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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Sean Payton to the Broncos. I was sure he was going to end up in Dallas.
  2. Feed the Machine. This strikes me as the kind of stuff that motivates this kid.
  3. "We're going to Jerome Bettis live in Arizona... Jerome, does this remind you of that time you played the Super Bowl in Detroit where you grew up?"
  4. Philly is winning it all this year. Neither of these two AFC teams are going to be able to hang with them.
  5. Have to see what happens in free agency/trades, but right now aside from LT and possibly the D-line I'd say it's BPA. We need help literally everywhere. This roster is terrible, one of the worst in the league.
  6. Does Kayvon Thibodeau count as drafting a LB in the first round?
  7. The team really didn't believe in him, and I can't blame him for shopping around. Now that being said... this is the only coach he's been successful under, and most teams that would likely be interested in signing him are in worse shape than the Giants are. I think he stays, and his contract is reasonable.
  8. Definitely one of the weirdest looking plays I've ever seen...
  9. I was under the impression he was the head of the pro personnel department for the Eagles?
  10. I can honestly see a 16-10 game next week. Both of those defenses are phenomenal.
  11. The Eagles have an amazing front office. I think a big part of our success this year was having Brandon Brown in our front office; look how many street free agents came in this year and we're really productive players for us. I'd argue his contributions were much greater than Schoen's from a personnel standpoint (those scrub FAs did more to help the team than our middling draft did).
  12. That's ok. Either he'll stay or he'll go. I trust our coaches and front office either way.
  13. I think one of the worst things about looking at the Eagles' roster is that it reads like a who's who of players I had wanted on the team. AJ Brown, Davonta Smith, Hassan Reddick, etc... these are guys I was pounding the table for and now they're awesome players for the Eagles.
  14. Sorry mate. Hope you're on the mend and feeling better soon.
  15. I commented on the game day thread that I had gotten stuck at a gig, but I did watch the first three drives of the game on my phone. After the Jones INT I turned it off and it never went back on. I know it was a really disappointing end to the season, but I had said to my friends at work this week that I thought we'd lose by 2-3 scores. Look at each team's rosters and tell me which position group you wouldn't swap for the Eagles' players. Their roster might be the best in the league right now, and we're trotting out street free agents and practice squad players. Last night before bed my wife said she was sorry about how the game went, but I replied "I'm not. I thought we'd win four games this season; we more than doubled that and beat the #2 seed in the playoffs with practice squad players. What are we going to do once we have NFL caliber players on the team?" I'm really, REALLY excited to see what we look like when Fabian Moreau isn't a starting corner... when Isiah Hodgins isn't your #1 WR... when Ben Bredeson isn't your best interior lineman. This was supposed to be a rebuilding year and we were playing with house money the entire time. I haven't been this excited about a Giants team since after Eli's rookie season. Can't wait for next year, and fuck the Eagles with a sawfish bill.
  16. So I just got home but I'm thinking this isn't worth turning on?
  17. Brutal. There is such a huge gap between the Eagles roster and this roster it's unreal.
  18. My gig has gone an extra hour so I'm watching on my phone as middle school kids dance to Rick Astley. No, really...
  19. I'm doing brats again boiled in beer, and drinking the same beer as last week. You know... just in case that's what's providing the mojo.
  20. Right? Where's the fucking Plax Burress regular season game? Where's the JASON SEHORN game, NFL?!?!
  21. Cowboys have a better overall record. Cowboys have better seeding. Cowboys have a better conference and divisional record. Cowboys beat us twice. Cowboys have a better roster with more All-Pros. Cowboys scored the same number of points last week against a better defense. Cowboys beat the Vikes 40-3. Seriously, I hate the Cowboys, but I'm not sure in what world the Giants should be above them in the power rankings.
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