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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I know it sounds weird to say since they're both WRs, but its almost an apples-and-oranges comparison. They're both good players who are better when complimented by the other.
  2. It's strange to say, but it's almost like he's never done anything without Spagnuolo's scheme. The second Fewell got here Tuck became invisible.
  3. So yesterday I plop down in my hotel room and turn on the tube, and the channel is set to ESPN. They're doing the "media day" rundown, so seeing as I haven't been paying a lick of attention to the Super Bowl, I figure I'll watch. Within twenty minutes, I learned about how Randy Moss thinks he's the greatest receiver of all time, and that the Harbaughs... get this... are brothers. Colin Kaepernick is just like Tom Brady too, because he replaced a steady but unspectacular QB, see? Also, it's awesome how he kisses his arm; nobody has ever done that before, he should trademark that shit. Also, Ray Lewis took banned substances to get back in shape. So in twenty minutes, I learned that Moss is still an asshole, Jim Harbaugh is an asshole, Ray Lewis is an asshole, and Colin Kaepernick is an asshole. I think I'll skip all the media hype till the game. Hell, I may not even watch this year. Who gives a fuck about either of these teams? Unlikeable douches all around.
  4. I only caught maybe 20 mins of the Pro Bowl last night, but the play did seem to be better than in years past.
  5. I just think we should draft a DE to play linebacker for us.
  6. I think that if you have the 32nd ranked defense, you should be fired. But not the 31st... that's just awesome.
  7. 12 years, 13K yards, and 6th leading rusher all time. Dude is ahead of Dickerson, Dorsett, and Faulk. He might not be a first-ballot guy but you don't have that type of career and not get in. In his prime the guy was a beast.
  8. When he's with Belichick, I agree. Dude has zero playoff wins without him, meanwhile, Billy B has three more rings and two more appearances.
  9. Of those guys, my list would be: Larry Allen - guy was an absolute beast at two different positions Jon Ogden - again, one of the all-time best players at that spot Jerome Bettis - not many power backs end up in the top five rushing category all time and play for 10+ years. Michael Strahan - in his prime could take over a game. Plus the media loves him. Kevin Greene - don't know why nobody talks about this guy when they talk about all-time pass rushers. Dude is #3 all-time. Parcells is overrated and never won anything without Belichick (not even ONE playoff game, ever) but he'll probably end up in there too.
  10. Motherfucker is definitely no Mike Pope or Mouse McNally.
  11. Pierre-Paul is very coachable. Look how quickly he learned to suck in the second half of the season.
  12. Honestly, I couldn't give a shit about any of the teams that are left.
  13. LOL. I always say that. The "loudest stadium in the NFL" is half-empty and pretty fucking quiet each year they start 1-4.
  14. How that guy isn't in the Hall of Fame is beyond me. Anti-New York bias.
  15. Well, when all you've said for the past three years is "grumble, grumble... it's my responsibility to get guys to play better... grumble... *breath... I take full responsibility for that..." that's not really saying a lot.
  16. Wait... the Seahawks have more than a dozen fans?
  17. Start 6-2, finish 3-5, hope other teams suck worse and we can sneak in to the playoffs. That's how I see it happening.
  18. I actually liked that guy. One day in camp Strahan says to him, "Your job looks easy. I want to come back as a kicker." Pochman shot back, "I want to come back as a player who's cap number is so big his team can't sign anybody else." Ouch.
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