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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Maybe we could trade Pierre Paul, Tuck, Osi, and Nicks for Michael Vick.
  2. Is it crazy to think that Ramses Barden will explode onto the scene? Actually... that is crazy, isn't it?
  3. if he played better than Bradshaw, he'd get more playing time than Bradshaw.
  4. These are like the two teams Brits know the most about too, right?
  5. We said the same thing about the Seahawks and Rams. You never know what the hell you're going to get with this team.
  6. First of all, good reads, Bleedin. Thanks a lot! Second, I'm sticking with my 6-10 prediction after dropping it from 7-9. I thought we'd beat the Bills this year and lose to the Eagles twice, but I sure as hell didn't think the Seahawks were going to beat us. Of course, I'm also the guy who thought we should draft a QB to replace Eli, cut Tiki Barber and Michael Strahan, expect David Diehl to be a bust at LT, and take Kenny Britt over Hakeem Nicks, so what the fuck do I really know at the end of the day?
  7. He's my new favorite Giant. We get all the pass-catching of Boss, none of the drops, and better blocking.
  8. Eli starts hot a lot of years, has a slump in the middle of the season, then comes alive again at the end. This season looks to be no different. However, I love the way he's playing. I just wish he was more consistent and less streaky.
  9. We go over this every year, it seems like. Eli works much better when he doesn't have 20 pre-snap reads and his receivers only have one or two patterns to run instead of five based on reads. Watch how well he does when Gilbride gets rid of all the wild gestures, fake audibles, and "Omaha" bullshit. Eli needs to just play, not run the "read and react" offensive equivalent. We as fans get this. Kevin Gilbride, as a "genius offensive coordinator," does not.
  10. Guess the drugs didn't really enhance his performance all that much though, huh?
  11. This notion is predicated on the idea that Kevin Gilbride is creative and has common sense. I'm not too sure of either.
  12. Jaimie Kennedy is still available...
  13. Eli has more or less put this team on his shoulders and gotten us three wins. We need someone on defense to do the same. Whether it's Osi, JPP, or Tuck... we need a Strahan-esque game from someone. He's the last guy on this defense I can remember who would single-handedly turn a game by himself.
  14. Don't worry, he'll be out of the league in another year anyway. I totally don't get that hiring. He sucked with the Jets, he sucked in New England... but now all of a sudden he's going to be a success? It's not like he had winning seasons with either of those two teams.
  15. You should see me at the Freemason meetings. Can we just cut the shit and start the end of the world already? This place sucks.
  16. Here is the bad: The three teams we've beaten have two wins between them.
  17. They should have a little consistency with their calls. I saw a call on Snee yesterday that was totally questionable, but JPP literally gets tackled and there's no flag. It's this type of shit that makes them look so bad.
  18. The O-line play is a Jekyll and Hyde thing. On one play there's four guys busting through, and an another Eli is going to his fourth read, then back to his first because he has all day back there. They need more consistency.
  19. I really think he should make his own thread for that. In fact, I think he should make 3 of em.
  20. I agree but I'd say it's because our brilliant offensive coordinator still hasn't figured out that Eli and the offense as a whole plays better when they get to take the snap and play... not have a billion pre-snap reads, audibles, fake audibles, and "Omaha" bullshit.
  21. Exactly. Almost makes you think they would fix it.
  22. We're at 3-2 right now, in the thick of the easy part of the schedule. Keep in mind we've beaten teams to this point that have a combined record of... 2 wins. Here's who's on deck: Buffalo Miami Patriots Niners Eagles Saints Packers Cowboys Skins Jets Cowboys (again) Here's how I have us going... Buffalo - L Miami - W Patriots - L Niners - L Eagles - L Saints - L Packers - L Cowboys - L Skins - W Jets - W Cowboys (again) - W That puts us at 7-9. However, it also puts us in first place for the Bill Cowher sweepstakes.
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