draft or sign a big reciever that is like Plax, but actually does his job consistently and doesn't lose the game for you by being a retard. Defenses are small but fast these days; counter that by hitting them in the mouth at every position over and over until they submit. Let the Sinorice Mosses of the team be the speed guys. 4. Sign a veteran backup to Eli. When he sucks, he'll have someone to lean on. If it turns out he just plain sucks, we have an option to go to. 5. For Christ's sakes, draft a cover corner... and a safety or two. That's my Christmas list. What would you do if we go to the playoffs?
  16. Actually, if Dallas loses two and we win out, we win the division. How'd ya like them apples?
  17. They're "special" the same way "special ed" was in high school.
  18. Eli loves him cuz he's the #1 option. And yeah, he shows up for big plays that change games... and shows up for just as many big fuck-ups that lose games (today's 15-yard jackass penalty was a prime example... quitting on the passes for the last few weeks are other good examples). We need a player who makes more plays for us than for our opponent.
  19. Two problems I saw with this game: 1. Huffnagle was calling the offense. 2. Tim Lewis was calling the defense. Other than that, everything was pretty good.
  20. Yep. Gotta admit, Will Demps sucks big hairy moose cock. Draft a FS in round 2 or 3... after we get a WR to replace Laxico.
  21. Yep. Secondary has to be revampted... AGAIN. But Tim Lewis has to take a lot of the blame. A LOT. Madison made his reputation in the NFL as a press corner. Webster was a great press corner in college. So why are neither one EVER in press coverage? Why do we stop blitzing after the first quarter EVERY FUCKING GAME? Especially when it works? Why do we go to the prevent defense and let them score at the end of each half? Tim Lewis fucking sucks.
  22. The Giants have had no problems getting FA's to come here in the offseason, despite Coughlin's rep. Burress, Pierce, Mc Kenzie, Madison, Mc Quarters, Demps... these guys all came here during Coughlin's tenure. And I'm sorry, but the Giants "leadership" within the team have always been shoot-from the hip, undisciplined guys (Strahan and Barber publicly fighting a few years back, Stray and Burress recently, Tiki's retirement, Shockey and everything, etc.) This team needs an ass-kicker for a head coach. It's the in-game playcalling that fucking sucks.
  23. Hmm... I'm gonna save this, and copy and paste it into any thread where someone asks, "so, how will the Giants do this weekend?"
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