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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. At least he has a great career in gold mining if he decides to leave football. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAcXt-NOb1U
  2. Good read. But why did you post it three times.
  3. Honestly, I am pissed they won in that fashion. We got absolutely NOTHING out of this game. What we discovered was that our O-line sucks, our QB is below-average when he doesn't have protection, and Kevin Gilbride loves to get away from what works for us... in other words, "we are who we thought we were." As if we didn't already have 14 games to figure that out. Oh also, Andre Brown? Turns out he gets hurt a lot. If we had won by two scores, I'd be happy. If we had lost big, but gotten to see what Nassib, Moore, Hankins, et. al. could do as starters, I'd be happy. If we had lost, I'd at least be HAPPIER. But to limp to the finish against a team as pathetic as the Lions, yet somehow look just as pathetic... that gives me nothing to be elated about. I agree. Why not start with the guys we haven't seen yet? Maybe one of them shows us something. At this point, is anyone really clamoring to see if Hakeem Nicks can get his groove back or if Eli Manning will finally get better than a 60% completion percentage on his throws? I understand playing the Justin Tucks of the team... guys fighting for contracts... but really, what did those other two guys give you yesterday? I totally get "playing for pride." These fucking assholes had 14 games to "play for pride," why don't we give the youngsters a shot at that?
  4. I think Coughlin should retire and Gilbride should be head coach.
  5. I mean seriously, who doesn't feel awesome about this team going into the offseason? Eli totally played a great game... SO glad we didn't see what we had in Nassib. You don't sit an elite qb like that. Will Beatty is clearly the left tackle of the future, and now we all know that Hakeem Nicks needs to be back at any cost. Best of all, we escaped the game with no significant injuries. How about that Kevin Gilbride offense, huh? Did you know that guy has two Super Bowl rings? TWO. I bet the Maras go to bed every night and thank God that he's still with the team. It's victories like this that propel us into the offseason. I for one am glad we just plummeted seven draft spots... when you see a team perform like ours did today, it makes it all worth it. GO GIANTS!
  6. The way he completely abandoned what worked in the first half was INCREDIBLE. And his pass-run-pass by downs totally caught the defense off guard. Nobody knew what was coming. It's no wonder this man has two Super Bowl rings.
  7. There are so many problems on this team that it's the very definition of "death by a thousand cuts." However, so much going wrong at once is only throwing a magnifying glass on Gibride's average schemes and bizarre play calling. These problems go back several seasons, (check out this old NYT article about the Giants/Eagles playoff loss) but now that there's no horses to run it's even more obvious. Reese's pickups and drafts have been horrible, and I'd expect these Giants to be bad for a long time, but I don't see any other choice but to let Gilbride go... he's been square pegging this team since he's been here. I mean, you guys aren't honestly suggesting that we keep him, even though we know he sucks? Joe Bugel and Mike Martz have Super Bowl rings too and I don't exactly see teams clamoring to pick those guys up.
  8. Last time Gilbride wanted to really showcase what he could do, he threw 40 passes into 50mph headwinds while his running game was averaging 6 yards per clip. Stunningly, it didn't land him the Raiders job. The guy is too rigid. Kind of reminds me of Tim Lewis where "if you didn't get the playbook, it was your fault." And like Tim Lewis, it's time for him to go.
  9. The strange thing too is, Gilbride used to make adjustments at certain times and for certain players. Manningham had two routes... the comeback and the fly route. Gilly knew he was dumb as a post so he adjusted accordingly... why can't he do the same and dumb down the routes for the Jernigans and Randles on the roster?
  10. I read the article. The vibe I got wasn't necessarily that he thought replacing Killdrive was a bad idea, but that the Giants shouldn't expect that to be a magic bullet... There's more to it than just the offensive coordinator.
  11. Is it just me... or is that guy beating more than just a dead horse?
  12. Hicks just needs to remember: short, controlled bursts.
  13. It's just really amazing how literally every gamble JR tried this season came up short. He bet that he could squeeze one more year out of three aging linemen. He lost. He bet that at least one young linebacker would develop into an NFL-caliber starter. He lost. He bet that at least one TE could block a linebacker or D-lineman. He lost. He bet that despite never finishing an NFL season, at least one running back would emerge as a reliable starter. He lost. He bet that Will Beatty had a future. He lost.
