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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Honestly, if I was Mara, I'd keep the core. Reese, TC, and Eli... but they're all on one-year notice. All coordinators and dead wood on the roster are shown the door. The former three guys turn in another 5-11 season, I'd send them all packing and start from scratch.
  2. Cruz still has a respectable 1k yards this season.
  3. These are all really good points. By no means am I saying it's all on Eli. It's just that when your QB is having his worst season as a pro... just threw five picks... you have no shot at the postseason... you have a guy that you drafted in the fourth round... I mean dear God, man... If now isn't the time to see what the kid has got, WHEN is the time? How much worse do things have to get before you see if you blew a pick on a young QB?
  4. I don't think he'll be benched. But letting Nassib play makes a ton of sense. 1. If he's good, maybe we really can use him as "trade bait" in a year or two. 2. If he's really good, may be we can groom him to be a starter some day. 3. Best case scenario if Eli "turns it around," is that we win two more games and lose our draft position. 4. If the coaching starf really believes Eli is the future, why should we let him continue to get killed behind this line? Letting Eli play a half and Nassib play a half is the sensible thing to do. Which is why it will never happen with this clownish coaching staff.
  5. He's regressed every year since Mike Sullivan left. It may be time for plan B.
  6. Well, everyone knows the best way to "turn your fourth round pick into a second" is to deactivate him every week.
  7. Yep. He's great at getting us the one-year wonders like JPP and Hakeem Nicks but the bottom half of his drafts fucking blow every year... and he sure as hell hasn't gotten us a Strahan, an Eli... hell, an Osi Umenyiora. A David Fucking Deihl. I think Reese has one more year to prove himself or he'll be gone too. I mean seriously... Brewer? Robinson? Every 3rd round pick? Reese has been living off Accorsi's coattails and one decent draft for the past six years.
  8. Four picks so far. Clearly, we should continue starting him instead of our "trade bait," Ryan Nassib. The best way to showcase Nassib's talents are to deactivate him. I'm sure we'll get a second for the guy based on how he looks in a Giants jacket and hat.
  9. The problem is that we gave a huge contract to a guy that showed up to camp fat and out of shape two years ago... then blamed it on his wife.
  10. If you guys want, I could fill the Jack role here. "Well guys, I still have hopes for us the make the playoffs this season and win it all. I think if we win out, we streak into the Super Bowl and beat the Patriots. However, we won't win another game unless we get Cooper Taylor out there. TC has no idea what he's doing. Taylor and Michael Cox are going to be Pro Bowlers for the next decade. We need to get them on the field. How about that JaQuain Williams? He's like a young LT. The guy gets snubbed for the Pro Bowl every year. Must be anti-New York bias. We might want to talk Jesse Palmer out of retirement too. He looks really unhappy in that broadcaster chair. I think he still has the fire to play."
  11. Calling for Coughlin's head + your franchise QBs shittiest season + one year remaining on a deal = Super Bowl.
  12. I think Tuck stays and finished out his career in New York. Dude may not have much left in the tank, but I think he looks at the Michael Strahans, Tiki Barbers, Antonio Pierces, etc. of former Giants teams and realizes there's a lot more opportunities for people who stay in New York than people who bail. Honestly, he's arguably been our best D-lineman this year. The sacks are finally coming but he's been very active all season.
  13. ...speaking of selling tickets and jerseys, is Bruce Smith still available?
  14. Remember when we burned a fourth-round pick so we could "showcase Nassib and use him for trade-bait?"
  15. It almost makes you think these coaches can't figure out that the prevent defense doesn't work.
  16. Actually, he's had a good run of late, but has been pretty fragile. He ended up on IR after breaking his foot against the Pats early in his career, has had three concussions, and now this. He's not in Michael Vick territory or anything, but he's no Brett Favre or Peyton Manning either.
  17. That's funny, because JPP told me that he squared off against you in this thread, and that it was a "fight," a "dogfight" and that "blood was spilled." Wait... he didn't show up to this, either?
  18. Fucking weird, right? Look at last year's playoff teams... the Pack, the Falcons, Texans, Pittsburgh... so many teams that have enjoyed success over the past few years are in the gutter.
  19. They have no first rounder. The Rams must have ten-inch boners right now.
  20. Also, Buddy Ryan's commentary is spot on. "He came at me... hit him...."
  21. Now that Jay Cutler looks to be gone, I might start rooting for the Bears this season too. I always liked them, but I hate Cutler. I have a similar problem with Pittsburgh and Rapistberger.
  22. So I'm starting to wonder really who the problem is on offense when it comes to our crappy passing game. On one hand, you have Killdrive. He of the 40-plus-passes into 50 MPH winds and the seven-step drops with three linemen on IR. It's baffling how little he adjusts in-game and how slow he is to go to a short passing game. But on the other hand, you have Eli. Eli has never been good throwing short to intermediate routes. I remember absolutely losing my shit during his third season after the tenth time he missed Tiki Barber in the flat... an eight yard pass. We still can't run a screen, and his passes in the flat (Da'Rel Scott) always seem to be a bit off. Additionally, his intermediate throws always seem to be too high (see: Plaxico Burress' back problems), or a bit behind the receiver. Maybe Killdrive goes for the bomb all the time because it's the only pass Eli can throw with some consistency. On the other hand, Accorsi said when he drafted Eli that "this is a kid you have to just throw out there and let him play," and Killdrive's system obviously is not that. I think Killdrive is the odd man out this season, but I'm starting to have serious concerns about Eli as well. Discuss.
  23. This would be my "plan" as far as the draft goes, with a bit of FA mixed in: 1. We need a solid-to-good veteran on the O-line, since we'll likely have three new starters there. I'd take a hard look at Eric Winston from the Cardinals. The guy is a B+ player, and is a real leader who's not afraid to speak his mind. 2. After that, we draft the best O-lineman we can in round one. If that's a left or right tackle, we bring him in and let him compete with Winston and Beatty for one of the starting jobs. If he can't win it, we stick him on the inside with Pugh at the other Guard spot. 3. After that we go BPA, but look hard at the O-line again, linebacker, and wide receiver. Yes, you can basically write the same thing we've all been writing for the past five seasons, but this is shit that seriously hasn't been addressed since Reese has been our GM (barring WR... which he wastes on Jerrel Jernigan and Ramses Barden most years, but sometimes pulls a Hakeem Nicks or Ruben Randle out of his ass). 4. Before the end of the second day we need a tough interior lineman... a real road grater. I don't care if it's a center or a guard, but we need someone that can push back a 350lb tackle on third-and-one.
  24. That's true, but it's also a testament to Reese's shitty drafts as your special teams are made of the bottom third of your roster. The Jayron Hoseleys and Mark Herzlichs of the world would probably be personal trainers at your local gym if not for the Giants.
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