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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. The best part is how it seems to begin snowing like five seconds into his run... by the time he gets to the end zone it's like a blizzard.
  2. And... what exactly would make you say that, Blue? Is it the inability of ANY Giants running back to secure the ball with "three points of contact" like you learn in pop warner or Coughlins mind boggling persistence in starting said running backs?
  3. Yeah... that "average salary of the top-five players at the position" must have been a real pain in the balls.
  4. Ten bucks says the Miami Dolphins come out next.
  5. This is all true. It's also true that if just about anyone but Matt Dodge punts on that play, we get a shot at winning the game. Yes, he only has "one job." On that play, he did the ONE thing in that job (outside of fumbling) that should never be done in that situation. So he fucked up his "one job." Then we lost the game. He's not solely responsible, but his fuckup was definitely the biggest.
  6. No, he kicked a line drive punt to the league's best returner with 8 seconds left. Weren't you watching the game?
  7. Gorilla said he speared a marlin from the deck of his boat...
  8. Two words: Matt Dodge The guy single-handedly lost us about three games last year.
  9. Jason Pierre-Paul is a great public speaker... it was just a fluke that he said, "I likeded it" three times in a row during his first interview.
  10. What's wrong with Cowboyz? Sure, he roots for the wrong team and throws in some (mostly good natured) ribbing now and then, but it's not like he's a total, useless douche who baits the dumber members of this board then doesn't man up when he loses a bet or anything.
  11. This. Osi is a better player than McCoy but he's not exactly a "feared" defensive lineman... he's a speed/finesse guy.
  12. So I casually surfed on over to NFL.com today to try and pique my appetite for football since I seem to care more about the dog agility contest than the NFL these days. What did I get? "Plaxico Buress says his relationship with Coughlin was 'chilly." Maybe that's because you're a problem-child asshole, Plax? However, he'd love to play for the Jets... yeah, the frat-boy environment is the perfect remedy for an over-the-hiller that's just been released from prison. Still no agreement between the millionaire players and the billionaire owners, since both are obviously overworked and underpaid and their respective salaries just aren't fair. The Giants' complete and utter collapse vs. the Eagles is the #1 game of last year... which reminds me that we did nothing in the offseason to remedy our annual second-half season disasters and first-round playoff losses to the Eagles and Panthers. Can't wait to see how the team blows it this year with no training camp. Yeah, I really have nothing football-wise to be excited about. I think I'm going to start watching college ball.
  13. Darn it. I was looking forward to him half-assing a pattern and Prince taking it to the house.
  14. Ironically enough... Jacobs has a good shot to not make the team, too.
  15. Eli had the most amazing play, but I agree, the D won that one for the Giants. It seemed like the Pats more or less had an answer for Strahan. Same with Osi. They had no idea what to do with Justin Tuck.
  16. OMG imagine a team with Portis, Jeremy Shockey and Plaxico Buress on the same team JR YOU STOOPID IMGRATE SIGN CLINTON PORTIS NOW!!!
  17. Let him shoot himself in the leg in Philly, who cares?
  18. There were lots of guys on that team you can say the exact same thing about. Bringing Plax back won't magically get the Giants to the Super Bowl.
  19. The Giants need Plaxico Burress now. How can one possibly deny his 300 yards and 60 fines in the final year with the Giants, along with multiple sideline tirades? Every team should have a Plaxico Burress.
  20. If he could make it back, he'd be quite the inspiration. Best of luck to him.
  21. What are you talking about? I likeded it.
  22. Prince Amukamara - "holy shit, Dez Bryant is GOOD..." Marvin Austin - "Barry, are you staying? Going? Don't know? What about you, Rocky? Chris?" Jerrel Jernigan - "time to show us something, Barden, or you're getting the 'Moss Treatment."
  23. I thought the same thing about Detroit last year. Even when we played them, I thought they were dangerous... one or two calls each game went against them, but otherwise they could have easily been 8-8 or 9-7. But I also sort of think, "well... that's why they're Detroit."
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