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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Maybe between him and Dave Diehl, they can scrub up enough dough to call a cab.
  2. The funny thing is, I went and watched some footage of that Saints game last night... Wilson seems to have a lot more power than people think. He was falling forward for extra yards quite a bit. If Scott reminds me of Barry Foster, than Wilson reminds me of Warrick Dunn.
  3. Da'Rell Scott reminds me a lot of this guy who used to play for Pittsburgh named Barry Foster.
  4. I just used to love hearing Warner Wolf say his name on Monday.
  5. This. At the right price, I'd take back Ol' Larry.
  6. He'll have to not get injured every third week. I'm rooting for the kid.
  7. Holy shit I dunno how that guy stuck with those games for so long. If a half-hour goes by and I'm still frustrated, I chalk it up to "shit game design" and chuck it. I remember playing Tomb Raider 2 back in the day and I was in a fucking opera house level for three straight nights of playing. By two hours into the third night I said "fuck this, what am I doing in an opera house as a TOMB raider anyway?" Never played another TR again.
  8. T2 interview on returning to the Giants:
  9. Really? Of the three things I posted, I'd have figured the pink jersey would've been the legit one.
  10. This could only be a great idea, as offenses don't already have enough advantages in today's NFL. Also, I think all RBs and WRs should be able to get a running start, we should shackle the ankles of the defenders, and the QB should wear a pink jersey so you know not to hit him.
  11. Sephiroth


    Only if he and Jack promise to have a dumb-off.
  12. Is it possible that the players to fill the new holes on the roster... are already on the roster? Let's take a look: Chris Canty: I've never been a big fan of Canty since day one, as the guy has always played next to A+ type players (DeMarcus Ware, Osi Umenyiora/JPP, etc) and never been able to provide more than B, B- play. Marcus Kuhn was looking like the light was going on for him right before the injury, and if Shaun Rogers can stay healthy, he's a legitimate run-stopper. I really feel like either of those two guys can step in at a cheap price and give you at least 90% of what Canty did (check out the New Orleans and Washington games if you'd like to see Canty really getting pushed around). Ahmad Bradshaw: if he's not picked up by the time the season starts I could actually see him back on the roster. That being said, it's tough to be a running back when you miss every practice and have two broken feet. David Wilson is going to give you the "boom or bust" type runs that Barber used to for this team, and if Brown can stay healthy... well, that's not a bad 1-2 punch. However, let's not forget that Ryan Torain is still young and has been a serviceable back in this league, and at this time last year all of us were gushing about the potential of Da'Rell Scott, who is actually faster and bigger than Wilson. I really feel like we'll be fine here. Michael Boley - this is the one area I don't see us building from within. If Mark Herzlich can take the spot in the middle, it's possible that Blackburn could move to the outside. I don't see a Spencer Paysinger manning that spot right now. Keith Rivers is a possibility at the right price, but he's another guy that's hurt all the time. Osi Umenyiora - I've loved Osi, but it's his time to go. However, after the preseasons of Adrian Tracy and Adewale Ojomo, you'd have to think one of them would be able to step up and provide the level of pressure that Osi did last year (6 sacks isn't a tough mark to gain in spot duty). At 6'4" and 270, you'd think Ojomo would be more of a run stuffer, but he's definitely shown the ability to rush the passer as well. Tracy seems to fit the Osi type better at 6'2" 245, and has shown flashes that he could be a legitimate speed rusher. I'd love to see a roster battle between these two guys in training camp. Honestly, I think the problems on our O-line are going to be worse than anything that's happened at those four positions.
  13. It almost seems like in the "rebuilding" years, the Giants surprise everyone and win the Super Bowl. Eli always gives us a chance, so I'm not overly concerned. I think we should draft an early-round guy though in the next 2-3 years to groom behind him, however.
  14. You mean we're FINALLY not in the top three?
  15. If he's healthy, he basically gives you everything Canty did, but for a bargain price.
  16. Dude is a good role player, doesn't rock the boat, and is solid but unspectacular. Plus his name is "Bear," and honestly, what's not to like about that?
  17. Kaepernick may have a goofy, stupid-looking face... but he's no Eli Manning.
  18. Canty, Boley, and Bradshaw gone... adding Snee to that mix would give the Giants a lot of holes to fill (and a decidedly different look for 2013).
  19. Star Lotulelei or Manti T'eo? I think T'eo is there to be had with his whole stupid fake girlfriend deal.
  20. Looking forward to that one. You know, the Pack might be my favorite NFC team behind the Giants. I used to like the Bears too until Jay Cutler.
  21. I actually think it'll be Wilson and "player as yet to be determined." Could be a 4th round type power guy or a FA off the street. Rumor has it the team really likes Torain as well. I love Brown but the kid just isn't durable enough to be a back in the NFL.
  22. It would be nice to sign him back at a reasonable price. Dude wasn't terrible, but was never worth the kind of money he was getting.
  23. Aside from asshole Randy Moss and whatever that corner had to say this weekend, I'm getting really fucking tired of Jim Harbaugh's third grade temper tantrums on the sideline. Seems I'm not the only one who thinks so as well. If people thought Coughlin was bad, they should get a load of Jimmy... dude is a fucking nutcase.
  24. They way I'd think about it is, "you can have Sapp or Strahan to start a francise with. Who do you pick?" I think most would pick Strahan; he was the better player.
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