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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Yep. My family had season tickets for over 40 years, and Mara the Younger unceremoniously kicked us out of the stadium when we couldn't pay for our PSLs, then came crawling back offering nosebleeds when they couldn't sell out months later. We took them, and promptly gave them back... the seats suck, the stadium is drab, everything is 20% more expensive, and the bathroom/parking/entering/leaving is actually WORSE than it was at the old stadium. On the other hand, my girlfriend said that the "Coaches Club" seats were awesome while where she ate her caviar and sipped cognac.
  2. Richie Seubert! Fucking come on, man! Kick the guy's tires for Christ's sakes!
  3. Chuck brought this up in another thread too and I'm beginning to think there may be something to it. I don't want any more Jeremy Shockeys or fucking Plaxico Burreses on this team...but I'd love to have a Jesse Armstead or a Michael Strahan. Those guys could be borderline assholes from time to time but when they grabbed your facemask and told you to do your job you sure as hell did it. Right now we've got Sourpuss Tuck and All Bark No Bite Rolle.
  4. Cowher Turner Spangnuolo Fucking dream team.
  5. We ruined San Francisco's "Three-Peat." We crushed Denver's undefeated run. We ruined the Patriots' chance at an undefeated season... and broke all the silly "Tom Brady hasn't lost two in a row or at home in blah-blah-blah" bullshit. And perhaps most importantly... I no longer "Rally for Bally," instead choosing to "Ball for Pierre-Paul." AND I'm wearing a new jersey this weekend. Everyone is counting the Giants out and as usual, that's when they're the most dangerous. We finally get an NFL caliber running back on our offense and Ramses Barden is begging to become a red-zone threat with Brainfart Manningham out for the game. Plus, our team is pissed off and embarassed from everyone calling them out in the media this week. The Giants are winning this weekend... AND they're knocking Aaron Rodgers out of the game. We're winning a close one by less than a touchdown. You heard it here first.
  6. *Sigh Can't we all just agree that the Offense and the Defense BOTH suck?
  7. Coughlin is a good coach, but... and I know I've said this before... he's too married to his assistants. When half your team is on IR by week eight for five years in a row, it's time for a new conditioning coach. Palmieri is still here. The same shit happened in Jacksonville... didn't he fucking learn then? He hasn't caught on after EIGHT years of the same shit? When your QB consistently has a second-half slump, it's time for a new Offensive Coordinator. When that coordinator decides to have that QB throw 50 passes into 40mph winds, your decision should be a no-brainer. Gilbride is still here. Fewell gets a pass for this year... he was better than Sheridan last year... but after this year he's gotta go, too. However, I doubt Coughlin would pull the trigger on that either... we're talking about the guy that had to be coerced to fire Hufnagle, Sheridan, and Lewis. Unless we get into the playoffs and actually win a few games, he's gotta go. Hell, I'd take Andy Reid over him at this point.
  8. Wow, 3/4 of the way through the season and the Giants have half their starters on IR? Gee, I never saw that coming.
  9. Offense: Eli Defense: Not on the roster. Special Teams: Chase Blackburn.
  10. Speaking of which... who will be available and who can we get? I like D'Quell Jackson but he gets hurt a lot. Kirk Morrison should be available and is a serviceable linebacker. I LOVE Stephen Tulloch in Detroit. He'd look good in New York.
  11. I miss him too. I'll never forget the play vs Green Bay... the guy is being blocked by two fucking O-linemen and he reaches out and makes a one-armed tackle on the RB. That play alone may have won us the game (no matter how badly Tynes tried to lose it for us). But at the end, Pierce had clearly lost a step... and it's not like he had a step to lose athletically. I hope to God we get at least one NFL-caliber linebacker this offseason.
  12. Bullshit. Barber doesn't have enough money left to make calls to the U.K.
  13. I second that. They beat the undefeated and lose to the Seahawks of the world.
  14. Sad to think that the franchise of Taylor, Banks, Van Pelt, Carson, Huff, Johnson, et. al. is now the franchise of Mark Herzlich and... and... whoever our other linebackers are.
  15. There's problems with the Giants dating back a while... and of course, some problems with Coughlin specifically. Cough has always been too "married" to his coaches. He had to be coerced to drop Huffnagle and Lewis, Gilbride has probably stayed on too long, and rumor has it he wanted to keep Sheridan in one way or another as well. And then there's Palmieri... when you have six guys on injured reserve before opening day EVERY year, there might be something wrong with your regimen... maybe it's time for a change. I also think the team's second half slides fall on Palmieri as they seem to get gassed after the midway point. However, we were plagued with injuries during the Fassel era too ("it's a mental thing, as much as anything else," Coughlin told us), and for one reason or another the epic collapse is a franchise staple. No lead from this team is ever insurmountable, whether it's "the fumble," the playoff game vs. the Niners, or Philly's come from behind victory last year. Hell, we had the Vikes hang 10 on us in 1:30 one year to lose in the playoffs and Quincy fucking Carter beat us one year down by 3 with under 10 seconds to play.
  16. There's two things, as I see it: 1. Tuck is pretty clearly still hurt. 2. He's not much of a rah-rah guy or vocal leader to begin with, and never really has been. One of the problems on D is that ever since Pierce left, we've had no real leader on that side of the ball. Tuck is a hell of a player when healthy but he's never going to inspire or rally the troops.
  17. I dunno man... those first two or three games of the season, Hynoski whiffed pretty bad on a LOT of blocks.
  18. Next time he calls tell him he left his sweatshirt at my house.
  19. What this team really needs to do is draft a pass rushing DE or two... having a lot of them keeps them fresh with a rotation and will see us apply consistent pressure all game long. Then we should pound the ball with Brandon Jacobs, because he's a real force. Re-signing Bradshaw is also a priority since he's a tough runner that always plays a 16-game season... no way that bow-legged running style will see him do something like break his feet. Finally, we need to promote Jerry Palmieri to head coach, so that Kevin Gilbride and Perry Fewell can end up on injured reserve by week 3.
  20. That was my prediction at the beginning of the season... though I thought they might finish 8-8 when they won that first one against the Eagles. Of course, I thought they would beat the fucking Seahawks too.
  21. Wow, the Giants have dropped three straight since the midway point? Gee, I never saw that coming.
  22. Honestly, she got one out of the two right.
  23. At the end of the day, I think the question should be this: If Aaron Rodgers has a Theisman-esque, career ending injury in his next game, is he still in the discussion for "greatest of all time?" My guess is no. It's the same reason why nobody talks about Terrell Davis in the best backs of all time. You need longevity as well as good seasons to be in that discussion. Rodgers has the good seasons, now he needs the longevity.
  24. He's really good, there's no doubt. What happens if he throws 4 picks a game from here till the end of the season and is shown the door in the first round of the playoffs? We've got guys out there with decades of great seasons... this guy is having ONE. Fuck, it's not even over yet... a little perspective is all I'm asking for. It reminds me of the Denver Broncos in '98 where halfway through the season there were a million "which team is the greatest of all time, the '72 Dolphins or the '99 Broncos?" polls before the season was even over... everyone just assumed that Denver would go undefeated. After the Giants handed them their first loss, all of that talk went in the shitter.
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