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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Dude is a flat-out beast. I can remember comparisons after the draft to Anquan Boldin (who many wanted in FA that year) and at this stage Nicks is definitely a better player.
  2. There were some really amazing ones I've been to. As a kid I went to see the 86 Giants against the Broncos in the regular season... I still remember George Martin intercepting Elway and tossing him out of the way en route to a pick-6. Lawrence Taylor tackled him at the end of the run and (of course) got flagged for an unnecessary roughness penalty. I also saw Eli's first big comeback in his sophomore season... also against the Broncos. I remember from inside the ten at my end of the field, Barber picked up the blitz and just stoned the linebacker cold, Eli found Toomer in the end zone and that was it. The place went apeshit. I was also at the NFC championship vs the Vikings on the Super Bowl year. I remember the Vikings' second series, Culpepper through a long pass towards Moss who was covered by Emanuel Mc Daniel... Moss got the wind knocked out of him and from that point on it was obvious he wasn't really into playing. The Giants just clobbered the Vikes 41-0, and this was the best offense the NFL had ever seen; I had to pinch myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming.
  3. Man, that's awesome news. A lady that I used to work with had that happen to her husband, and it happened in one eye then in the other. The guy went blind in the first eye and has something like 80% vision in the other. Scary shit.
  4. Beatty has a detached retina. I know two people that have had 'em and neither one has ever recovered all of his vision. It doesn't seem like the Giants are that worried about it but it's a serious, SERIOUS condition. There's no guarantee he ever plays a snap again.
  5. So this is the guy that crazy brunette is gonna fuck, right? Dude, he's gonna break her in half.
  6. Now all we need is a guy on offense like that and we're all set!
  7. Goddamn it, what the fuck is up with this stupid Motorola Droid commercial on NFL Network with the fucking crying mom and daughter! It's on every four fucking seconds! Seriously, I've seen it eight times since last night! It's the fucking NFL channel!!! News flash...MEN watch the NFL!!! That commercial is fucking ANNOYING, no matter who you are!!! So glad I'm not with Verizon... just another reason to hate them. Carry on.
  8. Glad Kiwi is locked up... but yeah, this sounds like an Osi trade.
  9. Yep... this WAS pretty much me. http://oi51.tinypic.com/j91uag.jpg
  10. He's got a good point, but at positions that are filled by committee like RB, I'm not sure it's entirely accurate. If we draft a WR in round two, I don't for a second think that spells the end for Nicks and Cruz. However, it may be the end for Hixon (it could never be the end for Barden, because as Treehugger will attest to, Barden is going to have a monster year with 3,000 yards and 35 TDs). Same with backs. It's a committee position these days.
  11. What about we trade Osi and a fourth to swap picks with the Rams and get Steven Jackson too? Or is that asking too much... they get a top-end pass rusher and an extra 2 and 4, and we get Fleener and a bruiser to pair with our three speedsters at RB?
  12. . Those are all good points. I'm definitely warming up to it. Kid looks like he has elite top end speed.
  13. I'm mixed on it. I like his speed, his elusiveness, and his vision, though he's had some fumble problems in his career. But don't we already have two backs like that on the roster... that we got in late rounds? Kinda seems like a wasted pick, but I didn't love the JPP or Nicks picks either and look how that ended up for us.
  14. Is really fucking annoying. This is the NFL draft not the fucking WWE. You're not... what, exactly? Funny?
  15. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if Mike Adams stole something himself before draft day.
  16. I care less about the draft every year and I have no idea who the Giants will take... but I will GUARANTEE you that you can't pronounce his name.
  17. Not happening. Dude has Fleener going to the Niners... dont they already have some guy that plays TE?
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