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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Not really. Sheridan wasn't 32nd, was he?
  2. You mean... finishing in the bottom half of the league in six of your seven seasons as a coordinator might mean you're bad? I'm sure it's just an aberration... six out of seven times.
  3. LOL I know that guy's nephew. His last name really was "Albano."
  4. My guess is that it's more than just his middling defense. The dude is like a swear machine on the sidelines and looks like he just stepped out of "Sons of Anarchy." He's his whole own circus but doesn't have the chops to back it up.
  5. This. Green Bay fans are all class. Hope to see you guys in the Super Bowl. Though I do hate Gay Matthews... but hey, we had Plaxico Burress and Jeremy Droppy. Every team has at least one.
  6. The Vaunted Giants Pass Rush propelled them to a Super Bowl.
  7. Sephiroth


    Denver is going to win it this year. Peyton is pissed that his little brother has more rings than he does.
  8. Sephiroth


    I used to think he was a QB who was athletic as opposed to an athlete playing QB, but now I'm not so sure. It seems like when he's hobbled and can't play in a gimmick offense, the guy can't even throw for 100 yards. Take the running element out of him and he's not even average. Discuss.
  9. Adrian Peterson has rushed for more than 400 yards vs. the Pack this year. If he gets another 200 it's ovah.
  10. I can't answer that either. Gilly's offense is top ten every year, and Fewell's D is bottom ten.
  11. Well, that's one loss we can chalk up for next season.
  12. Tuck has something mental going on, and has since the middle part of last season. I'm not sure what it is but the guy just doesn't look like he's that into it. If you wanna talk about ghosts... JPP didn't record a sack in his last 7 games in a row. We need a firestarter on this team, especially on defense. That's why I'm hoping we go after Maulauga. At least that guy plays angry.
  13. If I'm not mistaken, McCants was the human turnstile that made it impossible to evaluate QBs or receivers this summer.
  14. Fewell's D has never finished in the top HALF of the league with the Giants and is clearly heading in the wrong direction. Why should we keep him again? Oh yeah, because Coughlin marries his fucking coordinators and had to be threatened with his own job before he'd have the likes of Tim Lewis and Bill Sheridan fired.
  15. I didn't think they looked that good in 2011. Unless the 25th ranked defense is considered "good." A big playoff push and SB title makes a lot of people forget just how shitty they really were for the regular season.
  16. Fucking idiocy. What, we have to wait until we have the 32nd ranked defense to make a change?
  17. Good luck to you guys too.
  18. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/football/bears/chi-chicago-bears-fire-coach-lovie-smith-2012,0,1783180.story
  19. I'm not sure Maulauga would be that expensive. Dude comes off the field on passing downs and is an average player with a high ceiling right now, as opposed to Blackburn who may be a little bit better but he's hit his ceiling.
  20. No. And I'm starting to think I'm just about done with PayPal. They want a copy of my SS card, my driver's license, and a recent pay stub. Fuck that. PM me your address and I'll send you cash.
  21. Beatty is more of a quick feet and finesse guy which is what you want to protect the QBs blind side, but for RT you need more of a mauler/road grater, which Beatty is not. Also, if we bring back Boothe as well we're talking about a good chunk of money tied up in two guys along the line, leaving an average Baas, ineffective Diehl, and injured Snee/Locklear as the only guys that are definitely returning. We're pretty much going to have to spend a high pick on the OL somewhere.
  22. Seriously. Like clockwork, every fucking year this team pulls this shit. I have no idea at this point who to blame, but it's amazing. This team just flat-out sucks from November until the last two weeks of December every year. People say the Giants are inconsistent, but their record in the second half of the season consistently sucks balls.
  23. If Tannenbaum goes I can't imagine Ryan being far behind him.
  24. KP is average-to-good. He doesn't hurt you but he's not a real playmaker back there either. He's a B- kind of guy.
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