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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. It's not the stadium. It's the fans. I used to complain about the old stadium all the time... one game vs. the Eagles I was there... the Giants were fighting for their playoff lives... on third and 11 for the Eagles, I'm screaming my head off and wondering why the stadium was so quiet. I look and literally NOBODY in the ENTIRE THREE ROWS ahead of me is making any kind of noise. Not even clapping their hands. I'm one guy, and there's sixty in front of me sitting there in silence. The fans are just lame at Giants stadium. It's the way it's always been.
  2. I didn't exactly study the game film, but I remember Rogers playing well against the first stringers, and Austin being very inconsistent. Against the third-team guys, he'd be in the backfield one play, then pushed five yards off the ball the next. Honestly, I don't understand where the Marvin Austin love comes from; it's not like he didn't have a body of work to look at, and it was poor at best. The guy was a bust.
  3. You have to admit though, Giants stadium is one of the quietest in the NFL. I got yelled at one time for "making too much noise" by some 60-something sitting in front of me.
  4. I have to give props to Reese for at least trying something. Now, that being said, the time to look for NFL quality linebackers was back in March, not in October. There's not going to be a whole lot of quality guys on the trading block.
  5. I'm going to tell you that Shaun Rogers outplayed Marvin Austin in the preseason. Austin had one big hit against third stringers and a handful of sacks against the same. What's more, Rogers has a career of playmaking... Austin had two good preseason games. He was just flat-out terrible last year.
  6. Just found out my old man bought tickets to Giants/Raiders and I'm obligated to pay for them. oy.
  7. I think the fans will be plenty loud... with boos.
  8. This is a good point. It's really a failure on all levels. I think the coaches are culpable, as are the players, but Reese's drafts haven't been all that great either. I think Wolf is being a little generous in his assessments.
  9. Yet another reason why Paysinger isn't "all over the field" when his nine statistical tackles are twenty yards downfield.
  10. I think the best place for him is to sit behind JPP. You can't take a star like JPP off the field; there's always the chance that a blown play will result in a crushing JPP sack.
  11. He's 29 and it's his SECOND fucking season? Plus his name sucks.
  12. Almost makes you think we should have gone after Brandon Moore.
  13. It really is. And there's no quick fix. It's gonna be a long assed season... and next one probably won't be a walk in the park either.
  14. I was originally going to go to the Eagles game, but I can't imagine spending 200 bucks to watch this shit show.
  15. I want the best LT in the draft.
  16. Honestly, I can't see myself wasting another day watching the Giants unless we're getting 43 degree rain up here, or my old man comes by and really wants to watch. These guys aren't even competitive.
  17. Yeah, but Belichick doesn't meet the second... his coaching tree sucks. Of course, six Super Bowl rings does have the habit of getting you in, and the guy can scheme out of just about any situation. You could put a high school team out there on D and Belichick will figure out a way to hold the offense to 21 points. .
  18. He's the JPP of tight ends, so it's probably his back. Or bad conditioning.
  19. Manning is terrible at short throws, and always has been. I remember about seven years ago, I wanted him run out on a rail because I was tired of watching a fourth-year QB miss running backs in the flat by ten yards or throw ankle passes. The DeMarcus Ware INT is the most recent proof.
  20. For me, it's not that I think we're going to find someone better... it's that all that money tied up into one guy makes it tough to sign impact players at other positions. We had the same problem with Strahan a bunch of years back... his cap number was so big that we couldn't sign anybody.
  21. I think he would be. On the flip side, if we do jettison Coughlin this year, I could see it being a very similar situation to the Eagles and Andy Reid... the sort of "you don't know what you've got till it's gone."
  22. Fuck... he's actually counting MORE towards the cap these next two years?
  23. Well, I guess we got our answers: 1. Not much. This IS a guy in a contract year, right? 2. More like Dave Brown than Phil Simms 3. No. 4. Wait... we have linebackers? Though I have to admit Paysinger was actually competent.
  24. The Giants Podcast Twitter feed was blowing up with Webster hate, too. I figured maybe he said something.
  25. I went mountain biking at around 3PM. Beautiful day... cloudless sky, 73 degrees, beautiful foliage. However, my tailbone is killing me today. :/
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