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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Cowher + Turner + Crennel = Superbowl.
  2. So, let me see if I've got this right: two weeks ago, Greg Jennings "catches" a pass in the endzone and controls it for zero seconds -- touchdown. This week, DJ Ware catches a pass in the endzone and controls it for .5 seconds -- no control of the pass. Way to be consistent, NFL.
  3. Sephiroth


    God damn it, I hate it when I'm right.
  4. After this game I'm thinking Richard Simmons may be an upgrade over Fewell.
  5. That's funny, I was thinking the exact same thing... Fewell is Lewis.
  6. Someone please message Perry Fewell... this team needs to rum more soft zone on defense.
  7. Time to turn in the man card. Hand it over, TT92.
  8. I think we're dropping both this game and the next one, unfortunately.
  9. That's a great point. How about Osi to Pittsburgh for Harrison and, what... a fifth? I'm with you, we need someone to inject this D with a whole lot of nastiness, and that guy's not Johnathan Goff.
  10. Our linebackers suck ass; this is an undeniable fact. However, there are an interesting number of FA linebackers available this offseason that could be significant upgrades from the crop of ass-suckers that have landed us at #30 in total defense this year. Among the names that pique my interest: Jon Beason - was a bit injured, no? I don't get to see a whole lot of Carolina games, but he always seems to be around the ball and has to be an upgrade from... uh... whoever plays middle linebacker for us. E.J. Henderson - borderline Pro Bowler who could step in right away and solidify the defense. Lawrence Timmons - will know the system once we fire Coughlin and hire Cowher after missing the playoffs at 7-9. Could add some toughness and smarts to the position. Stephen Tulloch - could have sworn this guy was just a FA but is another guy having a borderline Pro Bowl season in Detroit. And honestly, who wants to play in Detroit? He's a tackle machine and could probably be had on the cheap since he seems to be flying under the radar. Brian Ulracher - good luck getting him out of Chicago. But he'd bring instant cred to this defense and shore up a problems spot for us since Antonio Pierce's departure. Smarts, toughness, and still pretty fast and agile for 10+ seasons. I'd take him in a heartbeat.
  11. He lost it before that when Prince swatted the ball out of his hands. NO FUCKING WAY was that a catch.
  12. What do you mean the new rules that favor passing? Just because DEs need to hit only in a two-foot window on the QB and they can't hit too hard and they can't grab the QB's skirt and they have to announce "hey, my pass rush is coming here" and they have to apologize after every sack and "really mean it," how is that favoring passing?
  13. I haven't followed Meachem this year, but in the past he's been exactly what Mario has been... a one-trick pony that's great on a fly route or a post but won't give you much else. He's probably going to demand much more than Manningham so we might as well keep the guy we've got for a better price (unless Meachem has stepped up his game this past year or so and now does crossing patterns, out routes, etc). All of that being said, I think WR is the least of our worries outside of QB. Eli can make anybody look good... have a gander at guys like Ballard and Cruz.
  14. I was just having that conversation with another Giants fan this week. Me: Do you remember the Giants EVER recovering an onsides kick in your lifetime when they were the kicking team? Giants fan: No. Me: Me neither.
  15. I saw JPP's play last night until I fell asleep, and I have to admit, I likeded it.
  16. I've tried different Jersey combinations and stuff this year. They played pretty well when I wore my Ghetto Kenny Phillips alternate jersey (an old Barber one that I sewed a new name onto) so I'll probably wear that tonight, but right now I have an away Umenyiora one that I'm wearing. Usually I have to wear the Brandon Jacobs super bowl jersey for the first half of the season and then change it up to something different at the halfway point, but this year my away jersey wasn't at my house so I couldn't wear it. Sorry about that... it's pretty much my fault the Giants lost all those games.
  17. ...if he doesn't eat it first.
  18. Isn't Ugoh a former first-round pick that used to be pretty decent?
  19. No way. That fat ass could never fit on an awesome bike like this:
  20. What? You don't think Canty and his whopping four sacks a year are worth it? Or his amazing run-stuffing ability?
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