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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. The way I saw it: 1. Peart, Glowinski, Felciano, and Lemieux are bad, and that was nearly the entire starting line. Not passable, not serviceable... bad. 2. Aside from the o-line injuries, our two starting CBs were out. When I saw Jackson back there on that opening punt the first thing I said was "shit;" the dude is made out of glass and we've been fortunate that he's been healthy so far. That was a dumb move. 3. Jones just flat-out had a bad game. Those INTs were both terrible. 4. This WR corps (besides maybe Wan'dale) is not NFL caliber. Slayton has been ok but even when he catches the ball he double clutches it. He very easily could have had two more drops. 5. Not gonna lie, we've been lucky this year and today it ran out. I do not expect us to be competitive on Thanksgiving unless we get more guys back from injury.
  2. Needs to start doing something.
  3. But man, did you see that catch today! That was a like a six-million dollar grab!
  4. Looked like a Gettleman draft pick today.
  5. Also, Matt Peart is a 320lb vagina.
  6. That's it. First place was a neat idea but I guess we don't want it.
  7. Looking forward to adding another 2 catches for 14 yards each month!
  8. I got into several discussions on Reddit in the offseason with people who were angry that we didn't hire Ed Dodds to be our GM. "The Colts are the model of NFL success!" "Look at their rebuild, it's exactly what you want!" I had no idea what those fucking people were talking about. They had a surefire HOF quarterback retire early because the team around him was so poor, they blew money/picks on the Jacoby Brisettes and Carson Wentzes of the league, and since 2010 their record falls into the "statistically average" category in the past twelve years. And oh yeah... zero Super Bowls since Manning left as well. How is this the "model of the NFL franchise?" People sure are dumb.
  9. I mean... was it really that dumb? It was a guided tour with people, it's not like he went and bought one himself and was doing wheelies off dirt jumps in his back yard.
  10. I hear you man, and I'm not saying that Jones might not end up being a very good QB. It's year four and we still don't know if he's any good or not because he's had like... zero good players around him. I HOPE he ends up being a top-end QB, but I don't think you throw your money at hope, you throw it at known quantities. Jones isn't that yet, and I wouldn't give him a big contract until he shows it for real.
  11. I think at this point I'm ok with a DJ contract if it was of the Colin Kaepernick variety from San Francisco... incentive laden, with zero percent guaranteed and an easy out.
  12. "But wait... what if we threw in ANOTHER medium Pepsi?"
  13. I loved Eli, but the whole "he made everyone around him better" argument I don't think holds any water. His last few seasons were terrible... not because he was a bad player, but because the team surrounded him with garbage. Look at Aaron Rodgers today and you'll see something similar (though Eli's teams were much worse towards the end). It's true that the players that left the team didn't do as well once they left, but that's because most of them were on their fifth ACL tear. It's a team sport; your good play can make others play better, but that has its limits. No one guy is going to just automatically elevate the play of everyone else that much.
  14. That #84 has more drops than catches this season. He fucking sucks.
  15. I dunno man, pass protection definitely looked good in the 3 quarters I did get to see.
  16. Didn't get to see the last quarter but Banks and Papa were saying that Jones' decision making on the final few drives was terrible.
  17. We really do need to trade for a WR. This group is LOL bad.
  18. Who are these commentators? They're fucking awful.
  19. Yeah, but we got something for THIS guy, which I think was a good move. If someone came and offered a 7th for Golladay, I'd jump at that offer. And I agree... we need to turn over like half of this roster, it's awful. I'm amazed we've squeezed six wins outta these guys; they're one of the worst rosters in the league.
  20. Smart? No. Tough? No. Dependable? No. Not Giants material. Fuck this guy.
  21. And honestly, that's not a bad haul for someone that only plays two games a season.
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