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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. It would take you 13 years too if your quarterbacks were O'Donnell, Stewart, Tomczak, and Kent Graham. Still, I'm glad you can't wait. I can't either!
  2. Everything is really poorly written these days. It's like nobody proofreads or hires an editor.
  3. We'll be back in two if Cowher takes the reins.
  4. TC did awesome for us, and Reese is pretty terrible... but I think this is more of a two way street than people are admitting. Reese's drafts might have been bad, but who knows... with anyone but Jerry Palmieri working these guys out, maybe the Hakeem Nicks' and JPPs turn out to be perennial Pro Bowlers instead of guys with "careers cut short due to injury. " Some of the smart people on the board wanted him gone in 2007. http://www.sportswrath.com/index.php?showtopic=17221&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 It's fucking 2015... how long do you hold on to a failure? If you're Tom Coughlin, the answer is" until your boss makes you fire him. " Thanks for all you've done Tom, but like it or not you're also part of the problem.
  5. I thought the lawyer was the de facto GM. But yeah, whenever I feel bad about the shitty state of the Giants affairs, I can always look at Cleveland or Jacksonville and realized how much worse shit could be.
  6. Holy shit I feel much better then. Mara and Cowher love each other, it's just a matter of whether or not Cowher wants to leave his cushy CBS job.
  7. It sure is. Watch Reese fuck up even worse by skipping out on Cowher and hiring McAdoo.
  8. McAdoo has done nothing to make me think he's ready to be a head coach. It shouldn't take until week 15 to figure out that there's no point in rotating 4 backs into your game plan, and without Beckham his offense didn't do shit... and don't even get me started in his red zone playcalling...
  9. Those furries are sick fucks... no wonder that guy was such an asshole.
  10. I can't believe the J.T. Thomas and Kenrick Ellis signings didn't work out.
  11. Maybe we can trade down since we only have about 14 holes to fill on this team.
  12. He's been great, but it's time to clean house. Reese should step down too.
  13. Yeah I have no idea where the McAdoo love comes from either. Without Beckham breaking at least one long TD each week this team wouldn't ever score.
  14. Well, it would keep with the tradition of them beating our asses twice a year.
  15. I'm thinking it'll go like this: With 18 seconds to go and up by 14, all the Giants need to do is take a knee. However, Eli audibles to a pass play, and hurls a ball deep for Rueben Randle. Randle gives up on the play, and the ball is intercepted by DeSean Jackson on a one-day contract, who runs it back for a TD. Harris fumbles the ensuing kickoff and Herman Edwards jumps out of the sidelines and rumbles 27 yards with the ball for another score. A clerical error on the part of the officials gives Philly the win, even though the score is tied.
  16. I hope he's gone too, but I know that's pretty much a pipe dream.
  17. I hope he's gone too, but I know that's pretty much a pipe dream.
  18. You mean, everything that everyone said about Kelly's offense before he came to the league turned out to be true? Pretty much everyone that wasn't on Chip's dick figured that one out.
  19. The new coach will hire whomever he wants. The only franchise that tells its head coaches who their coordinators will be is Dallas.
  20. Yeah, McAdoo definitely has the Gilbride "this is my game plan and I'm sticking to it" thing happening, which leads me to believe maybe it's been Tom and not the assistants.
  21. How do we get Jon Beason, Mark Herzlich, Jeff Schwartz, Andre Williams, and Marcus Kuhn added to that list?
  22. "Do... or do not. There is no try." In other words, Yoda doesn't want to hear about the seven fucking games you almost won.
  23. This is why we need to blow the whole thing up. "Spags is terrible! No, actually the players are terrible! It's bad drafting! It's bad coaching! McAdoo sucks, except those times he's awesome! It's injuries!" Let's not dick around for the next three years deciding exactly who sucked. Bring in a new HC and GM and say thanks to Coughlin and Reese. I said it after the San Francisco game last year... this era of Giants football is over.
  24. Right? I've been saying all along... the guy is like Bill Belichick, but without the aspergers. He's never had good assistants and always had to do everything himself. Glad we see eye to eye on this!
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