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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Jim, I'm pretty sure Carter is out for the season. I'm most worried about the matchups with the TEs. Gronkowski is playing out of his mind right now and Hernandez is probably a Pro Bowler on any other team. After the ass-whipping that Vernon Davis laid on us, I'm a little nervous seeing Antrel Rolle possibly covering either of those guys one-on-one. On defense, Wilfork is the only guy I'm sort of concerned about, but Brandon Spikes played a hell of a game too. Let's hope he's not hitting his stride at the right time.
  2. I was saying to my dad last night that this game totally reminded me of the 1990 Championship Game, except the roles were reversed. This time, San Fran was the grind-it-out offense with a great running game and a killer D. The Giants were the aerial attack winging the ball everywhere with a QB that was getting hammered (but stayed in the game).
  3. NOBODY talks about Eli's toughness for some reason. For the second week in a row he was getting fucking destroyed back there and still stood tall in the pocket and led the team to a win. Tony Homo, Ben Rapistberger, and the other guys Eli is compared to all would have crumbled.
  4. That's a great point. I think Eli was stifled a little bit when the Barbers, Burresses, and Shockeys of the world were here... and not getting in offseason work with him. Eli was elevating the game of guys around him in college too. Hell, I'm not even sure a guy like Ballard makes an NFL roster on another team. Also, the Giants (generally speaking) have equal talent to the Cowboys, but the Cowboys have more head cases and overrated guys. From a pure physical standpoint I'd take Bryant over Nicks or Cruz, but who wants to deal with the bullshit? Same thing with T.O. before him. Austin is another guy who had one really good season and has been living off hype and reputation since. Newman, Felix Jones, Romo... at the end of the day they're more names than production, though they seem to have the skill. On the other hand, the Giants have guys with less talent who are overachievers (Cruz, Ballard, Tollefson, etc). Those guys play their hearts out but they were basically nobodies before they came to New York.
  5. Would have loved to see Spags back in blue, but it is what it is. Williams and Spagnuolo aren't really that much different at the end of the day, and Williams didnt' exactly have that defense setting the world on fire...
  6. I got to spend part of the weekend in NJ and I forgot how much I enjoy listening to Steve Summers (Somers?) on the Fan. On Friday night he was going on and on about how everyone is making too much out of the weather. "These Giants are from the Northeast. They play in rain. They also play in snow, and in wind. They play in ice and freezing rain. They have the harshest of harsh conditions, and here's the media talking about... the rain." That guy is awesome.
  7. I think Tom Coughlin should try to fistfight Jim Harbaugh after the game.
  8. Another factor is that muddy conditions make it tougher for the quick-cut, timing routes that the Giants like to run. The receiver slips and it's six points the other way. Of course, the DB could slip as well.
  9. That's what I thought too. "Look at me! Look at me! I used to play football too!" God, this guy is fucking pathetic. So glad I sewed "Phillips" over my old #21 jersey.
  10. Yep. In the Falcons game a Giants interior lineman (I think it was Canty) had a replay in slow motion where he jumps in the air and is being pulled down by an o-lineman... you know, from that Falcons line that only had one holding call all year.
  11. Another thing... how many fucking weeks in a row do we have to see Chris Snee pancake somebody and then get flagged for "holding?"
  12. Hakeem for the big plays... Cruz for the third-down catches that kept pivotal drives alive. Both running backs for coming up big in the clutch, and having great field vision for those cutback runs... Jacobs for putting the game away late and Bradshaw for setting up the Hakeem bomb. Eli Manning is shutting up all of his doubters.
  13. My old man has a crazy conspiracy theory that I never bought but after this season, I think he may be on to something. in 2001, when the NFL season started they were using scab referees because the official NFL refs were on strike (they didn't get paid enough). Wellington Mara was the owner that was most against the pay increase, and was fairly vocal about it. Then 9/11 happened, and the ref strike was over due to the national emergency. My old man thinks that the refs are still pissed about it... not so much that they throw the games, but that every "close" call they award to the other team, and that they collectively agree to have one to two bullshit calls every game go against the Giants. After that fumble, DJ Ware spot, Osi late hit, etc. I almost think he might be on to something.
  14. I was at an impromptu "party," where my girlfriend invited nine people to her house to "watch" the game. Long story short I was the only one who was yelling, screaming, and flipping his shit during the game, and I wasn't going to apologize to anyone. By the end of the game nobody wanted to sit with me.
  15. I've been pretty down on Canty's play this season, but he's really played well the past few weeks.
  16. That reminds me... why hasn't anybody come knocking to give Jim Fassel a job? I know his team quit on him at the end of his final season but when the Art Shells, Wade Phillips,' and Brad Childresses of the world are getting phone calls, the abence of Fassel's name is puzzling.
  17. You were the guy who said if the Giants beat the Pats in the Super Bowl you'd leave here forever. Yet here you are. Who the fuck are you to talk about "manning up?"
  18. I was really pissed off when we picked him. We already had Kiwi, Tuck, and Osi, and Pierre-Paul had stated something along the lines of "he only got into football because his sister wanted him to," and then he had that awful "I likeded it" interview. I thought the guy would be a bust, and had shades of Mike Mamula written all over him... I couldn't believe we didn't get Sean Weatherspoon. Well, two years later 'Spoon has turned out to be a really good player, but he's nowhere near the game-changing physical freak that JPP is. Pierre-Paul seems like that rare defensive player that can almost single-handedly take over a game... like a Mike Strahan or a Ray Lewis used to do. Our guy has even apparently taken some speech lessons and is much more fluid in talking to the press (I can actually understand him now). I like him so much I'm actually looking to buy his jersey... I could not have been more wrong. Guess that's why I'm not the Giants GM.
  19. Motherfucker's last name is... "Hymen?" Isn't that like being named "Bill Labia?"
  20. LOL. I heard this one a few weeks ago: Interviewer: You were very raw coming out of college. Do you feel like you know the defense now; do you know what you're doing out there? JPP: Sometimes.
  21. No wonder the Eagles defense sucked this year... Johnnie Lynn was on their staff.
  22. If I was to say just one, I'd say Jacobs. Dude came up big when the team really needed him, and there's no doubt he took over that game in the second half.
  23. Could you imagine how we would have done with an elite qb... Say, Tony Homo or Phillip Rivers? It would have been 67-0 and Rivers would have thrown for 600 yards and 8TDs.
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