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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. All I know is Gilbride has been raving about the guy all offseason. He's definitely going to get his shot... why pay Nicks 7 mil per season when you have Randle locked up for 1-and-change until 2016?
  2. I had to stay home yesterday. Ruben Fucking Sandwich.
  3. Good article. Tuck is a tough guy to figure out. He's a good public speaker and says all the right things, but his body language sometimes says his heart isn't in it. Remember when he kept getting bullied by Flozell Adams?
  4. Personally, I always thought Ronde was a better football player than Tiki.
  5. The Bears are stupid. They took a starting-caliber linebacker when a third-string QB was available? Schmucks.
  6. This guy is acting like someone would reasonably trade the short-term success of the Seahawks, Redskins, or 49ers for the long-term successes of the Saints, Giants, Ravens, or Packers. The former teams have had one or two good seasons where the latter teams have been competitive for five plus years. Who's to say that Kaepernick doens't fizzle out with his ridiculous showboating, RGIII's career isn't over in two years due to injuries, and the league doesn't figure out that Russel Wilson is actually Doug Flutie? News flash... yes, you PAY for a QB that provides long-term success for your team.
  7. Unless your name is Percy Harvin.
  8. You have to understand, Barret Green was never, EVER injured before that Redskins game.
  9. Tough question. It's like saying "which would you rather have to do: eat five pieces of poo or fuck your sister?" There's just no good answer.
  10. That's me. I said that the Giants should trade David Wilson and JPP for Chase Blackburn and the rights to Jesse Palmer.
  11. Shakes is OK but his fascination with Aaron Curry is weird.
  12. They asked who the comeback player of the year would be and I said Nicks because he's finally healthy and playing for a contract, but look for Snee to bounce back and be dominant. I was the guy that John Schmelk thought might be C3PO, lol.
  13. I had my tweet read on BBK yesterday, which was pretty cool.
  14. I heard the guy wasn't bad on fake punts, too.
  15. No Woodhead, no TEs, no Lloyd, no Welker... ol' Hoodie is gonna have to pull a rabbit out of his hat on this one. The good news is you can still get Lloyd, Austin Collie, Steve Breaston, and even Randy Moss if you really felt like it right now.
  16. Wait, by "underrated" I thought we were talking about guys that never made the Pro Bowl?
  17. Offense - Doug Reisenberg. "too undersized," "not strong enough," "short arms," but the guy was athletic, a scrapper, and gave you 100% on every single play. Defense - Greg Jackson. Solid safety and Pro Bowl snub for his entire career... plus, he pretty much single-handedly took Andre Reed outta that '90 Super Bowl because he and Myron Guyton were just fucking killing Reed over the middle. Honorable mentions go to Chad Bratzke, Rich Seubert, Bob Kratch, and Jeff Hostetler.
  18. My bold prediction is we're pulling guys off the street to play LB for us by week 9.
  19. Warren Sapp is a great example of how you can be a marginal player, but have a big mouth, make "controversies," and generally be a jerk and parlay that into a job once you're done playing football... not to mention a first-ballot Hall of Fame berth. He was a dominant player for about four years. I don't know how that gets you into the HOF first-ballot.
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