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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  2. Speaking of which, where's Lubeck been? Or did he change his handle to something else?
  3. I have obviously not been clear with my opinions in previous posts on this thread. I think Mike and Mike are pretty good commentators. I think Mike and the Mad Dog sucked, since neither likes NY, watches football, or gives a shit about anything other than horse racing, tennis, and Bill Parcells. I have never heard Boomer and Carton. I hope this clears up any grey areas regarding my opinions on this matter.
  4. I was talking about Mike and Mike. I've never heard Boomer and Carton.
  5. I actually think those two are pretty good. They smoke what Mike and the Mad Dog used to be... two guys who hate New York, love Bill Parcells, don't watch football games but comment based on stats, and love tennis and horse racing. WTF?
  6. Agreed. If you can get him on day three then pull the trigger, but don't give up the bank for the next Lawrence Phillips.
  7. Giants fan, circa 1995: God damn it! Could we JUST ONCE throw the ball on first down! Giants fan, present-day: God damn it! Do we have to throw the ball EVERY first down!
  8. Rodriguez sounds a lot like Pete Mitchell... another undersized TE that Coughlin turned into an above-average player.
  9. Buh-bye, Mario. Between our two Pro Bowl caliber guys and our developmental talent (Barden and Jernigan) we don't have to break the bank for the guy who Eli throws 50% of his picks to.
  10. What? We have the Rorschach quote but no "I'm the best there is at what I do" from Eli?
  11. Almost equalled by Coughlin's love and respect for the Flav.
  12. Haha me too. I just texted Giants shit out this morning not five minutes ago.
  13. Wow, NFL network broke this story as Sully being hired as a D coordinator. This makes a lot more sense.
  14. I'd take a shot on Bennett for the vet minimun or something near it. I certainly wouldn't give him a sweetheart deal. Honestly, Bennett isn't much different than the guys we have on the roster except for being healthy. However, that's a huge distinction.
  15. Man, that's a great question. On one hand, he DID spurn the Giants, then went to play for the fucking EAGLES where he proved the Giants' staff right by putting together a total shit year and basically doing nothing. Of all the places to go, that was a world-class douche move. Plus, the Giants clearly showed they don't need him, and that it may have been Eli making Smith better instead of vice-versa. On the other hand, the dude had over 100 catches for us just a few years back, and if he's fully recovered could be a very good #3 option... plus he knows the Eagles' playbook inside and out. I'd say bring him in for a look, but only sign if he's fully healed and if his head is in the right spot.
  16. Matt Dodge is a choke artist with a big leg. NOBODY has even brought him in for a look... nobody. Fuck him, he sucks. Motherfucker is right up there with Trey Junkin in my book.
  17. Eli has more wins than Kurt. He's also won more Super Bowls, been more healthy, and has a wife that was never once a man. If Eli's not a Hall of Famer than Kurt isn't either.
  18. I yelled outside at the top of my lungs... EEEEEEEEYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! GIANTS WIN THE SUPER BOWL!!! I heard it echo off three mountains lol.
  19. Like my negativity towards Eli in 2007, this thread clearly propelled the Giants to the Super Bowl. I think you all owe me a big "thank you."
  20. Here's what I think I'd do: Pro-Bowl type guy: I'd go after Stephen Tulloch really hard. That guy is a playmaker and he'd not only strengthen the Giants D, but he'd weaken a conference rival too (we're gonna be competing for playoff spots with Detroit for the next few years I think). If I couldn't get Tulloch the next guy I'd try to sign would be Marshawn Lynch. Jacobs is going to be gone and Lynch's best days are ahead of him still... the light seems to have finally gone on for that guy. Solid role-players: If we didn't land Tulloch the next guy I'd go after is D'Qwell Jackson. He gets hurt a lot, but he's better than any of our three linebackers... at about the level of a Boley. Keep Chase for insurance at the three spots and grab D'Qwell in FA. If we did get Tulloch I'd love to see Peyton Hillis in blue... guy will do everything that Jacobs did and more, and he wants OUT of Cleveland in the worst way. We could probably get him on the cheap. Another option is Jared Gaither from the Ravens... seems like he's been in the league forever but he's still only 26, can play on the right or left side of the line, and is an upgrade over McKenzie or Diehl. Other guys: We're going to need help at TE, with Ballard suffering a torn ACL and Beckum being Travis Beckum. I wouldn't mind taking a chance on a John Carlson, but if his price is too high I'd love to see Jacob Tamme, Martellus Bennett (good blocker), or Visanthe Shiancoe return to the team. At RB I'd love to see Michael Bush come here (not sure if he's a little better than I'm rating him though). At RB we could probably also pick up a LaRon McClain or Jason Snelling on the cheap. Draft: For the G-men it's probably best player available. However, I'd love to see them take a punishing, road-grating Guard that can be worked into the lineup, letting Diehl compete for either the LT or RT spot. Quality guys like that can be had at the end of the first round, too. I'd also be happy with an athletic, pass-catching TE in the first or an every-down back. In the second I'd like to see them get a sideline-to-sideline linebacker... have him come in and hopefully compete for a starting job, especially if we can't pick anyone up in FA.
  21. ...is it too early for this shit? You run the Giants. Here's the deal: You get to draft whomever you like, and get to sign three "name" free-agents. One free agent can be a Pro Bowler or borderline All Pro guy... think an Antrel Rolle or Corey Webster type. You get two players that are good, solid role-player guys... around the caliber of an Ahmad Bradshaw or a Chris Canty... not going to set the world on fire, but will make some good plays for you. You can sign whatever lunch-pail guys you want... all the Jake Ballards and Domenik Hixons you want. Also, you get to run the draft... who would you take with the top two picks?
  22. Holy shit, pay that motherfucker whatever he wants... unless you think this is awesome.
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