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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Exactly. Almost makes you think they would fix it.
  2. We're at 3-2 right now, in the thick of the easy part of the schedule. Keep in mind we've beaten teams to this point that have a combined record of... 2 wins. Here's who's on deck: Buffalo Miami Patriots Niners Eagles Saints Packers Cowboys Skins Jets Cowboys (again) Here's how I have us going... Buffalo - L Miami - W Patriots - L Niners - L Eagles - L Saints - L Packers - L Cowboys - L Skins - W Jets - W Cowboys (again) - W That puts us at 7-9. However, it also puts us in first place for the Bill Cowher sweepstakes.
  3. I don't mean to be a "sky is falling" guy but my guess is no. We beat an Eagles team that we now know sucks really, really bad. We needed last-minute heroics to beat the awesome 1-4 Cardinals. We had to gut it out to beat the unstoppable 0-4 Rams. And we just lost to future hall of famers Charlie Whitehurst and Marshawn Lynch... no to mention we got trounced by the unstoppable trio of Rex Grossman, Tim Hightower, and Jabbar Gaffney. I'm starting to think this group of Giants is just not very good.
  4. Anybody else notice JPP getting fucking mugged on the play? First he's getting held... then gets tackled in pursuit. The run was RIGHT in front of him, but somehow the refs fucking miss that? I don't think I've ever seen such bad officiating as I've seen this year. JPP gets held at least five times every game and he never gets a flag.
  5. When is this fucking asshole going to realize that 22 pre-snap reads, audibles, fake audibles, and all the "Omaha" bullshit does not work for this QB or this offense? Eli has traditionally been good-to-great in the no-huddle offense. Why? Because there aren't 22 pre-snap reads and he gets to just play. The first 6 quarters of the season, there were wild gestures, a billion audibles, and more "Omaha" bullshit than I could stand. What happened? Eli sucked and we were all calling for his head. Then all of that stopped and what happened? A 100+ QB rating for Eli and three straight wins. What do we get today? A return to what sucks and doesn't work... what historically has NEVER worked for this group. I can't imagine how that conversation went in the coaches meetings this week. Gilbride: Since we got rid of all the pre-snap reads and bullshit, Eli has been on fire and our offense looks great. So I think for this week we should... hmm... you know what? I think we should go back to the shit offense from the beginning of the season. I know it hasn't worked the last 100 times we've tried it... but I have a feeling THIS time is gonna be different. Seriously, this fucking guy has to go. He is the NUMBER ONE problem with this offense.
  6. Three weeks ago many of us were ready to run this guy out on a rail. Now he's our hero. It's unbelievable. Every time we count this guy out, he does shit like this. And every time I lose faith in the guy, he does things like... win the Super Bowl.
  7. I wish they would offer just audio. It's all either video or news stories.
  8. Exactly. Ike was the "worst" of the first-round receivers that year... but the Giants smartly picked him ahead of Yatil Green, Rae Carruth, and Reidel Anthony, none of which ever did a thing in the NFL. I mean, jeez... at least he didn't shoot his pregnant girlfriend.
  9. They used to do that with Keyshawn Johnson.
  10. Still has that borderline Downs' Syndrome look.
  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's Gilbride's playcalling. For the first 1.5 games of the season, Eli had a million audibles at the line, 20 pre-snap reads, "Omaha" bullshit, etc. Since they've gone to a quicker tempo he's been on fire. I haven't heard "Omaha" once in the past two weeks, thank God.
  12. It's this game's equivalent of the "tuck rule." The right call of a bad rule.
  13. I got an email last week and... Holy Shit... turns out I'm Nigerian royalty. I wonder if me and Prince are related?
  14. LOL. Sort of reminds me of when we had Tim Lewis and kept drafting "tweener" linebackers... for his "array of exotic blitz packages" we were told. Did that guy ever even send ONE blitz the whole time he was here?
  15. Me, my mom, and my pops just got tix today for the Giants/Miami game.
  16. When you're third on the depth chart behind two undrafted FA sophomores, you must REALLY suck.
  17. He won't get in. He wasn't the best of his era, and combine that with anti-NYC bias, no rings, and general douchiness and the dude will never get in. Harry Carson made nine Pro Bowls, had a championship and was one of the nicest guys ever and it took him what... 20 years?
  18. From what I understand, Peters' work ethic sucks.
  19. Sephiroth


    I'm allergic to MSG.
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