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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I'm giving him until game 4. These guys better have their shit together by then. In contrast, Gilbride didn't try short passes until week 7 I believe.
  2. When you say to someone "if you fuck up one more time, we're going to cut you" and they fuck up again, you have to cut them.
  3. It can't hurt to see what the kid has. Also, word out of camp is that Holliday has been running at the 4th WR spot and actually looks pretty good.
  4. I dunno... the article on Giants.com had him as one of the standouts of OTAs. That would be great news.
  5. Almost makes you think we should have more than one good linebacker on the team.
  6. Remember, some members on the board were wondering if we could get a second for this schmuck.
  7. He used to be on a show with Bob Papa on Sirius. No joke the guy used to eat his lunch during the show. Papa was awesome and tried to cover for him and whatnot but it was obvious that Sharpe was chowing down on a sandwich.
  8. Yeah... "Omaha..." the signal where the defense knew the snap was next. Of course, according to Killdrive "nobody figured it out."
  9. Parcells looks like he's wearing Dallas colors.
  10. I'm pretty sure that removing the 12 pre-snap reads will be a good thing for Eli.
  11. Will Hill sounds like a world-class douche.
  12. That's true. But when your QB goes from making 2 mil a year to 20, it has an impact... you can't just go out there and sign the Justin Smiths of the world anymore. Not saying it'll break them, but its going to be interesting. Seattle will be facing the same thing with Dick Sherman and Russel Wilson.
  13. Kaepernick signs 126 million dollar contract. It'll be really interesting to see how they do the next 2-3 years now that they have to pay their quarterback more than 600K per season.
  14. They should have fused his wrist to his sternum so he'll stop fumbling.
  15. Good thing Hosely already sucked!
  16. I heard a great argument against Will Hill this morning regarding the rest of the team... basically, they already gave this guy two chances and told him he'd be out by the third strike. If they renege on that, what does it say to the rest of the team? It's sort of like when you tell one child "they're gonna get it" and they never get punished... the other kid sees it and tries to get away with murder too.
  17. Even worse than his complete lack of athleticism was that he just fucking ran by people he was supposed to block. Just saw them and... ran right by them. He's a 350-lb pussy. For the love of God, cut him now.
  18. I say give him one more shot. It's not like he's counting 12 mil against our cap this year. Can't we get him a babysitter a'la Dez Bryant?
  19. I wonder if he's just a world-class douche.
  20. Always liked him. Too bad, but he does have two rings... and that's two more than Marino.
  21. Exactly. Remember the "Dream Team?" Philly does.
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