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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I used to really like him at the beginning of his career when he was the 6th round underdog guy, and a lot of times he says the right thing but there's been something about him the past nine years or so I haven't liked. I couldn't qutie put my finger on it until this weekend though: He totally reminds me of every douche I knew in high school and college. Not so much with what he says, but his mannerisms. His crybabyness, his rants on the sidelines... he just seems like a douche. Kind of reminds me of the guy Drew Barrymore was going to marry in The Wedding Singer.
  2. This line is better than last year's but it still has a way to go. Reese must have thought that Diehl, Seubert, et. al. were going to play into their 40's. Honestly, outside of Richburg none of these guys have shown they can run block.
  3. Could you imagine if we had a team coached by Bill Cowher... that had James Jones at WR? We'd win like, ten Super Bowls. In a row.
  4. Also this. This might be the worst run-blocking line this team has ever had. Well, minus last year's line.
  5. We're going to lose every game like this until Ben McAdoo figures out how to milk the clock at the end of a game. This is what... the fourth loss this season where this has happened?
  6. Almost makes you think we should have signed somebody these last 10 weeks.
  7. See this everyone? Here we have a man of conviction. A man of integrity. A bold man, forging his own destiny, unafraid of the naysayers and the ne'er-do-wells. This is a man who should be the President of the United States. Welcome aboard, VG.
  8. McAdoo... the best average coordinator in the league.
  9. Marcus Kuhn has been eclipsed and is now the lowest rated DT in the league. He's also the second lowest rated defensive player overall.
  10. Remember, there's only three spots left.
  11. The difference is, Cowher has gone to the playoffs with Maddox, Stewart, and O'Donnell. Payton has a hard time making it with Brees at QB. Cowher is pretty much Lombardi, Landry, and Parcells rolled into one.
  12. And the LBs on the defense. Also the D-line. A RB or two might not hurt, and also a complimentary receiver to pair with Beckham. Maybe at least one run-blocking O-lineman. Oh, and an NFL TE. Aside from that, this is one hell of a roster Reese has put together.
  13. Honestly, I thought it was going to be a calf injury.
  14. You may have missed the part where "your taunts fall impotent against my iron will." I suggest you go back and read that part again.
  15. Yes, ladies and gentlemen... the time has come to board the Bill Cowher Bandwagon. Please check my signature for further details. You heard that correctly. Like that Giants great Jim Fassel, I'm pushing all my chips to the center of the table. Despite our "winning" record, I boldly proclaim, "This team is not making the playoffs. Anyone that wants to get in can get in. Anyone who wants out can get out."The bandwagon is now boarding. Bill Cowher, Seer of Seers, Coach of Coaches, needs to be the next head coach of the New York Giants. Not an opinion, a fact. The Cowher Manifesto is canon around these parts, and soon you'll all be groveling for a chance to board the 'wagon. Now, I'm sure it will take time for most of you to appreciate the genius of this inevitability. Genius, as you all know, is seldom recognized in its own time. However, as you invariably come around, I won't permit carte blanche to just hop on the Cowher Bandwagon any time you like. This is an exclusive wagon of greatness... unfit for the naysayers, lilly-livered, or limp-wristed. You may notice that there is only room for three more of you... so as this season inevitably crumbles, whether it be 7-9, 6-10, or 5-11, three more is all that will be permitted. Three shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three. You can select whether you'd like to play the trombone or trumpet as they are available, but once those spots are gone, they're gone. There will be no, "well, now that we're 5-10 I want a spot!" The Cowher Bandwagon is for believers only, not fair-weather Cowher fans. All aboard, ladies and gentlemen. Prepare to laugh in the face of the naysayers as their taunts fall impotent against the wall of your iron will. Embrace your greatness. I'll see you all on the Bandwagon.
  16. He's not going to give you the production of a Victor Cruz, I'll give you that.
  17. Yeah I sort of feel like this game is the 2007 Super Bowl psychologically. The Giants are going to come out and play hard and try to hang with the Pats, but going into the 3rd quarter if the game is close, the Pats have much more to lose. They really, really can't figure out the Giants for some reason, and mentally I wouldn't be surprised if the wheels start to come off if it's a close game near the end.
  18. Plus, the Giants haven't covered the middle of the field in about four years. Passes to the TE and backs will kill us every week.
  19. Wow that must hurt. A good kidney punch will put most people on their knees...
  20. I know there's not supposed to be such things as "moral victories," but I really felt in 2007 when we were competitive with the Pats near the end of the season, it really gave the team a lift. I'd settle for a loss if we were competitive in that loss.
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