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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. What player doesn't celebrate these days? The Rams are just sore loser douches. That flag on Beckham shouldn't have been called either.
  2. I'm honestly not sure the scheme was scrapped. Yeah we get more quick passes but we still seem to get a lot of slow-developing plays as well. This looks like what it was billed as: a blending of the systems (in the games I've watched this year). What could Gilly do to improve the scheme? Honestly I'm not sure. Here's what I'm sure didn't work in week 11 though:the same thing that didn't work in the first 10 weeks of the season.
  3. Don't worry... with the shit product the NFL is putting out these days, and considering the state of the Giants, I can pretty much guarantee I'll never buy another piece of NFL Apparel again.
  4. Agreed. Also, I don't think people question Gilly's scheme as much as his complete inability to adapt his scheme in his last few years. By week 5 last year it was obvious Brandon Myers couldn't block, Will Beatty needed some help, and the offense could benefit from a quick passing game. Why we hadn't seen adjustments in those areas by week 11 was maddening.
  5. BiC, I hate to break it to you but teams are blown up and become successful literally all the time. 2011 - Broncos hire John Fox and promote John Elway to GM. A year later they get Peyton Manning. 2010 - John Schneider and Pete Carrol hired in Seattle. 2010 - Trent Baalke is hired as 49ers GM. The next year Jim Harbaugh is hired. 2013 - Andy Reid is hired at Kansas City, and John Dorsey is hired eight days later. Not only did those teams not "become the Redskins" but they've had a lot more success these past three years than the Giants. We just had a roster overhaul. We just had a coaching overhaul. Do you know what we got? A worse season than last year. You're REALLY comparing this Giants team to the teams between 2003-2007? Those teams were in the playoffs every year, had a good young core of players and had an up-and-coming (if often frustrating) franchise QB. This team has lost to the last NINETEEN teams its played with winning records. I mean, c'mon man... its not even close. Wins against the Titans and Washington can't mask how flat-out awful this team is from top to bottom. And honestly, I don't care how unbelievable ODB is... and he is awesome, no doubt... but he doesn't make up for four years in a row of shitty drafting. I've loved this run with the Giants. TC is a Hall of Fame lock in my opinion, and I think Eli has a legitimate case to make it as well. But its over. Chuck Noll had to retire eventually. Tom Landry got pushed out by Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson (how'd that rebuilding project go). It can't last forever, and the sooner we realize it ain't coming back and move on, the better we'll be in the long run.
  6. Not for nothing, but they're probably trying to see what they've got in Ogletree too. Its not like he's Ramses Barden and they know the player already.
  7. Well, for all of you pining for another year of TC and Reese... looks like you're going to get your wish. I hope to God the Rams and Eagles blow us out so you all can come to your senses. We're not a player or two away from being successful, this team needs a complete overhaul.
  8. I bet he hopes the Giants stick with Tom after the Rams' defense cripples Eli and his offense scores 30 points on us this weekend.
  9. Exactly; Cruz' SECOND full-time season. Nicks didn't set the world on fire his rookie year either. Steve Smith was supposed to be the smartest NFL-ready receiver in his draft class and didn't make any plays until the playoffs... he had 63 receiving yards as a rookie. I think the jury is still out on McAdoo and I'm not sure what the hype is about either, but I'm happy Gilly is gone.
  10. This is a great point. Another is that if Gilly was still running the offense, Beckham would have 21 catches for 285 yards, because he "didn't learn the offense." WRs couldn't pick up that system until year 3... at least McAdoo runs something that you don't need an engineering degree to figure out.
