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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Low-scoring (by today's standards), came right down to the wire... reminded me of Simms/Taylor Giants vs the Montana/Lott Niners of the past. Even down to the division standings... as usual, the Giants are in a division where three teams might make the playoffs and the Niners are in one that has a five-game difference between first and second place. Is this 1986?
  2. Not bad. I mean... it's no "I Rally for Bally" or anything, but it's a good start.
  3. If Philly is smart, Reid will stay. That guy has gotten them to the playoffs almost every year. Yeah, they haven't won it all yet, but people said the same thing about Cowher and Coughlin before they got their rings. I'd LOVE IT if Reid were fired after the season. I said two years ago that the Vick signing signalled the "beginning of the end of the Westbrook/McNabb/Reid Eagles" and thought they all had three seasons max left with the team.... with Westy going first, then McBad, then Reid.
  4. Weatherford is the real deal. I don't know how many times in the first four games or so I'd get nervous when he'd line up in punt formation... to then say to myself, "oh wait, it's not Matt Dodge... we're actually in good shape. There won't be a fumbled snap, a 15-yard shank, or a line drive punt to DeSean Jackson." It may be time for a... a, uh... "Weatherfordatar." Maybe "The Weather... Is Fine."
  5. You lost your job because you had strep throat and a sore back?
  6. I remember seeing reports as well that he was a beast in training camp. Not that it really means anything, but it's sure as hell better than looking like crap in training camp.
  7. I know, right? Remember when we hired TC it was all, "nobody is going to want to play for him!!! Except Plaxico Burress. And Kareem McKenzie. And Antonio Pierce." And now Michael Boley. And Sam Madison. And Antrel Rolle. And about a million other players. It's a bullshit argument... sort of like the "how do you beat a team THREE times in one season?!?!" bullshit that pops up during playoff time, as if that's never happened before.
  8. Please, please, please let it be a fully recovered Seubert. That guy is one of my all-time favorite players.
  9. Check the avatar... or should I say... the Ballatar.
  10. LOL I thought the same thing. Johnson's face is as priceless as Strahan's celebration.
  11. I thought you told me to start another.
  12. I just made one but it wont' show up for some reason.
  13. Is it time for a Ballatar? Or should we wait till he goes over Kevin Boss' career best receiving yards in a single season?
  14. Pretty much, yeah. Don't forget about future HOFers Rex Grossman, Tim Hightower and Jabbar Gaffney, too. As RunIt said, we needed last minute heroics to also pull out wins against the unstoppable Beanie Wells, the great Matt Moore, and the legendary Kevin Kolb.
  15. We're gonna get killed. Pats 41-24.
  16. So last weekend I take my girl to her first ever Giants game. We didn't have a ticket for her but I assured her we'd find one at the game. After passing some people on the road, we ended up eight outside the stadium but still... no ticket. I see this guy with a bunch in his hand (looked like five) and there's only three of them there. I ask if they're selling and he says no, but an older guy he's with asks "how many, and for who?". I tell him one and it's for my girlfriend. he says ok, he has one, and gives it to her, but doesn't want any money... just flat out refuses to take anything for em. So it turns out.... the ticket is for Coaches Club seats. Seven hundred dollar tickets, fifty yard line, row 9. Theres all kinds of free gourmet food (she had caviar and standing rib) and she got to go down on the actual field and talk to the players. She said Eli waved to her and JPP said a few things. She also said Will Beatty came over and talked for a good two minutes or so. I can see her from the other side of the stadium, it looked fucking awesome. At halftime she decides to come over to our section and hang out instead. She said our section was actually a lot more fun... because the people really wanted to watch the game... not talk about their mansion on Long Island or how they retired at 28 from Wall Street. She said everyone was very nice but it was obvious all their tickets were comped and a lot of them could give two shits about the Giants. That's some fucking shit, huh? I tried to tell her that next time we go to the stadium, it's not gonna be anything like that.
  17. I love how Philly makes it to 3-4 and suddenly they're the best fucking team in the universe.
  18. I met Meredith when I was on Millionaire. She's a really nice lady.
  19. Holy shit... your nephew shaves already and he's only 12? HE should be on our D-line.
  20. i am ripping off the "comfy pillow" name and pretending that it's mine for the rest of the year.
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