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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. It was something like game five when I realized I wasn't sweating every time we had to punt. "Oh yeah... Matt Dodge isn't on the team this year."
  2. Awesome... however, I have to admit this stat clearly goes into the "who the fuck cares" category.
  3. Parcells: two Super Bowl rings with Belichick. Coughlin: two Super Bowl rings VERSUS Belichick. It's not even close. If Parcells is a Hall of Fame coach, Coughlin is at least his equal... I'd argue his better.
  4. I thought they needed a new coach six weeks ago. Once again, I could not possibly have been more wrong. Sometimes, I love not knowing anything.
  5. Who cares... we just WON THE MOTHER FUCKING SUPER BOWL!!!!
  6. That is a great, GREAT question. In my time, I loved Simms... and he led the Giants to (I think) an 11-2 record before he got hurt in 1990. I wasn't around for the Tarkenton/Tittle years. But in my lifetime, Eli is the best. I think he's going to the Hall of Fame. Amazing.
  7. Sephiroth


    I'm no JackStroud... but I always liked Chase, thought he was a great backup and solid starter, when needed. And now he is, once again, a Super Bowl champion.
  8. I'm four Martinis and five beers deep.... and the GIANTS JUST WON THE MOTHER FUCKING SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Giants!
  9. The Patriots had it in the bag... redemption tour, saying all the right things about the Giants, everyone picking New York to win, etc. Everyone knows that no team reads their own press clippings like the Giants do, and everything was lining up the Patriots' way to win. Then Belichick decides to heartlessly cut Tiquan Underwood... on the EVE OF THE SUPERBOWL. The Football Gods don't like that shit. Now you've fucking done it, Belicheat.
  10. I was thinking Manningham or Ballard too on offense. On Defense I say Linval Joseph. 5 tackles and two crucial sacks. Seems like every year there's a hero who's relatively unknown heading into the Super Bowl. A few years ago not many people knew who Justin Tuck or David Tyree was but they sure know those guys now.
  11. Mr. Hotdog, Mr. Hotdog! *emphatically raises hand The members of Sportswrath are a little confused. Are you a deliciously greezy snack that has been blessed not only with potatoes, onions, and peppers, but also with the ability to speak, or are you a Daschund that hails from an Italian family?
  12. He's from 2039 Route 37 E Toms River NJ (732) 270-9720 Toms River NJ (732) 270-9720
  13. I have an authentic Brandon Jacobs Super Bowl jersey that I've worn every game for the last five games in a row, while the Giants were on their winning streak. Not for nothing, but I think I deserve a little recognition for causing the Giants wins... though I was also wearing it when we lost to Green Bay. However, the jersey clearly had a role to play in our current winning streak. Well, my girlfriend, being the wonderful girl she is, bought me a Jason Pierre-Paul jersey this week... for no other reason than because she knew how much I love JPP and because she's an awesome girl. It's gorgeous and it's authentic too. Also, the Giants seemed to start playing better when I decided to no longer "Rally for Bally," and instead choose to "Ball for Pierre-Paul." So the question is, do I go with the Jacobs SB jersey or the shiny new Pierre-Paul one? I would hate to be the reason why the Giants blow the game.
  14. The dude that wrote the article has no idea what he's talking about. Diehl was drafted as a guard, moved to RT (where he flopped), was put back at Guard, then moved to LT when we got rid of Luke Petitgout. He's played three positions on the line. He wasn't an "immediate starter at left tackle, and has remained the team's left tackle starter for nine seasons."
  15. Mr. Hotdog, Mr. Hotdog! *emphatically raises hand Will you have the power of the divine beast on Sunday?
  16. Yep. My old man had season tickets for over 40 years. The new PSLs came through and we got kicked out of our seats and up to the third tier... where the view sucks, the hot dogs are 60% pricier, and it actually takes LONGER to get in and out of. We went to games for one more year before deciding to buy a nice flat-screen TV and six packs of beer instead. New Meadowlands stadium sucks. The younger Mara sure fucked the golden goose with that one.
  17. I only played one year... started off as a gunner on special teams but by the end of the season I was the starting corner. Nobody completed a pass in my zone for the whole season. NOBODY. They begged me to come back for another season, but I was too into surfing and playing bass.
  18. What does it say about Barber when the guy who helped block you into the record books doesn't even want to sit next to you?
  19. My all time favorite created story... happens in the playoffs every year: "Oh my God... how do you beat a team THREE TIMES in one season?" Turns out the winning team of the first two games has something like a 65% percentage to win the third one.
  20. Actually, they're just about to have a segment on NFL Network where the "league explains why it wasn't a touchdown."
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