  14. I think the coaching staff ruined him. When your car starts making a funny noise, you don't double the miles you're putting on it, you bring it to the shop. They're doing the same thing with JPP right now.
  15. "Gilbride's offense should work if the proper pieces were in place." That's the difference between an average and a good coordinator. An average one can come up with a scheme that works if he has the right players. A good coordinator changes his scheme to fit the players that he has.
  16. 3 years I think? I know he's here next year.
  17. Also not listed but must be resigned is John Connor. Dude is ten times the player that lilly-livered Hynoski is.
  18. It's weird that you bring this up because I was just literally talking about this with my mom last night. She's a huge Giants fan and I said to her, "It's like Reese never talks to Coughlin to see if his picks will work with their coaching. They pick up Brandon Myers and then keep him in to block 60% of the time? They draft Ryan Nassib to 'use as trade bait' and then they don't play him when the season is over? He drafts DaMontre Moore and John Hankins and they ride the pine for the whole year? It's like one hand has no idea what the other is doing."
  19. Not for nothing... but I'd take Hicks over that crybaby Hudson any day.
  20. The other thing too is it's really difficult these days to have a "coaching tree" with the amount of assistants that move around. Does Spags belong to the Coughlin tree or the Jim Johnson/Andy Reid tree? Does Sean Payton belong to Fassel (along with maybe John Fox) or is he part of the Bill Parcells tree? Who do you put Norv Turner under? Dude has been a coordinator for like 10 teams.
  21. There's some guy named Bill Belichick that has a really shitty one, too. Josh Mc Daniels, Charlie Weis, Eric Mangini, Romeo Crennel... I'd take Coughlin's guys over those guys.
  22. Here's a list of our free agents at the end of the season: RB Brandon Jacobs - GONE WR Louis Murphy - GONE WR Hakeem Nicks GONE TE Bear Pascoe BACK AT RIGHT PRICE OT David Diehl GONE OG Kevin Boothe BACK AT RIGHT PRICE OL Jim Cordle BACK AT RIGHT PRICE DL Linval Joseph BACK AT RIGHT PRICE (BUT UNLIKELY) DL Justin Tuck - BACK AT RIGHT PRICE LB Keith Rivers BACK AT RIGHT PRICE (we need to bring at least one LB back) CB Aaron Ross BACK AT RIGHT PRICE CB Terrell Thomas BACK AT RIGHT PRICE CB Corey Webster - GONE FS Stevie Brown - BACK AT RIGHT PRICE Players salaries that will count against the cap in 2014 Eli ($20,400,000) - MUST RESTRUCTURE Snee ($11,750,000) - GONE Rolle ($9,250,000) - BACK AT RIGHT PRICE... Baas ($8,225,000) - GONE Cruz ($7,424,000) - FAIR PAY FOR HIM Beatty ($7,400,000) - MUST RESTRUCTURE OR BE CUT (IF POSSIBLE) Kiwi ($7,050,000) - MUST RESTRUCTURE OR BE CUT (IF POSSIBLE) Myers ($4,375,000) - GONE JPP ($3,561,000) - FAIR FOR HIM Jenkins ($3,216,666) - FAIR FOR HIM Weatherford ($2,925,000) - FAIR FOR HIM Prince ($2,603,013) - BARGAIN Webster ($2,250,000) - GONE Pugh ($1,896,795) - FAIR FOR HIM Wilson ($1,823,046) - INJURY RETIREMENT DeOssi ($1,150,000) - WHO? Also, there's nothing about Beason. We need to give that guy a reasonable offer. He's a leader the likes of which we haven't had at LB since Jesse Armstead and/or Antonio Pierce, and clearly makes everyone around him better.
  23. I agree with a team like this... lots of veterans who have been around for a while. If this was Eli's rookie year and they had a young running back, entire position (O-line for example), etc. that needed experience, you can sometimes take something from those victories (the Cowboys' game from Eli's rookie year, for example). I think it's good to end the year on a high note for younger teams. We know what these guys are; there's no reason to keep your vets in there and not see what you've got with the younger guys.
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