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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. If Brady is being paid so poorly, it makes you wonder where the money is going. They have Brady, Gronkowski, Wilfork, and... and, uh.... ?
  2. "I say to heck with Giants slackers Put me in, I'll play linebacker."
  3. Cofield did the same thing two years ago.
  4. Dude only has 28 tackles over 3 games. Good thing we passed on THAT hack.
  5. In theory. But when you watch the games, a lot of officiating teams are basically calling any hit that looks like it hurts as a "hit on a defenseless receiver." Guys are catching the ball, taking two steps, and getting a shoulder in the ribs and getting the benefit of a flag at the end. They almost called it in the Giants game, but picked up the flag. Other crews aren't picking up the flag.
  6. After this season, Reese may have a good case to offer Eli a pay cut. Something along the lines of, "hey, Eli... if you don't want to be crippled in two years, you might want to take a pay cut so we can afford NFL-caliber linemen to put in front of you."
  7. They should see how these next two weeks go. If we lose both games, then there's no reason to make a trade... the season is effectively over. If we win both though, there may be something to salvage. I'd take a low-round trade for somebody serviceable... maybe a seventh for a Sean Locklear type. I'd also be willing to move any of our "stellar" DEs for an NFL caliber linebacker, but I know that's just wishful thinking.
  8. vs Chefs - we win. Yeah, you heard it here first. Everything in the world is going against us so we're winning this one. Eagles - win again. The Eagles are finishing around 7-9 this year. College coaches suck. Bears - we get fucking killed in a totally non competitive game. Vikes - we win. They suck worse than we do, if you can believe that. Eagles - win. The slide is on in Philly, and we're at the halfway point. We're 4-4, season saved, right? Raiders - win. It's the Raiders. We're 5-4! Playoffs, baby! Packers - lose. Revenge time for the Pack since we killed them in the playoffs two years ago. Cowboys - win. We might suck, but so do they, and we're not turning the ball over 6 times again. Redskins - lose. We help them get back on track with their season in the pathetic NFC East. Hey, does 6-6 sound familair? Chargers - lose. The Chargers are actually going to be decent this season. Seahawks - lose. Oh yeah, turns out we do suck, doesn't it? Lions - SURPRISE! We win. Redskins - win. 8-8 doesn't win the division though, so we watch the playoffs from home AND lose the chance at a top-10 pick. Plus, we're saddled with Killdrive and Gruel for another year.
  9. I don't know what Tuck you guys are looking at. The dude lead the team in tackles through the first two games. He's not getting to the QB but he's playing better than any other DE on the team, and what... he got sealed against Denver? Which one of our DEs isn't getting sealed? I'll take him over Kiwi and JPP any day of the week this season.
  10. He's been running the whole route tree since he's been there. The legendary tip ball, the deep ball... he's more than a slant/comeback guy and always has been. And he's good at it, so I wouldn't be too keen on taking that away.
  11. What we do for now is play out the season, and try not to get our franchise quarterback killed. But honestly, the time for trying to help this team ended in July, and Reese missed the bus. There's not a whole lot you can do to improve the OL, which everyone knew was the biggest problem area heading into the offseason, as well as the linebackers. What I'd do moving forward is this: 1. Go to a short passing game to help mask the ineffectiveness of the OL. 2. Rest JPP until he's actually healthy, and start Kiwi and/or Jenkins at end. What's the point of "having depth" if you're going to play your starters at 75% anyway and never let them heal? 3. Get someone in for depth at LB, that can perhaps be an on-field coach. Takeo Spikes maybe, or someone of that ilk. Yeah, they might not be able to give you a whole lot, but it doesn't seem like our LB coach can develop talent very well either, and it's hard to imagine a vet like that being worse. If we can pull out a few wins in the next few weeks, maybe we can start talking very minimal trades to salvage the season, but if we don't make it to 4-3 or so I'd say we just stick with what we've got and discuss next year. I think Coughlin should stay, but Gilly and Fewell both have to go, and for fuck's sake, can we PLEASE draft/sign a competent LB and O-lineman. Strangely enough, two years ago I thought we needed the same things we need now. Clearly our needs haven't been addressed.
  12. What I'd like is: 1. Two starting DEs, and a capable backup. 2. Two starting DTs, and a capable backup. 3. NFL caliber linebackers and offensive linemen. This whole "let's spend our money on eight DL guys" when you can only have four on the field at once isn't working.
  13. That RB draft had those three guys, and honestly, I think we got more out of Brandon Jacobs in the 4th than their respective teams got out of Cedric Benson, Ronnie Brown, and Cadillac Williams.
  14. That was the problem with the Connor signing. Anyone who watched his career knew he wouldn't last till midseason.
  15. Honestly, it's three games in. We could have a turnaround, but with this offensive line play, I think we're finishing as a bottom-third team in the league. On the bright side, there's some good things that can happen if we finish with four wins: 1. We get a really high draft pick, and last time we did that we ended up with Eli and Snee... cornerstones of the franchise for a decade. That ain't bad. 2. We may finally get to dump Killdrive and see what we can do with an Offensive Coordinator that you don't need an engineering degree to understand. Eli's only going to be here another five years or so and it'd be awesome to see what he'd do with an OC that doesn't require 12 pre-snap reads and 3 optional routes for each receiver. 3. Reese may actually figure out he needs to address weaknesses on the team (OL and LB) instead of drafting/signing fifth-string guys on the defensive line and WR.
  16. Maybe we can trade Ryan Nassib for him. Everyone says the reason we drafted Nassib was to use in a trade.
  17. I have to admit, I'm starting to question his genius as well. Sure, he knows when to get rid of the Luke Petitgouts and Jeremy Shockeys, but who has he given us? Nobody from his first draft is still on the team, and T2 is the only guy left from his second class. Then we've gotten Nicks, Beatty, and Brown from his third one, Joseph and Pierre-Paul from his second, Jacquian Williams, the Mook, Jernigan, and Brewer from the next one, and the guys from the last two, none of whom have really knocked anyone's socks off, unless you believe the hype of Reuben Randle and David Wilson. In the meantime, his free agent guys have been anywhere from serviceable (Michael Boley) to flat-out useless (Louis Murphy). The jury's still out on Reese.
  18. Yeah what the fuck? We didn't even play him in preseason.
  19. This o-line is also the worst I've seen on any Giants team. On the bright side, we do have 8 D linemen that are B- to C+ players.
  20. Well, we'll be 0-4 afer the KC game next weekend.
  21. This is the worst rule the league has ever seen. Worse than the "hit zone" on QBs, worse than the "defender drew the lineman to false start." It's ruining the game. How are safeties supposed to make ANY hit? I saw at least four games today where a db was flagged even though he hit the guy in his gut.
  22. Top-Ten draft pick though! Woo-hoo! Who's the best D-lineman in the draft, I wanna order his jersey early!
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