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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. He's not the future, but he can step in and win you a few games in a pinch. Curtis Painter couldn't win ONE fucking game on a team that was in the playoffs literally every year. Definite upgrade.
  2. They'll make an exception for him because he's rich and famous.
  3. I'd take Martin over Lewan. Much safer pick, and his versatility means he can compete at any spot on the line. We had 4 spots on the OL that were weak last year and we honestly only addressed one of them (LG). Who knows what we'll get out of Snee, Beatty, and whoever that guy is we signed to play center; Martin can step right in and play admirably for any of those guys. Plus, anyone who thinks we're getting through this year unscathed on the OL is dreaming.
  4. And hey... if we gave Nassib some playing time, maybe Eli wouldn't have fucked up his ankle.
  5. Just a reminder that we wouldn't even be having this fucking conversation if we had given Nassib some playing time during the last two weeks of the season.
  6. But you've gotta admit... its one hell of a last name.
  7. I thought there was another thread about him, and if so, I apologize. This guy has been shooting up draft boards and a lot of draftniks are predicting him to the Giants at 12. What do you all think? On one had, he's got a non-stop motor and is definitely disruptive. Seems to get stronger as the game goes on as well. On the other, he's really undersized (6'1" 285) and it's tough to imagine him dominating 350lb NFL guards. Also, if we did draft him, he'd keep with the tradition of Lawrence Taylor, Michael Strahan, Carl Banks, etc. of players who get tackled on their way to the QB but mysteriously don't get a flag called.
  8. Brown looked to be a good pickup... but unfortunately, he broke his leg immediately after signing the contract and will now be out at least six games to start the season.
  9. Why the fuck did we re-sign Curtis Painter? "Hey... we drafted a guy so that we can 'turn our 4th into a 1st...' but fuck it, let's re-sign a guy who we know sucks and then play him if our starter goes down." Aside from that though, I can't really complain about anything.
  10. Stuffs the hole with authority and really nails the tight ends.
  11. Looks like draft will once again be "best player available."
  12. True. But what was Dodge told by the coaching staff before the punt? "Whatever you do, don't kick it right to him."
  13. Reese is doing a good job at shoring up positions with B, B- players so that there's no "pressing need" in the draft. Unless you count TE, but Eli only looks to his TE about twice per game.
  14. Yeah, so long as we don't re-sign Matt Fucking Dodge, I think we'll be ok.
  15. Yeah, but uh... fact-checking isn't exactly Bleedin's strong suit. The guy falls for these things every time.
  16. Truffle Motherfucking Shuffle, baby...
  17. I honestly am getting a chubby just thinking about Eli's shitty fades right now...
  18. Evans to me looks almost exactly like Ramses Barden.
  19. I love C.J. Fedorowicz. I think he really could be a difference-maker, and you could probably get him in the second. I wouldn't want to wait till the third because Giants draft picks always suck if they're taken in the third.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if he's added after June 1st, when draft pick money becomes more clear. The guy gives you 80% of what Greatest Defensive Tackle of All Time Linval Joseph gives you for 1.5 million per season. He's good value.
  21. I could definitely see that happening, but not only for the reasons you mentioned. The game just isn't the same anymore. Every fucking game, there's three 15 yard penalties for "unnecessary roughness" that would have been legal five years ago. You can't hit the quarterback except in a pre-defined area, and despite having a helmet on, if your hand slaps his head while you're pushed into him you get penalized. Every kickoff is a touchback. A play is over when a player loses a helmet. Fuck, even running backs aren't allowed to put their head down for extra yardage anymore. Then there's the glorification of assholes. Wanna be a broadcaster when your career is over on the field? Be an asshole on the field. It worked for Warren Sapp, Michael Irvin, Deion Sanders, etc... and it sure as shit seems to be working for Richard Sherman, who's face is fucking everywhere in the world these days. That really moves the game forward. And now we're supposed to get two more expansion teams in the next five years, so that we can distill the talent pool even further. Wonderful. In the past four years, my interest in the NFL has gone from "rabid fan who follows every team" to "just keeping up with Giants news" to "passing interest in football." At some point it will probably become "guy who cares about football when he's at the bar and the game is on in front of him." They're really ruined their product.
  22. The important question is... what does their 3rd string QB situation look like? I don't see a fucking Ryan Nassib on that roster. No wonder they haven't won a Super Bowl in 100 years.
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