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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Yep. I'd still rather have Cowher. Call me crazy, but I can remember what this team looked like for seven games this season. I'd just love it if Cough retired instead of got canned.
  2. I've always liked Coughlin but let's keep it real... the late-season slumps and his marriages to the team's assistants are troubling. That being said, I hope he does go out on his own terms.
  3. I heard on the radio (I think it was Mike and Mike) that Tuck had credited a private meeting with Coughlin prior to his resurgence as well. Cough basically asked, "are you ok? Why are you playing like this? You're one of MY guys... I need you to play like Justin Tuck." He responded with his best game of the season. People say the players don't like Coughlin but that's bullshit.
  4. I agree. This game will be won or lost with the play of the D-line. If we get the line from the past two weeks, we win. If we get the line from the six weeks prior to that, we lose.
  5. I would sooner eat my own feces and wash it down with a pitcher of diarrhea than have Mike Martz on the Giants coaching staff. Fewell has to go too.
  6. We one hundred percent MUST re-sign Steve Weatherford. If we went back to the Matt Dodge days I'd fucking kill myself. But first I'd kill everyone in the Giants front office.
  7. No way. CLEARLY someone from the Giants frequents this board, and loves Treehugger's advice. My guess is Mario Manningham.
  8. Mara and Tisch's greedy sons sure managed to shit the fucking bed, huh? Two years ago Giants Stadium was sold out for the next 35 years... now they have playoff tickets available.
  9. LOL... what'd she call him? Enda-moo-kong Suh? And who the fuck is Rodney White?
  10. Congrats man! I heard you English types get loud at sports venues.
  11. I think we need both a rookie draftee with potential and a vet that can step in and add some fire and intensity right away. I'd love if we could somehow land James Harrison from Pittsburgh... yeah, he may be a cheap shot artist, but aside from JPP we don't have a single player on this team that consistently lays the wood like that fucking guy, and I'll take between 3-4 unsportsmanlike penalties per year to ensure that the opposing team's players have their head on a swivel every game. Bring a guy in with some fire like that, then draft a stud MLB.
  12. I'm pretty sure I'm never getting voted into the Pro Bowl, and honestly Rik, it's pretty fucking lame of you to rub it in my face like this.
  13. If he's happier as a coordinator and wants to stay that way, he'll go to Philly. If he wants to be a head coach again some day, he'll come to New York.
  14. Why would anyone offer Spagnuolo a head coaching job? Dude is a killer coordinator but totally bombed big time as an HC...
  15. I always thought that too. Dude was never an asshole in the T.O./Randy Moss mold. He was just sort of a clown that liked to stir the pot.
  16. I pointed that out to my old man in the last game. "Oh look... he's switched to press man coverage on third down. We'll probably actually stop them as opposed to all that soft zone bullshit." Sure enough, whenever we went to man (against the Jets) we stopped them.
  17. We must be watching two different guys. He's had ONE good block so far from what I've seen, and it's the one that Collinsworth was on his dick for.
  18. You know, I've been watching Hynoski and I have to say... I'm not sure if the guy whiffs ENOUGH. Next time he's out there I think Gilbride should give him a red matador cape so that as the defensive player runs by him, it adds a little flair to his game.
  19. I love the Eagles' "wide nine" defensive set. They line up wide... we run for nine.
  20. I'd like to see Osi line up as a blitzing MLB on pass-rushing downs. Spags used to do that a bit and I remember it working really well.
  21. Sinorice Moss was the greatest receiver in the history of this franchise before Barden got here. I'll bet you a dollar that next year, Barden is the #3 receiver on this team. On second thought, wait... Mc Donald's might have two dollar McRib sandwiches next August. Let's make it a quarter. An American quarter that Barden is the starter. That's good for like, two Squirrel Nut Zippers, or five dinners at a Canadian restaurant with the exchange rate and all.
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