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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I like your analysis and research, Jim. However, the Lions are still "The Lions" and the Cards are still "The Cards" until either actually wins something.
  2. Hard to believe he's already got a music video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNdnaGbkAeQ&feature=related Also, rumor has it that the Giants only drafted him because his last name is unpronouncable.
  3. Could not give less of a fuck. I prolly won't even check to see who the giants drafted till Monday.
  4. ME! I already told my dad not to renew our Giants season tickets for next year, exactly for the reasons you said. Our "new" seats are too expensive, the concessions are a joke, the stadium is poorly laid out (double the time to get in and out of it), and it's fugly to boot.
  5. Yep. Millionaires fighting with billionaires... not a whole lot of sympathy from where I'm standing for either one of 'em.
  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again; I've never been less involved or invested in an NFL offseason as this one.
  7. I was thinking that too. It's illegal without a prescription, right?
  8. "Blaine Gabbert?" That's not a #1 overall pick's name. Just sayin.
  9. I don't watch college, but I used to love everything draft-related. However, the pending lockout coupled with our team doing absolutely nothing in the wake of it's latest second-half collapse have me caring less about offseason football than any time I can remember.
  10. Could you imagine our LB core if we got Green, Emmons, and Pierce?
  11. I'd like to see the status of Barrett Green first.
  12. If he can backpedal as fast as Jack backpedaled on his Blackburn love, then it's a great idea.
  13. If he's an RFA, he'll stay... I think if he leaves we'd get compensation for him, and with his injury history there's no way anyone (except maybe Spags) is willing to part with picks. I really like Kiwi. He's done everything the staff has ever asked of him, and he's an above-average player when healthy. Getting bumped around position-wise and injuries don't help, but I always thought if they had just kept him at one spot and he was healthy he'd be a borderline Pro Bowl player. You have to love his work ethic and attitude as well. The guy has never once complained about anything.
  14. The Giants had plenty of players that took time to develop, too. Strahan took five years to start becoming a force, and so did Toomer. It's not like Barden has sucked ass or has a shit work ethic... he might just need a little more time.
  15. You can’t deny it. You try and justify it in your head, but it is undeniable. The Giants were a better team when they had Lawrence Taylor around. The evidence is in the results. EA... please, you stoopid imgrate... sign L.T. now.
  16. EA YOU STOOPID IMGRATE CUT BOSS AND SIGN SHOCKEY NOW!!! :furious::furious::furious:
  17. That actually sounds like a LOT of fun. And yeah joe, that's what I told my dad to do. Buy a nice flatscreen, and I'll help him hook up a home theater... pizza, wings and beer from the couch.
  18. Yeah, we never paid the PSLs. Thank God. They couldn't move those things, so they gave us the seats without 'em. We originally said we'd pay half, but they sent us the tix before we were going to pay for them, so we just never paid.
  19. So my father and I decided not to renew our tickets for the upcoming season at Giants stadium. While there was no "one reason" for this, what we basically both decided was: 1. The old stadium was nicer and better-designed. Bathroom lines are longer, concessions are more expensive, our seats are further away from the field (and again, more pricey) and it actually takes LONGER to get in and out than it did at Giants stadium. Whoever designed the new place obviously had no idea what the hell he was doing. 2. We both live pretty far from the stadium these days, and it's a real hike to get there and pay more. We didn't care when we had great seats at the old stadium, but to freeze your ass off in the upper deck after a four-hour drive just doesn't seem worth it. 3. Everything is a fucking commercial there. The "Verizon Gate," the "Motorola Gate,' there's talking heads and ads all over the place. It's ridiculous. 4. John Mara, honestly, is an embarassment. Over half of the seats behind the Giants bench remain empty. In one year this dolt somehow managed to take a guaranteed sellout crowd with a forty-year waiting list and turn it into people scalping tickets for 1/3rd face value. 5. We can't move the tickets anymore for games that we're unable to attend. Two years ago, we'd pick the five or six games we would definitely make and then sell the rest of the seats. Unfortunately, nobody wants the new seats, so we're stuck scrambling to get rid of them or eating them.
  20. It will be interesting to watch multimillionaires publicly fight with other multimillionaires over who deserves more money in the current job/political climate. Everyone is being asked to sacrifice but these clowns want to cry because they're only making 4.56 million instead of 5.67 million. I can't imagine either the owners or the players coming out of this looking good... they're all going to look like what they are... a pack of greedy assholes completely disconnected from the plight of ordinary people.
  21. And Jumbo Elliot WAY back when the tags first came out. Those are the only two I can think of though.
  22. If by "trade value," you mean, "maybe get a sixth or seventh rounder for him. He's done nothing.
  23. Hair-helmet takes another look at the 2010 NFL draft.
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