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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. It's November still. Green Bay by 14. Easy.
  2. I have to come out and say it: I'm not a believer. Yes, its pathetic that we have the 25th ranked defense overall heading into the final third of the season... again. However, if we look more closely at the units, the outlook gets even worse. Webster looks slow and put of position, and Rolle looks like he's in need of a pay cut... we can find anyone to whiff on tackles like that. In Webby's defense, he's playing on a bad hamstring and with a broken hand. Hosley doesn't appear to be able to make a contribution this year and so far has been a liability. I like what I see out of Stevie Brown, and I love Prince, but they can't carry this overrated unit themselves yet. As for the linebackers, when Chase Blackburn is your best player, there's not a whole lot more to say. And for the love of God, if I have to hear about the "vaunted Giants pass rush" again I'm gonna throw up. JPP has 6.5 sacks and that's all you can be happy about with this group. Osi looks like he's done... and he's got better stats than Tuck. Kiwi would probably be good if he stayed at one position for more than a week, but so far he hasn't. Canty and Joseph are 300-lb pussies that get blown off the ball every important down, though Joseph can at least rush the passer. Everybody else is either young with potential or over the hill. Not feeling good about the final third of our season with this schedule coming up. I hope these guys prove me wrong. For the life of me, I can't figure out why Reese didn't draft an impact player or bring in a solid FA in the offseason. Hope they can tuen it on like they did last tear but I'm certainly not holding my breath.
  3. I'm not simply basing this on RGIII or how the Skins look this particular weekend. We also have to play Green Bay (loss), New Orleans (loss), and the Eagles again (loss). I personally think we'll beat the Falcons and Batlimore, but those could easily end up as losses as well. The Skins have a cakewalk schedule ahead; they have one tough game coming up and five easy ones.
  4. They're killing the Cowboys right now and play them again, and the Giants aren't going to beat them in two weeks. After that they play the Ravens, Eagles, and the Shits. No reason to think they won't win all of those and finish 10-6, which will beat the Giants' 8-8 finish.
  5. Or how about sack #3? Guy runs through a 260 lb tackle and tosses the qb with one arm. Lawrence Taylor was not a human being.
  6. Osi and Diehl are both gone. Snee can only stay if he takes a pay cut. Hes a below-average guard at this point. We could do without KP and Rivers too. Id keep Hixon at the vet minimum. Tuck should be put on notice.
  7. Except for the whole "cut Blackburn" thing.
  8. Dont worry man... the Giants have a special win all saved up to hand to Andy. Ahead by 28 with two minutes left to play, the Eagles recover five onsides kicks and Vick throws three fifty-yard touchdowns to pair with Mc Coy's two 40- yard TD runs to seal the win and keep Reid's job.
  9. BREAKING NEWS: Turns out Jerome Bettis is from Detroit.
  10. Thanks man. We love Green Bay too... old-school, tradition, and always been a class act. Unfortunately for us, this is not going to be a competitive game. We'll get a garbage time TD and they'll keep it interesting but the Pack is really gonna pull away in the 4th. Pack - 38 Giants - 23
  11. Yeah she's like a Miami Dolphins fan... why is she doing Giants games?
  12. Breaking News! Antrel Rolle whiffed on a tackle.
  13. Pat Hanlon is a guest about every three weeks. What a dickhead that guy is.
  14. Exactly. A bad season in Philly likely means Reid is out. Say whatever you want about the guy, but he's owned the Giants for as long as he's been there. I don't think we've swept him once, except for possibly the first season when Doug Pederson was the QB.
  15. Giants podcasts fucking suck. They should be embarrassed by the "quality" of them. I didn't go to school for audio engineering, but I know basic things like "check your levels," "mic check," "dry runs," and basic editing. You listen to these pieces of shit and you'd think somebody's five-year-old son was playing with GarageBand. No joke... I had middle-school kids make podcasts for three years and the quality was BETTER than this. Then there's the production elements, or lack thereof. Not for nothing, but why do I get 17 feeds of one-minute conversations with Justin Tuck, Martellus Bennet, etc. when if you had brain one you would compile them into one longer, 20-minute clip with maybe, I dunno... INTRODUCTIONS on who you're speaking to? That way I wouldn't have BigBlue Kickoff and BigBlue Live (the only listenable casts on there, and that might be stretching it) pushed out of my feed to hear David Wilson's 30-second answer to why he needs to play better... assuming that was David Wilson, who knows... and maybe also be sure that the questions COULD BE HEARD so it's more than some random guy spouting shit and you have to guess what the question was. These things are fucking unlistenable. The Giants would do better off hiring one of my former eighth graders, I'm not even joking.
  16. "New York Nicks." How did they miss that one?
  17. Just think if the Patriots had given Drew Bledsoe his job back over Tom Brady.
  18. Dallas' defense against the Giants' starting offense.
  19. ...almost makes you wonder how the Giants only came away with 9 points off 4 picks in the red zone vs. Dallas.
  20. They tried it against the Bengals and went 3-and-out.
  21. Seriously, what the hell are you guys talking about? "What's the matter with Eli?" Nothing. Eli is playing like Eli. He goes through this every season. LAST year was the anomaly, not this one. This is who we are. Start 6-2, finish somewhere between 2-6 and 4-4, hope other teams suck worse, sneak into the playoffs, and then turn it on. I'm more pissed that with a defense that finished in the bottom third of the league, Reese went out and drafted zero defensive players in the first four rounds. However, having a fourth-string WR, third-string RB, and TE that might not ever contribute has been awesome so far.
  22. Dear Jerry, I know you like to draft defensive ends so that "the team will have a pass rush." However, if you draft a good linebacker, it turns out he can rush the passer, too. It's like a two-fer. Sincerely, Sephiroth
  23. I'm thinking our seventh DE that will be invisible for 9 of his 10 snaps per game.
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