  11. At 9-4, Bengals country looks pretty freakin' good right now.
  12. If this was one year of injuries, I'd agree with you. Two years? I'd say, "wow, what shitty luck." This has been eleven years of this team being one of the most injured in the NFL. What's the saying? "Once is bad luck, twice is a coincidence, and three is a pattern?" We have ELEVEN. Jerry Palmieri has never, ever been a good conditioning coach. Not once in his career. Coughlin got run out of Jacksonville because his teams were always injured, and guess who his coach was? Palmieri went to the Saints for a year and half their team ended up on IR (they were smart enough to dump him after that). Then he came here and despite our teams getting crushed with injuries every year, here we are with 22 guys on injured reserve. Yeah you can't out-condition a concussion or a broken leg, but how many quads and hamstrings do we deal with every year? How many torn pecs and biceps have there been? Not just that, but Coughlin might be the worst coach in the league when it comes to managing players with injuries... ODB was on his way back in training camp before he was rushed onto the field and missed another 4 weeks. It can be argued that Hakeem Nicks' career was ruined from a year of playing on a gimpy foot and knee. We kept an ineffective JPP in for an entire season when we had 3 other starting caliber DEs on the roster. But back to Palmieri... when you keep a guy who's clearly ineffective in his job, that's on you as the head coach, and Coughlin does it way too often. I agree with you that he knows his stuff, but he doesn't know how to pick assistants or evaluate their performance, and that's a huge part of being a coach in this league.
  13. Can't remember what year, but it was against Pittsburgh when Kordell Stewart was their QB.
  14. I'll define impact: the strip sack. The guy before JPP was good for about four or five of those per season. Many of those were game changing, and happened when we were actually playing for something. Hell, sometimes he picked the ball up and ran it in for a touchdown. When has JPP had a strip sack in a big game? Hell, I'd take a sack on 3rd down in a game that meant something. I'll agree we don't have players that make an impact... but that shouldn't mean we overpay those non-impact guys when their contract is up.
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I hope Mara remembers what it felt like to hear raucous cheers each time the 49ers and Cowboys scored in Giants stadium.
  16. I didn't even think of incentive-laden, but that's a great idea.
  17. The franchise tag will cost 15 million this season, and the Giants only have 20 mil under the cap. If we tie up 3/4 of our money in a guy that hasn't made an impact play in a big game in three years, I'll flip my shit.
  18. The Eagles game? The Cowboys? Hell, the 49ers? Any game before the season was officially over? For weeks in a row JPP didn't get a sniff of a quarterback. How many weeks in a row did we look at an opposing QB drop back and say, "no... pass... rush?" Tony Romo and Andrew Luck were making sandwiches in lawn chairs back there. And the double teams the last six weeks or so have mostly gone to Hankins... as they should; he's a monster. You're right about the linebackers though. Those guys run directly at the blockers... can't blitz to save their lives. But getting back to JPP, if the Giants offer him more than 10 mil per season, they're nuts. He's more Michael Bennett than Jared Allen. They're both nice players but only one of them is a real difference-maker.
  19. Here's another great one. The New York Giants aren't judging Tom Coughlin on his win-loss record. Because, you know, why judge a coach by his success? I was especially moved by this: ...and its here that we have the quintessential loser's mentality. "Well, we have a team here (Coughlin and Reese) who have been average at best, but what if someone else is worse? No, lets stick with the guys we know suck." This is the same mentality that keeps women with abusive husbands. Pathetic.
  20. We'd be fools the break the bank for him too. He's a nice player but he's no Michael Strahan, and I'd argue he's not even an Osi.
  21. Indeed. I'm thinking 8-10 mil a season sounds fair. He does play the run well even if he's invisible in the big games. If the Raiders want to pay him like he's a world beater... see ya, JPP.
  22. Its true, with everyone healthy we'd be a contender. Unless we keep the same trainers that see 25% of the team on injured reserve every year, because Coughlin isn't especially proactive when it comes to hiring coaches and is overall too loyal. So why NOT keep a guy like Palmieri who we KNOW sucks! He's sucked for 20 years... that's 20 years of suckage. That's loyalty right there. 20 years of sucking. While we're at it, I think we should sign Kiwi to an extension... he sucks too, but he's been a good soldier. Or Coughlin might hire a guy like Tim Lewis. Or Bill Sheridan. Or John Huffnagel. Or Perry Fewell. Or anyone who's ever been our special teams coach since he's been here. No thanks. I'd rather take my chances with a new guy who's proven... but I'm pretty sure we'll have more mediocre football next year with Reese and TC both likely staying. Get ready for more injured reserve and 8-8 seasons, baby!
  23. ...but the Giants' defense looks DOMINANT! Seriously, are people fucking retarded?
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