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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I've heard that the plan was to move Pugh to LG to help with Flowers' development. Pugh isn't big enough to be an elite guard, and he's not agile enough to be an elite tackle, but he's competent enough to play either.
  2. I remember many had Yankey as the best guard coming out of college last year, and he's got the right last name for NY. Ed Reynolds I believe is the son of Ed Reynolds the linebacker who Ray Handley and Rod Rust made room for by cutting Gary Reasons,so fuck him and his shitty old man, but most of all fuck those two horrible coaches.
  3. Well, since we just cut Beason's backup and Jon Beason is Jon Beason, I think we should at least have him in for a look.
  4. Well, I used to make REALLY bold predictions but I kept losing a dollar every time I did.
  5. Funny you mentioned Randle... I almost went with "Randle is replaced at the end of the year" but thought it was too obvious, lol. I'm not a believer.
  6. Total class act. Wasn't expecting that at all.
  7. Well, better than Matt Dodge. Case closed.
  8. Weatherford was pretty overrated the past few years. More into his stupid health magazine shit than doing what the team asked. Loved him in 2011, but that was a long-assed time ago.
  9. It's time for the annual bold predictions thread. Now some of you will make some not-so-bold predictions... "Beason will get hurt," or "the Giants will lead the league in injuries!" Well, those are givens... not exactly bold. You'll have to look to yours truly for some genuinely bold predictions since the rest of you are lilly-livered pansies for the most part, now that Wizdum hasn't been around in a few years. Anyways, as usual, you can take these to the bank: Kennard will be the best linebacker we've had since Jessie Armstead. This kid is making me into a believer... he's got strength, decent enough speed, but most of all he's smart. I was very impressed with him this preseason; he's going to be a bona fide star for us. If he doesn't make the Pro Bowl this year, it'll be due to a snub and not because of his play. JPP will never again be an impact player for the Giants. Dude basically had his hand blown off, and has pins in his thumb. He's been on painkillers for two months... chances are he's skinny, out of shape, doped up, and constipated. He's got burns, nerve damage, and is missing a digit. This isn't the kind of injury that you just "come back" from... he's finished as a difference-maker for the Giants, contract year or not. We'll once again have no running offense. Schwartz looks serviceable in this department but he probably won't play more than six games. Jerry and Newhouse are both pretty bad, and Richburg/Pugh haven't done much this preseason to make me think they can be road-graders. Jennings will get hurt, that guy from the Patriots will disappoint, and Williams has no vision... none. I think of everyone on the line, Flowers will be the guy we run behind when we need a yard on third and short... which brings me to... Flowers will buck the "football name" trend and be a stud. He's going to grab and hold a lot and occasionally frustrate, but overall Flowers is going to turn out to be a great pick. He's big as a truck and even when he's caught out of position, his huge frame and long arm can wall out defenders. Some of the NFL's elite are going to give him a hard time but by midseason I think he'll be the best O-lineman on the team. Eli will miss significant time with an injury. It happened to his brother right around this time in his career... Eli can't last forever... and while this line is decent in pass-blocking, we're going up against some very aggressive defenses this year. I'm thinking the BIlls game is when we get to see the debut of Ryan Nassib in a real game. When you can't run the ball, your offense becomes one-dimensional... and Rex Ryan is going to tee off on that and crush our one hope for the season. Honorable mention: the Giants get to seven wins, and Coughlin is gone at the end of the season. The Giants go into full-rebuild mode and keep Reese, even though it's JR himself who should go.
  10. This is good news for the nine-fingered community.
  11. To everyone looking for Nassib to replace Eli: behold! Nassib as starter!
  12. I didn't expect Barry Sanders, but I've had been happy with Brandon Jacobs.
  13. They can't all be Marvin Austin, that's for sure.
  14. yep. Worst vision I've seen of any back in a really long time.
  15. This line is fucking horrific at run blocking.
  16. Wynn doesn't have the greatest skills in the world, but he's smart and tenacious. Love him.
  17. If you don't watch this game you're a liberal who hates freedom and America.
  18. People are allowed to have beliefs and opinions. Most people here aren't NFL coordinators but had a lot to say about Kevin Gilbride, and that was because his play calling was indeed terrible.
  19. Giants first team offense has scored 10 points in 12 possessions.
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