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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Sorry Brandon, but when fans are shelling out 200+ bucks for a nosebleed seat with their kid and are then subjected to 10 dollar hot-dogs and 15-dollar beers... and you trot out the shit show that your team did on Sunday night... fuck yes, they're going to boo, what the hell do you expect.
  2. That's really, REALLY serious shit. Happens for no reason and you can go blind for good. However, it does open up the door for the following scenario: 1. David Diehl goes back to right tackle. 2. We get Richie Seubert to play left guard. 3. We go to the Super Bowl and win it since Seubert doesn't let his teammates play like a bunch of vagine-sockets.
  3. ...and I will no longer "Rally for Bally." Three drops is inexcusable. Just sayin.
  4. I think we lose and lose BIG in New Orleans, but win a tight one against an undefeated Green Bay team. The Giants ruined the "three-peat," crushed John Elway's hopes of an undefeated season, and dismantled the Patriots. They're the dream killers.
  5. Yes, but it's still an apples and oranges comparison. Fassel's team clearly quit on him in his final season. Coughlin's teams never do. That's one thing that you can say about him.
  6. I would have to say yes. Plus, he looks strong. His thighs are the circumference of my waist. I would have to think he'd get a yard on third-and-one as opposed to Twinkle Toes Jacobs.
  7. Holy shit, I think I said this word for word to my girl last night.
  8. It does happen every year. As it stands now, it's tough to tell if it's the coaching staff or the QB play, but since there's a gazillion dollars tied up in the QB my guess would be it's the coaches who will be shown the door.
  9. I hate to say it, but I almost feel like there's no reason to watch any of this team's games until the last two weeks of the season or so. We've seen this act before: the Giants drop their next two, fall to .500 and have to fight for their playoff lives the rest of the way. It happens every year.
  10. They're getting way better. Kickoff coverage was really good, and Weatherford is the real deal. Also, I thought coverage was pretty good on Jackson for most part, except for the play where our punter had to run him outta bounds.
  11. You might be on to something, but I think it was like 58 degrees at kickoff last night.
  12. Totally. I'm not exactly clamoring for the days when we had the Jeremy Shockeys and Plaxico Burresses of the world making one big play just to fuck up our victory two plays later with fifth-grade antics. I want to actually be able to root for our players without feeling dirty about it.
  13. Exactly. We had a chance to stick a fork not just in the Eagles season, but possibly in Andy Reid's career... who has had our number for the better part of the decade. Instead the team lays an egg on national TV, keeping the Eagles season and Reid's career alive. Of course, this shouldn't be a surprise to any Giants fan. Super Bowl notwithstanding, the Giants do this literally every year under Coughlin. Eli comes out and plays mediocre the first two games, sets the world on fire for the next six, plays like shit the NEXT six, and then turns it on again towards the end of the season. Why should anyone think that THIS season will be any different? I mean, c'mon, did anyone REALLY not think we wouldn't have a second-half slump? I've said it before and I'll say it again: we should have gotten Cowher when we had the chance, and I hope to hell the chance is still there at the end of this season. I'm tired of this bullshit.
  14. Wow, the Giants dropped two straight since the midway point? Gee whiz, I never saw that coming.
  15. Here's what is going to happen: 1. The Giants are going to lose, probably in heartbreaking fashion. 2. We will get to hear all week on ESPN, NFL Network, etc. about how the Eagles are the greatest 4-6 team in the history of the NFL, the ship is finally righted, they're on the way to the Super Bowl, and Michael Vick belongs in the Hall of Fame. 3. Giants fans will collectively scratch their heads, as if the Giants don't start a slump like this every season after the midway point.
  16. That's weird that you guys are talking about Eli's rapport with Manningham. I put that pick squarely on Manningham as he basically gave up on the route and Eli ended up throwing it to where he should have been. Also, if you take a look at ALL of Eli's picks this season, at least half of them were to where Manningham was supposed to be. They're still a pretty good duo, but of all the WRs I'd say Eli is on the same page with Mario the least.
  17. Wow, we let you guys have football? We really are the "shining city of the hill!" We should totally give you electricity next.
  18. I have to disagree. I commented in another thread that this game reminded me of the Giants/Niners games of the 80's. In the Giants Super Bowl year, the G-men and Niners played each other in the regular season on Monday night. The Giants fell behind 7-0, and three times they were able to drive into the red zone. Three times Parcells went for it on fourth-and-short, and three times they were stopped. San Francisco won 7-3. Fast forward to the playoffs and the Giants are playing the Niners again, trying to prevent the "three-peat." Again the Giants drive deep into Niners territory only to be stopped, so what does Parcells do? He kicks a field goal. On the next drive, he kicks another field goal. Two drives later, he kicks another field goal. The Giants ended up winning the game on five Matt Bahr field goals. As stated above, you can't leave points on the field. Agreed. You can't really get that mad at the Giants, they played a good game against what's probably the second best team in the league.
  19. Speaking of Ballard, I actually Rally for Bally.
  20. If Vick's name was "Michael Smith," and he was the crossing guard in your town, he'd be doing 20 years for running an interstate gambling ring. But because he runs really fast he's making 100 mil instead. Fuck that asshole. I hope we break his legs, too.
  21. My uncle has a lot of connections in the sports world... I know, I know, I'm some guy on a message board who's uncle works in sports and blah, blah, blah... but anyways, he said that the coaching staff wanted to cut Barden and Reese basically wouldn't let them do it. Take it for what it's worth.
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