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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. ...guess they didn't learn with the first "Joseph," huh?
  2. Boy, can I call it, or can I call it. Joseph at DT.... I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  3. It's a fair point. He's like the anti-JPP... lousy combine numbers, but high production and smarts. Then we should take another DE in the next round... and play Canty as an end... for the "Seven Card Studs" package.
  4. I have a funny feeling I'm going to sit in front of the TV for an hour only to have us draft... some dude I've never heard of before.
  5. Not just that, there's a long history of guys who fell because of 40 times that ended up being very productive NFL linebackers. Antonio Pierce, Bryan Cox, etc.
  6. ...I wouldn't exactly call that a glowing scouting report. :/
  7. This guy is boom or bust. He's going to make plays because he's a freakishly gifted athlete, but my concern is with his smarts. If his development was stunted because he didn't understand English well, then I think we'll be in very good shape. If it turns out he's dumb as a brick, he'll be outta here in 3 years.
  8. Oh shit forgot about Sean Lee. I'd like him, too.
  9. Brandon Spikes - I doubt he'll still be there when we pick, but I'd love to see him in blue. Plays with a chip on his shoulder and I think is legitimately pissed about falling out of the first round. Sergio Kindle - I'd be thrilled if this guy was still on the board. He was considered a top-20 pick a few weeks ago... I have no idea why he slid. Pass rushing skills would further bolster our attack. Bruce Campbell - "groovy" player once had an issue with his hand getting possessed and breaking plates on his head, but replaced that hand with a chainsaw. Now he mauls undead players in the pit. Taylor Mays - hey, I know we've got a ton of safeties now, but that didn't stop us from drafting a DE, right? Mays is tough and physical and may actually be a nice Safety/LB hybrid. Carlos Dunlap - still lots of tread on the tires. Those are mine. Who would you guys like to see?
  10. Good analogy... though Marshall certainly seems to be more "the devil you know."
  11. So... what you're saying is that when it came to the pick, "you likeded it."
  12. That too. A reach pick for our strongest position on the team.
  13. Sadly, he's never going to see the field, unless by "see it" you mean "view it."
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p8dO-6nlcU&feature=related So, let me get this right... he didn't want to play in high school, he admits to only playing in college for the scholarship, and he was talked into coming out early because of money... plus, he's dumb as toast. Six sacks a a senior... but hey, he runs really fast. This kid has "bust" written all over him. God, what a fucking awful pick.
  15. Man, he sounds dumb as a brick. In fact, the brick might be smarter because it knows not to talk.
  16. Six sacks last year outta this kid. SIX. I don't care how fast he runs, he's dumb as toast and hasn't produced.
  17. Brutal pick. He's Mike Mamula. And Spoon just went to the Falcolns.
  18. Should have figured. Jerry Reese just doesn't value linebackers... never has, never will.
  19. This is awful. Bust, bust, BUST. We just drafted Mike Mamula. This guy didn't do SHIT in college. SIx sacks last year? Seriously?
  20. I'd take Iupati or Weatherspoon. Or... wait... what OTs are left that are value in that spot?
  21. Do we work out a trade for Morrison, or do we draft Weatherspoon? I like 'spoon.
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