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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Lol the girlfriend line was hysterical.
  2. We have him locked up for two more years. With the team's injury history it's not worth the risk IMO. Let's see if he'd healthy and still good in two years and pay him then. I mean... yeah... but we hear that every year. Hopefully things are different with Shoen but I'll believe it when I see it.
  3. I agree with this sentiment, but I'd much rather give him the fifth-year option this offseason and see what happens. The Giants Stadium turf has not been kind to our players, and I'd like to avoid a situation where we give him an extension in the offseason and he blows out a knee/back/any fucking thing and is 75% of the player that he was... and we're stuck with a big contract.
  4. Andrew Thomas is a straight fucking stud. I thought he'd really start to bloom in his third year. He reminded me a lot of Tyron Smith.
  5. Cowboys beat Giants twice. They're the better team until proven otherwise.
  6. I'd take him back but only on the condition that I can punch him in his stupid face as much as I want. Fuck that guy and I don't want to see him in our stadium ever again.
  7. Christian Darrisaw has kept Thibodeau pretty fucking quiet, huh?
  9. Had to switch gears... now it's Bratwurst and kraut. Got me a four pack of Dragon Milk Stout as well and its fucking delicious.
  10. That sounds good. Though I have to admit, I'm surprised for an occasion like this you're not going with jellied eels and chips. I've heard it's an English culinary delight.
  11. Seriously. What do you expect when your team is named after the things that power your phone? Who's afraid of those?
  12. What're you all cooking today? My son really wanted homemade pizza and wings for yesterday's game so we're doing the fallback option of chili and burgers today. LET'S FUCKING GO!
  13. HAMILTON was being fucking held on the play, and he got called for the hold. NFL officiating sucks.
  14. I was there for that game and it was fucking awesome. This was before 9/11, so they didn't warn the crowd ahead of time that jets would fly overhead during the (Kate Mara) national anthem. They strafed the stadium and scared the shit out of everyone... and we pretty much rode that adrenaline wave for the next three hours and never sat back down. Two defensive plays that didn't show up in the highlights... on Minnesota's second drive, on third down Culpeper tried scrambling and had nothing but open field in front of him... Jessie Armstead came flying from center field and stopped him for a four yard gain. Next series on third down, Culpepper heaved a pass for Moss in the end zone who somehow ended up being covered by our 3rd string/ slot guy (I think his name was McKinnon). The pass was incomplete, Moss hurt himself falling on the ball and basically stopped trying for the rest of the game. It was pretty obvious that the special plays that had been Minnesota's bread and butter all season wasn't gonna work on these guys. I got to see this with my old man and I'll never fucking forget it. It was a really special day.
  15. I get Jake Ballard vibes, which is not a bad thing at all.
  16. Thanks man. If you ever end up working for the team keep me in mind!
  17. He has definitely looked much better these past few weeks.
  18. And holy shit... Wink Martendale is still alive.
  19. Wink will probably get the Jim Johnson treatment. Really good assistant, but "too old" to be a head coach. If Kafka keeps turning chicken shit into chicken salad and he'll be gone eventually. Let's just enjoy him while he's here.
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