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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Eli hasn't been playing well but honestly, what does he have? OBJ is a fucking phenom, but everyone else? Randle has been marginal at best his whole career. Harris might be a nice number three but he doesn't scare anybody. Reese can't find a TE for shit and we're on our third string TE. None of the running backs are notable, and on its best day we have an Oline whose entire right side is below average. At this stage in their careers, most QBs need a running game and dominant Oline to be successful. Instead this team lines Eli up behind Jeff Schwartz and whoever the fuck plays right tackle asks him to throw fifty times a game because Orleans Darkwa is the team's best back. I don't think any QB could win with this cast.
  2. That's not pass interference by the way, and Giants fans just complain about the officiating too much.
  3. Looks like we're throwing in the towel on this season. Same shit happened last year; suddenly everyone went to IR.
  4. When was the last time this Giants team won a "must win" game? When was the last time they beat an NFL caliber QB not named Matt Ryan? I have zero faith in these guys. None. This isn't the Giants teams of the past... these guys are done.
  5. That makes more sense... but I think when you're evaluating a guy, you make sure he's competent at his current job before you consider him for a promotion.
  6. Please tell me you're not serious. McAdoo is part of the problem, not the solution... and the Giants never fire coaches mid-season.
  7. Head coach of the Las Vegas Outlaws!
  8. I said this after the San Francisco game last year. I understand that you keep these guys a little longer than maybe you should due to the Super Bowls, but anyone watching can see this thing has been heading in the wrong direction for awhile now. Firing TC isn't enough, but I think that's all we're going to get this offseason. Reese is a horrible GM. Look at that 2007 roster and tell me which one of Reese's guys is better than the guy he replaced. We need a new philosophy and a new direction. We need Cowher.
  9. I think talent is the biggest problem. Reese doesn't know what the hell he's doing and his drafts have been so bad, he has to pay market rates for players instead of building cheap labor through the draft. When you have 24 million in cap room, you usually sign one star and 2 or 3 serviceable guys. When the Giants have it, we sign a dozen marginal players in the hopes they're better than the bad players already on the roster. But honestly, TC needs to take some blame too. I said it when we hired Spagnuolo... in the last two years, we've basically said, "well, the offense is bad, and the defense is bad... and we all know the special teams are bad. Yet, none of that is Tom's fault... it's all the coordinators." Yet we see many of the same mistakes that we've seen in Coughlin's tenure week in and week out... delay of game penalties, poor clock management, inability to adjust at halftime. Reese is the guy who really needs to go, but Coughlin and his shitty conditioning program need to be shown the door too. We need a complete reboot.
  10. This is not a time for sadness. It is a time of rejoicing. The Bill Cowher era has begun.
  11. Vereen was a nice pickup, and he's been fucking awesome on all four plays they use him on each game.
  12. I think Reese is out of here in another year, so you need a coach to provide a stabilizing element like Coughlin did between Reese and According. Cowher is the man for the job.
  13. Yeah I don't understand the Payton love. The guy looks great with Brees at QB but otherwise he's pretty average.
  14. None of Reese's athletic marvels have left the Giants to be successful anywhere else. They're just bad players.
  15. I've been saying since the 49ers game last year... we need to blow the whole thing up. We could get rid of Reese, but Jerry Palmieri's 1957 conditioning program will only ruin the careers of whoever the new GM drafts.
  16. I didn't get that either. If anything, the last two drafts probably shouldn't be counted since we don't really know what we have with them yet.
  17. That fucking crybaby gets furious every time something doesn't go his way. He's a great QB but holy hell, what a little bitch.
  18. The article basically says that Reese has shitty drafts and trades, but is decent in free agency... but then goes on to say that Robert Ayers, Casillas, and Jameel McClain have somehow been major contributors. The team has two problems as I see it: Reese's incredibly shitty drafts from 2008-2012 have left the team hamstrung for talent, and although Coughlin is a good x's and o's guy, he holds on to bad coordinators (Tim Lewis, Perry Fewell, Jerry Palmieri) even when it's obvious they're hurting the team. Coughlin was run out of Jacksonville by Palmieri and he fucking brought him to New York despite this. Getting rid of TC only fixes half of the problem. Nobody could win with this roster Reese has put together (except of course for Bill Cowher, but that goes without saying). I'd say Reese is at least as culpable, if not more so for the shitty state of the team. He's not totally incompetent but you can't suck at half of your job and realistically expect to keep it.
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