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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Damn, kid... you really do smoke the good stuff.
  2. What did you yell at the TV during that play? Mine went something like this: "Be there... be there.... YES! Go, go, GO! Who? Travis Beckum! Go! GO! MAKE THE ONE PLAY OF YOUR LIFE! YES!!! TOUCHDOWN!!!!"
  3. I'd heard Prince sat out because his vagine socket hurt.
  4. What are you talking about? Ike Hilliard didn't have the numbers, but he was one of the best, if not THE best receiver this franchise has ever had.
  5. I had thought the same thing but on Mike and Mike this morning Greenburg brought up something I hadn't thought of. He basically said that the Giants had to leave a little bit if time left on the clock in case they didn't make the 2 point conversion so they could try to recover the onsides kick. I don't agree with the logic of it but it does seem to make a bit more sense.
  6. Really? Who the fuck knows with this team. They can be world beaters or lose by 67 points on any given weekend.
  7. The Dog is OK. He brings a different perspective, that's for sure. It's the other two clowns that I'm talking about. Cowboyz isn't that bad save for the fact that he's been invisible until two weeks ago... but the fact that people still humor fucking BadEgg after he lost his stupid bet four years ago and still comes back here every time the Cowboys go one game ahead is just retarded. I can't stand an asshole that loses a bet and can't man up.
  8. Right? Five years later and people still don't have clowns like BadEgg and Cowboyz on ignore. They take the bait every time.
  9. This is also true, though I would argue that they shit the bed. However, that TD was one of the worst calls I've ever seen. Even in slow motion there wasn't a single fucking nanosecond where Jennings had control of that ball, and he sure as hell didn't have control with two feet down. And that was third down.
  10. Does he go to the Pro Bowl this year? As of this morning, he was fifth in the NFL in yards, behind only Steve Smith and Calvin Johnson in the NFC.
  11. The second half of the game I was focued on Petrus... the guy stonewalled Raji on every play. I don't know if he was just playing out of his mind or if he's gonna be a real player for us but he looked great today.
  12. This was a really good thread, Jack... but next time I think you should break it up into at least two threads, and three would probably be more appropriate. You have to give the simpletons on this board your sagely advice in small, bite-sized chunks so their feeble brains can digest it.
  13. The Giants can't feel too bad about this loss. It's tough to win when you're playing the best team in the NFL and the fucking refs. That was not a TD by Jennings. Total bullshit call that gift-wrapped GB seven points... and we only lost by three. I'd also argue that it wasn't a pass interference on that drive by Amukamara as well. Bullshit. I hope they play like this for the rest of the season.
  14. Darn it. I was about to argue that despite their 11-0 record and QB with the 127.7 rating, the Packers weren't any good.
  15. That sucks, dude. Hope your back feels better. Mine has sucked for years and trust me... a bad back will ruin your fucking week.
  16. Isn't he also famous for ruining quarterbacks? Aside from Rich Gannon it seemed like he had a new QB every year.
  17. I could not POSSIBLY agree more, Jack. Who should we start at Safety, do you think? Rolle and Phillips aren't impressing me.
  18. If we got Gruden I would seriously have to think about changing teams. I just couldn't stomach four or so years of his goofy fucking faces and faux tough-guy conferences. I mean... just look at the guy here at WCW Starcade. He's an embarrassment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AfpJC-QDTk
  19. I always have a hard time deciding who Baas most resembles. David Baas Neanderthal Man Retarded Guy
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