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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Do they have a rookie of the century? I'm voting for ODB to be rookie of the century. Also, next year I think they should have a "rookie of the early games," then a "rookie of the late games."
  2. I have a third hope: when Coughlin tells Mara he's keeping Quinn and Fewell, the Maras tell him to pack up his shit and leave. A pipe dream, I know...
  3. Belichick won't come here. George Young doesn't like him. Cowher.
  4. I think Eli probably has 3-4 good seasons left in him. Sign him to a reasonable extension, and then leave it up to the new GM and coach. If they want Eli here as a bridge the gap kind of guy, good; he's arguably the best QB in franchise history, and I'd be great to see him retire a Giant. If you want to trade him to a team that's a QB away from being a real contender (Texans, Bengals, etc) than do that. I think you can get a first and a third for him from the right team, and that'd be half of what we paid to get him. At the end of the day I think he'd have cost us an extra 5th... not bad for a two time Super Bowl MVP.
  5. Sephiroth


    Can we hire him as DC?
  6. Not for nothing, but if changes aren't made and TC tries to blame everything on injuries, that will be one of the lamest things I've ever seen with this organization. "Well, our plan moving forward is to keep everything exactly how it is and just hope for better luck." Fucking seriously?
  7. I'm fine with him as a 3, but I'm not sure he's ever going to amount to more. And as any board member will tell you, if there's one thing I'm great at, its evaluating WR talent.
  8. Good. They can all file for unemployment together next year, too.
  9. I know his last three games were pretty good, but I'm still not convinced. Watching over those games, I have some problems with him: 1. He doesn't catch with his hands. Even on jump balls, he's still doing "basket catches." 2. Drops. Dude still drops more balls than average. No, he's not Victor Cruz bad, but I wouldn't exactly call him "sure-handed" either. 3. Bad routes. He fucks up where he's supposed to go. I think we have a one-year option we can exercise on him, but I'm still pretty heavily in the skeptics' camp.
  10. I wanted Zack Martin but thought we'd take ODB.
  11. To be fair, he DID have Cruz but I read somewhere yesterday that Cruz had a 20% drop rate this year. Ugh. Beckham's drop rate? 2%
  12. I likeded it! Eli played really well when Sullivan was here.
  13. This is the way I feel too. I think McAdoo did well overall, but if I'm not mistaken the offense was a bottom-third unit until Beckham came along. Lots of scoreless second halves too, but with McAdoo at least you feel like there's room for improvement. With Gilly you knew he was sticking to his ways whether you liked it or not.
  14. I'm actually ok with Mara's press conference from today. Reading between the lines, he's basically saying Coughlin's got one year to get this fixed or he's gone, and also if Tom keeps Fewell he's gotta face the consequences of that decision. I think that's pretty fair. Honestly I'm much more concerned with Coughlin's "spirited" defense of Fewell. Maybe its a foil and he's going to be sending Perry his walking papers, but we're also talking about the guy who's had Jerry Palmieri as his strength and conditioning coach for 20 years.
  15. I'm pretty sure its head-to-head matchups, unless they've changed something in the past few years.
  16. Exactly. When do you stop saying its the OC, DC, and Special Teams coaches but not the guy who hires them?
  17. Yes, they're not close to being in the playoffs. Yes, I personally think this team needs a change at the very least at GM, but probably at HC as well. And yes, by the time we're finished "rebuilding" if its a two or three year process, we'll need to replace our coach and probably our QB anyway, so we might as well start on the process now. I think that if you're going to rebuild, you rebuild with all new people, not with the people that hold on to assistants too long, have four straight years of shitty drafts (that's hamstrung your current team), and have a conditioning program that sees a third of your team in IR at its worst, or missing significant playing time at its best. In other words, you rebuild with new people, not with the people who oversaw your slide from a Super Bowl to 6-10. See how that works? See how the ideas of us rebuilding and hiring new people aren't mutually exclusive? Ok, now your turn, BiC. We've missed the playoffs in five of the past six years. Our record has declined every year for the past three. The roster has holes at every position except QB. You wanted to jump all over me for suggesting this year is where you draw the line, so how many years do YOU suggest we hold on to this GM/HC team? You're obviously good with four... so do we go to five? Six? Six shitty seasons before we make a change?
  18. BiC, how many seasons do you think he should have before we return to the playoffs? Five? Six?
  19. I pretty much agree with all of this. I might look at RT as well instead of Guard in the draft. I think if you draft a good RT it gives you some flexibility... you could move him inside if he can't beat out Pugh or needs time to develop, or you could move Pugh to Guard and keep the kid on the outside. Seeing Richburg have a tough time playing out of position this season makes me a little leery of this plan at the same time. But man, would I love to see a Chris Snee type in the middle for the next 10 years. I think an idea situation would be to trade down to 15th or so, nab the best interior lineman we can, and possibly get an additional 2nd or 3rd to fortify the LB or TE spots.
  20. I'm ok with him being back for one more year, but honestly? This is fucking it. 9-7 to 7-9 to 6-10. Clearly things are not headed in the right direction. Enough excuses. Its playoffs or bust. I have a feeling we'll be saying "we kept him one year too long" come November. But I guess we'll see.
  21. How did we end up ahead of St. Louis? Did they lose to Atlanta or something?
  22. This line could be very good if we had two guys who could run block. When we needed a yard on third and one, you knew you could get it behind Chris Snee. When this Giants team needs one, who do you turn to? I still think the line needs two players (maybe one could be Schwarz but I wouldn't trust him after being injured the entire year). I keep saying we need two LBs but I think you can live with McClain and the kid we got. Beason is done and we really need somebody solid there. As usual, it'll come down to injuries. As usual, I expect TC and crew will do nothing to address the league's worst conditioning staff.
  23. Let's not forget too all the games he talked shit and then didn't show up. He's a nice player but let's not break the bank on the guy.
  24. Lol. Pretty sure this conversation is no longer worth having.
  25. J.J. Watt. Lol who are you? Dude had 3 sacks until we started playing the Jacksonvilles of the schedule.
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