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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Complete rebuild time. Reese has to go, get Coughlin a gold watch and a spot on the ring. Draft Eli's replacement or sign him after this year for what he's actually worth (10th - 16th highest paid QB sounds about right) to free up money for other guys, and draft someone to groom behind him. Blow this up. Its pathetic.
  2. This is not unusual for the 2014 Giants. We get outscored every second half of every game.
  3. Well, if last week didn't tell you, I hope this week has.
  4. Its only halftime and the internet is on fire. If he keeps putting up 100 yards a game for the next few weeks... think he gets into the Pro Bowl?
  5. Honestly, they teach you "three points of contact" when you're in Pop Warner. I just don't get it.
  6. Just to muddy things up a bit... the Giants led the league with starter games lost to injury last year. Also, 2013 saw them at the bottom, and they beat the next closest team by over 30 points. That next closest team both years? The Indianapolis Colts. Who seem to be pretty good. How fucking great would that team be if they weren't so injured every year? So yeah. Let the injures vs. coaching vs. bad drafting debate rage on!
  7. Not just that... but "high and tight" also seemed to only be applicable to Tiki. How many years did we see this? Or this: Or this: Those guys were all good players, but what the fuck? Coughlin didn't get into their ear, even though it was obvious "high and tight" worked. Bradshaw in particular was a fumbling machine the last few years he was here.
  8. Tree, he gets a "freak" accident every year. Dude broke his feet TWICE... while running. I loved his tenacity, but c'mon. He's played just over 11 games in two years for the Colts... clearly the Giants were right when they let him move on, passing game contributions or not.
  9. I dunno man... finishing the year on IR two years in a row DOES kind of sound like a Giants player to me. Maybe you're right.
  10. These are all great points. I'd also like to point out to all the people that think Coughlin should stay... while he himself may still be a very good coach... he's the guy in charge of hiring all these guys that are inefficient. Most of us would like to see Fewell and Quinn gone. So within a 12-month period of time, management would be saying that the offense, defense, and special teams were all sub-par, but it would NOT be the head coach's fault. What other business is run like that? This is a failure from top to bottom. Mara needs to let everyone go he can and start fresh. That San Francisco game told us everything we needed to know... its over.
  11. Agreed. But honestly... who didn't know that championship teams are built around the O-line (besides Reese, I mean).
  12. For fuck's sake, could we PLEASE get a strength and conditioning coach that doesn't see 18 guys in IR every year. Is that too much to ask? Jerry Palmieri sucks.
  13. I disagree with #1 and #2. That might work in a situation where your head coach is under 50 and your QB still has 5 good years left... in other words, it works for the Cowboys. Our biggest problem is that Reese isn't very good at drafting college players. By the time we get that squared away (we need a new GM), Coughlin and Eli will both be ready to retire. Best-case scenario is a three-year plan. Coughlin and Eli are expected to win with these guys now, but the problem is these guys stink. Blow it up.
  14. To be fair, Reese did change his tune this offseason. Everyone expected Beckham and Richburg to be good, but it looks like we might get something out of Kennard and Williams eventually too. I haven't seen enough of the other guys to make a decision, but out of college the scouting reports on most of them were "smart." I'd argue its "too little, too late," but I guess we'll see at the end of the season.
  15. Bradshaw is the reason the Giants are 3-7! We never should have let him, Nicks, and Marvin Austin go!
  16. The Cowboys? Seriously, we're having this discussion? How about we wait and see if they have a late-season collapse and end up a disappointing 8-8 again before we start looking to the likes of Jerry Jones to decide how to build the Giants. Holy shit... the fucking Cowboys...
  17. In the Giants defense... we DO have JaQuain Williams, who forced that fumble four years ago.
  18. Yeah I kind of think there's only a few positions you take with a top-10 pick. QB LT WR CB DE LB (if he's a Lawrence Taylor/Ray Lewis type)
  19. Agreed. We had the same problem last year in the microcosm of the offense. GIlly was so inept for so many years... and Eli was playing so bad... and the offense AS A WHOLE was so bad... that it became "well, is Eli bad because of Gilly's playcalling, because of shitty players, or because Eli is just bad?"
  20. I think if you look at almost any barometer, Bradshaw's best years were in New York. Bennett? He was a one-year rental that we couldn't afford... I'd hardly say we "developed" him. You could even say he was a bust BEFORE Coughlin and co. started coaching him.
  21. Can you name one player who's left and performed better elsewhere?
  22. At the end of the day, of the many Giants problems, the biggest one is Reese's failure to draft well. Look at the winning teams... they have a young core of cheap labor. Some of those guys may be kept on those teams, and some may seek greener pastures... but you have to be able to get cheap production at under market rates. Look at the Giants. 2008-2012 has two impact players on the team (Beatty and JPP) and some might even debate the "impact" of those two guys. In the meantime, we've had to pay market rates for players because we HAVE no cheap labor... and there's just too many holes to fill with quality guys. Look at this O-line... instead of signing one or two real impact guys, we had to go for two clearly sub-average players (Jerry and Brown), take a chance on a pretty badly injured guy (J.D. Walton), get a decent player in Geoff Schwartz (we think at least), and hope that a rookie could step in and play. How awesome would it have been in James Brewer was your right Guard, Mitch Petrus was a solid left Guard, Mosely or Herman was providing decent-to-qualty depth, and you could actually go out and sign a top-flight center instead of this fucking schlub we have now? We effectively have had to sign starters AND backups because the drafting is so bad. And that's just the OL. You could say that about the DBs, the Linebackers... hell... the running backs. This is NOT a recipe for winning; you need guys that give you quality production at under-market prices. Hoping to plug every hole at market value might get to you 8-8 on a good year, but its not taking you much further than that.
  23. 100% agreed as well. Reese is the problem here... but because he's been so bad for so long, we have to now blow the whole thing up. If last year's line was a D-, this year we've upgraded to C- line.
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