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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Honestly, we should just trade our third-round pick every year. We haven't drafted a productive third-rounder since Justin Tuck.
  2. Check out his run from 2009-2012. Of the guys in that time, only Pierre-Paul, the Mook, and Will Beatty are producing for this team. That's three fucking guys OUT OF 28. Early returns on the last two drafts look decent, but holy Christ, those four drafts were bad.
  3. I noticed that too (at least in the short amount I watched the game). Lots of blitzes, and hits on Luck. And look at that... they still hung 40 on us.
  4. He's a hell of a lot better than all those crappy OL signings, that's for sure.
  5. Its not just Giants football, its football overall for me. The NFL has really destroyed their product. I used to watch 3-5 games a week... now I make it through 1.5 quarters of a Giants game before I turn it off.
  6. I turned the game off after the three-and-out in the second quarter.
  7. I don't know how many times I've seen a TE/FB run a three yard square-out this year that goes for 9 yards because JaQuain still hasn't figured out that every team runs that play on him.
  8. Ruben Randle needs to be gone next year. That entire draft totally fucking sucked. Way to whiff, Reese.
  9. Can we just pull someone off the street to play his spot? God he sucks... WHY is he still out there?
  10. I'm just stunned that someone else remembered! I thought for sure I was on an island with that one...
  11. Wow... first Whitney Sehorn leaves Jason for Danny Kanell... now this.
  12. Sorry, but I already wrote this in a post, and just because you reworded it that doesn't make it yours. Expect to hear from my copyright lawyer.
  13. Vs Colts? LOSS Vs Seahawks? LOSS Vs Niners? WINNABLE Vs Cowboys? WINNABLE Assuming we split the next four, we'll be at 5-6 with a shot against the Jags, Rams, Titans, Skins, and Eagles at the end. But if we don't at least split these next four the season is totally over. We also need to hope the wheels come off in Dallas and Philly. Something tells me they will in Dallas but Philly won't miss a beat. As always, it all depends on how the O and D lines play. We can compete if those two units decide to be competitive.
  14. Remember that one? That was pretty funny.
  15. That's true. And its not like this is the first time this has happened. Also, its not like its the JaQuain Williams and DaMontre Moores of the team that's been saying this... its Justin Tuck and Antrel Rolle, two guys that know something about defenses.
  16. You mean, like that one time he changed the defense because it was too complicated? You'd think this guy would learn the first time.
  17. Orakpo is the second best LB on that team and he's light years ahead of anyone we've got on the roster.
  18. The writing is so lackluster I'm surprised it didn't say, "Coming off their sixth loss of the season, the Giants face a muderer's row of the Cowboys, Argonauts, Yankees, and Bulls."
  19. Nicks will have 12 catches for 144 yards and a TD. Bradshaw will have 125 yards and 2TD Colts score 45 points and the Giants are out of the game halfway through the second quarter.
  20. These are really good points. When was the last time you saw Fewell send a corner on a blitz? Have you ever seen a delay blitz from him? Hell, have you ever seen the linemen stunt?
  21. Its a double-edged sword. On one hand, Fewell is expecting more out of his front 4 pass-rush wise. On the other, he does send the occasional blitz... and literally every blitzer is stonewalled, EVERY time. When was the last time you saw Demps or McClain actually SHED a block and apply pressure? JaQuain Williams? GIve me a fucking break. I sort of can't blame him for relying on coverage when your LBs and safeties can't get past the 3rd down scatbacks of the league. Yeah, his schemes suck, but so do the players.
  22. Stunner! It sucks that he's out, but: 1. This shouldn't surprise anybody, and 2. McClain has been WAY better than advertised. I was expecting Keith Rivers 2.0 but man, was I wrong.
  23. Its a good thing Jerry Reese isn't the coach.
  24. Rex Ryan is exactly the kind of showboating, shit-talking character the Giants management hates. There is zero chance of him coming to the Giants.
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