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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Agreed. Also, if they could have Travis Beckum not suck, that would be great.
  2. Lol right? When that pass bounced off his hands and into Ross' I yelled "Steve Smith! Already in Super Bowl form!"
  3. About halfway through the game, I turned to my lady friend and said, "Gilbride is calling a hell of a game. He's not getting away from what's working for them for once and he's had Eli ditch all that stupid 'Omaha' bullshit."
  4. I also seem to remember seeing the umpire help Vick up. TWICE.
  5. It was terrible officiating. Trent Cole was clearly past the tackle on a few plays too and nothing was called. And I said it before and I'll say it again... JPP gets held on almost every play. It's LT all over again.
  6. When he was drafted, I thought he had "bust" written all over him. Looks like I was wrong.
  7. "They want me out of the game because they don't want me in the game." Pure genius.
  8. This. We're talking about the team that scored four TDs in eight minutes to beat us last year. Why should they be scared at all? Because we signed NO free agents this year? Because we have seven players on IR in week three? Because Eli looks as bad as he looked during the first half of his rookie year? Think about it... this team knows if it's down by 28 points it will still win the game if it fights hard enough. This has all the makings of a game I shut off at halftime. The Eagles are going to kill us, and the Giants are going to look stupid for all of their trash-talking.
  9. It's because he consistently runs the wrong routes, fails to get two feet in bounds on the sidelines, and scored a 6 on the Wonderlic test. A SIX.
  10. Scott gets my guess too. Never played in an NFL game, late-round pick... not many outside the Giants know about him or what he can do.
  11. Because we had our hands full for 3 quarters with Sam Bradford, Cadillac Williams and... uh... who plays receiver for the Rams again? Also, we crumbled beneath the mighty trio of Rex Grossman, Tim Hightower, and Jabbar Gaffney a week prior. Why should anyone think we'll be competitive against Jackson, Maclin, McCoy, and Vick (or Kafka)? We're doomed. I predict a huge Eagles blowout.
  12. Michael Vick, Mike Kafka... hell, Franz Kafka... it doesn't matter who lines up under center for the Eagles this weekend, the Giants are going to get killed.
  13. Every team does it, they just fake it a little better than we did. Ours were laugh out loud funny.
  14. I don't think he was actually hit... just twisted funny. Apparently the same thing happened in camp last year. I'm still of the mind that the problem is the "supplements" that the players take. When your muscles grow faster than you connective tissues, you're bound to have the types of injuries that plague the league these days.
  15. Quick, say "bloody hell!" Except, say it like, "aww, bloody 'ell!"
  16. Nicks is very good, borderline Pro Bowl. Cruz seems like he could be serviceable. Manningham is dumb as a brick, and is more suited for a number 3 role where he runs fly patterns and quick outs... stuff that you don't have to be smart for. Gilbride is half the problem. I don't think he'll change his scheme... he'll try to "square peg" the player to failure. I don't think any of those guys on that list are great, but they'd be serviceable... hell, Moss or T.O. may actually still be able to play. I never thought I'd say I'd like to see them in blue because on a personal level I hate them both, but we may not have a choice. I always liked Finneran, however.
  17. Here is an interesting list. Aside from Holt, I'd actually take any of these guys.
  18. Well, once again, we're down to scrubs at a very important position heading into... week 3. I know we'll get Barden back soon, but he hasn't really shown us anything. Anybody else out there available? Do we have to stoop to a Terrell Owens' level when he recovers from ACL surgery? I hate to say it... and it's actually NOT a joke this time... but do we look at bringing back Sinorice Moss? He was in the Eagles' system last year.Can we trade for anyone? I don't think an injured Nicks, Cruz, and Stokely get it done for the remainder of the season. Manningham sucks.
  19. Oh cool. Cuz, you know, I wasn't sure if we had enough injuries to this point.
  20. Yeah my bad. I guess when Eli was 2-11 it just seemed like we were throwing too much.
  21. 1. When Eli doesn't have 57 pre-snap reads, he's actually a pretty good quarterback. I don't think it's a coincidence that after Gilly quit with all of that stupid "Omaha" bullshit in the second half Eli played much better. Amazing that Gilbride has been around for seven years and he still hasn't figured that out. 2. Aaron Ross just flat-out can't play. Can't cover, can't run. It's a real shame since he was pretty decent during his rookie year. 3. Kevin Gilbride continues to hate the running game, no matter how well it's working. Ahmad Bradshaw may be the offense's best playmaker and he's woefully underused. 4. The Giants beat the Rams the way the G-men usually lose... by taking advantage of the other teams' mistakes. No fumble, no muffed punt, and 1/2 the penalties and the Rams come out with the victory in this one. 5. Mario Manningham is too dumb to play in this offense. Gilly is too dumb to realize it and dumb it down for Manningham. 6. JPP is just going to get held on every play this season, and you will never see a flag. 7. It was nice to see Fewell stick with what was working... the blitz. Last week we had success with it and Fewell inexplicably decided to play dime coverage on passing downs instead.
  22. I disagree. i distinctly remember seeing Ross playing press coverage on that tall Rams receiver (forget his name) and he had a good jam off the line but just couldn't run with the guy... just flat-out couldn't keep up. Play went for something like 20 yards.
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