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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Barden is going to have 3,000 yards and 32 TDs this year. You heard it here first.
  2. It's nice to have someone to share such a beautiful hatred with.
  3. At the end of the day we'll probably go "best player available," and I would LOVE to have a mauling, road-grading G or C in the mix. I don't think we've drafted one in the first round since Brian Williams, but I think we have some other needs that are more pressing. We have no idea who our backup RB or TE is going to be, and while you can feel a little better about our LB depth it's not like that's a strength.
  4. Also Kevin Boothe on the inside. Whoops.
  5. I third this. Or +1, if you will.
  6. I usually like G in the first, but I don't think it's gonna happen this year. Between Snee (who ain't going anywhere), Baas (who can play G or C), Petrus (who is going to be very serviceable in this league) and Diehl, it's just not a position that's a need going into the draft. We can pick up someone in the 3rd or 4th if we need to at that spot for depth.
  7. Locklear might be aging, but still looks good to me.
  8. Wow, when a back struggles its sometimes his fault and sometimes the line? SCANDALOUS!
  9. I like the trade. As Bleedin says, it's potential first-round talent for a fifth-round pick. It also gives us a bit more wiggle room to take "best player available" in the draft in two weeks.
  10. Is it just me or does microfracture surgery end everyone's career?
  11. I stand corrected then. However, he's still guilty of being a douche 11 out of 12 times.
  12. That's the story, but I think it's bullshit, dub. I posted his track record before, but let's take another look. 1986 - tried to get out of his coaching obligation after winning the Super Bowl, but couldn't. 1990 - bails on his coaching obligation, leaving his former team in ruins. 1996 - bails on his coaching obligation to the Patriots, taking several players and coaches with him and leaving his former team in ruins. 1999 - bails on his coaching obligation to the Jets, leaving his former team in ruins. 2008 - bails on his GM obligations with Miami, leaving his former team in ruins. Parcells cares about Parcells, and that's about it. If he had douched one team I'd give him the benefit of the doubt... between the teams he's coached and the ones he's bailed on last minute... the guy's douched half the league at this point.
  13. It will be Barden, who will go down as the greatest receiver to ever play the position and will catch 150 balls for 2200 yards this season.
  14. Yeah... those "genuine health concerns" that saw him go on to coach another team one year later... then coach another two after that. I think the ailment he had was "selfish prick syndrome." Parcells was mad that he was the biggest kid on the playground but he couldn't have all the toys (GM powers), so he did what all spoiled brats do, he threw a fit and left... but not until after BB and Coughlin had left themselves. The guy is a grade-A asshole. Fuck that guy.
  15. Two words: Ray Handley. Two more: Bill Belichick (the guy we would have had if Parcells was less of a douche).
  16. Dude, have you even followed this guy's career? Fatass tried to bail on his coaching contract with the Giants and go to Atlanta, but it didn't happen because the commissioner stepped in and wouldn't let him. Then he left the Giants in fucking JUNE after Belichick had already gone to Cleveland and all of the good coordinators were picked off the coaching staff. Then he pretended that he wanted to coach the Buccaneers (twice) before he bailed on them last minute. Then he left the Patriots because he couldn't get his way and they had the NERVE to draft perennial Pro Bowler Terry Glenn over whomever Fatass wanted. Just for good measure, he strung Atlanta along again for their general manager position before instead deciding to implode the Miami Dolphins as THEIR general manager. Dude has always been about himself, never given a fuck about any organization not named "The Bill Parcells Foundation," and is as me-first a coach as you'll find. Thanks for giving us two Super Bowls on defensive-minded teams with Belichick as your coordinator, now go away, please.
  17. Wow... Parcells strung a team along for weeks, claiming he'd be interested in coaching them them bailed last minute? Gee, I never saw that coming.
  18. Yes? No? For the right price? I'm on the fence. He'd be a great guy to have around to mentor the young guys and he can still play. On the other hand, I don't want another Herschel Walker/Brian Mitchell situation where we get a once-great player on the first year of his decline. Also... how the fuck have we not resigned Chase Blackburn?
  19. Well, for some reason this year nfldraftcountdown.com doesn't have anything on it... they have a mock draft, but no player reviews or write-ups. We're what... a month past the combine? I'm not confident that we'll see anything there before the draft begins, really. Since I've been going to that site for the past five years to find out about college players, can anyone suggest a new site?
  20. What... you didn't think Corey Widmer was worth it? I'm gonna be sad to see Tolly go... solid role-player for us, and seemed like a real stand-up guy. With Tollefson gone and Osi likely out after this year, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the Giants pick up someone on the D-line in the first round.
  21. Dude was light years ahead of the last guy to wear 27.
  22. YES! Finally... sweet, SWEET revenge will be mine!
  23. Yes, Treehugger. I have heard your vile, hurtful words at the Giants' savior, Ramses Barden. However, as our franchise continues to lose receivers at a record clip, this venom you spew is coming back to haunt you... to "boomerang," as it were. Anyone with common sense would realize that Ramses Barden is hands down, the GREATEST receiver in NFL history, he just hasn't been given a shot by the evil Kevin Gilbride. Barden is Randy Moss with the brains of Jerry Rice. He's Chris Carter on third down, but with the moves like Jagger. I feel this in every fiber of my being. Ramses Barden will go down as the greatest WR to ever play the game. SO GREAT will he be for the Giants this season, that I will bet you ONE U.S. DOLLAR (roughly $375.00 Australian currency) that Barden starts the first game of the season... as number four or better on the depth chart. I will put my money where my mouth is because I have faith in the Pharaoh, and I know upper-echelon talent when I see it... a skill you clearly lack. So what do you say, Wombat-boy? Willing to bet a buck?
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