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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. My bold prediction for the game: OUR Steve Smith more than doubles the receiving yards of THEIR Steve Smith.
  2. Good. Maybe he'll stop running like a girl.
  3. I think everyone's opinion of what a "classy" organization is may be a little different. For me, it comes from the top... Mara keeping his hands off of coaching and draft decisions (as opposed to the Jerry Joneses, the Al Davises, etc) and not hiring douches like Rex Ryan, Brandon Marshall, etc. Coughlin is what he is and that's an above-average coach with a Super Bowl ring. Yeah, he may not be a "people person," but he's better than 75% of the guys coaching in the league right now I'd say, and his teams are always well-prepared and play hard. I'll take results over a "people person" any day... NO WAY do I want to go back to a Jim Fassel. I also find it notable that the only people who complain about him are veterans who seem to think they deserve special treatment. Toomer lost a step; Jacobs has lost a step. That's why they were replaced, not because Coughlin isn't personable.
  4. If god forbid, Eli goes down for the whole season, we'll play Sage until the playoffs are totally out of reach... at which time we'll switch to Bomar. But as a quick two-to-four week plug-in, you've gotta go with Sage.
  5. LOL that was the first thing I thought too. Ben Tate is on injured reserve. Jeez, doesn't ANYBODY follow fantasy football here?
  6. Exactly. When Brandon stops running like a girl, he can START running his mouth. Until then he needs to shut the fuck up and play... last year he ran like a 265-lb vagina. Bradshaw is clearly the better back... sees the holes better, he's faster, more elusive, and... yes... a MUCH tougher runner. However, his bow-legged running style is going to see him missing a fair amount of games this season too. We need them both.
  7. I loved this pickup till I found out it cost us a 5th. At the same time... would we find a backup QB of Rosenfels' calibur in the fifth round of next year's draft? You'll get your Tom Bradys here and there but it's not likely... this was an OK, but not great deal. I'll call it "solid."
  8. Good. The Giants don't deal well with success.
  9. I say yes. He's two seasons removed from a thousand-yard one with the Giants... if the price is right, why not?
  10. I think what this fantastic reporter is trying to say is that the Cardinals locker room is buzzing with a rumor that Leinart will be traded to the Giants.
  11. Actually, I think I saw those up on ebay for a buck.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if Barden ends up on IR. That's the same injury that put Will Allen on IR a few years back.
  13. And that makes him NOT a primadonna... how, exactly? Last time I remembered he was telling his coach "fuck you" on the sidelines, getting fined for his umpteenth infraction, and shooting himself in the leg. Tiki had a LOT to say about both the coach and Eli on his way out the door... plus, he turned the last half of his final season into the "Tiki Barber farewell tour." Regardless though, it's pretty obvious Tiki needed the Giants a lot more than the Giants needed Tiki. I had a Tiki Barber jersey... but it quickly became a Kenny Phillips jersey two years later.
  14. Channelsurfing feed is down
  15. Why is it that every year there's ONE injury that the entire team gets? This year it's the groin. A few years back it was the quad, then the hamstring. Is this guy just totally clueless?
  16. I've notitced that he does typically draw the double teams in the preseason, so that's encouraging. And his thighs are about twice the diameter of my waist. It just seems like I haven't seen a whole lot of PLAYS outta the guy... especially considering he's making more than Justin Tuck. That's a fair point... however, outside of that attitude, I'm not sure there's that much difference in the two players from a production standpoint.
  17. And this is surprising... how, exactly?
  18. That Chris Canty was sure worth that 100 Billion dollars, huh?
  19. Seriously, we need a new... what would you call it? Picture? Avatar? Someone besides Antonio Pierce at the top of the screen. Honestly, my vote goes to Eli... I know it's cliche, but we all know he's a good QB, has the skills to lead/keep this team successful for many years, and we know he's not going anywhere any time soon. Steve Smith is a very close second for me. LOVE his hustle, work ethic, hands, and demeanor. He's Cris Carter without the rape charges. He'd actually get my vote if he didn't currently have contract issues.
  20. I was probably more down on Eli three years ago than anybody on these boards, but I have to admit I couldn't have been more wrong. I always liked his demeanor, but it's obvious that getting rid of the egos/assholes on this team have done wonders for his play.... Eli's at his best when he doesn't feel like he has to feed the ball to primadonna assholes (Shockey, Plax, and Tiki). I think making Bradshaw the starter will be an upgrade over Jacobs, but they're both injury-prone... Jacobs due to his upright running and Bradshaw because of his bow-leggedness (it stresses his feet). Eli is still going to be chucking the ball around. The only thing I"m really worried about is the OL... it might just be me, but it kind of seems like they're getting old overnight. Still, I think Eli will have his second-best season statistically, and his numbers won't be far off from last year's numbers.
  21. I remember in college thinking he looked slow and out of position. Early camp reports last year said I was wrong but... maybe I was right.
  22. He had two nice goal-line stops the other night, which should earn him another week, at least. Besides, who are we gonna replace him with?
  23. Like Lousaka Polite or Erik Flowers... you can't play football with those names.
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